The thunder of the sky is not afraid of Xiaotian. Xiaotian's Pikachu has the special effect of lightning rod and is not afraid of lightning. As for the three girls of the sundae, Pikachu can also protect it. Anyway, as long as there is thunder and lightning, as long as Pikachu jumps up to block the lightning

Before Xiaotian planned to detour just because he was afraid of accidents, but now it is different. There may be opportunities ahead, so what is there to be afraid of? Of course, we must continue to move forward.

Moreover, Xiaotian has also noticed that the thunder and lightning seem to be hitting in one direction. Even if Xiaotian and others continue to move forward, I am afraid they will not be attacked by lightning.

"Xiaotian, why are you moving on again?" Sundae asked with some doubts when he heard that Xiaotian suddenly changed his mind.

"Look at the direction of the lightning strikes," Xiaotian said, pointing in one direction

"The direction of the lightning strikes? Huh?" After hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae paid attention to the lightning, and was surprised to find that although these lightnings appeared in different locations, the places where they landed seemed to be the same place.

"Master, the lightning seems to have landed in one place." Xiao Yao was also surprised to find the abnormality of the lightning in front of her.

"Well, lightning strikes one place, and there must be some secrets in that place, so I plan to go and see, those lightning strikes only seem to hit that one place, not other places, we should be very safe, and Even if lightning strikes, Pikachu can block it," Xiaotian explained to the three girls.

"Why are all those thunder and lightning hitting the same place? It's so strange."

"Go and see if you don't know"

"Well, listen to the master, let's go and see"

Hearing what Xiaotian said, the three girls knew that even if they moved forward, there was not much danger, so their curiosity soared, and they all followed Xiaotian to see what was going on.

The journey was uneventful. The four of Xiaotian were not attacked by lightning. Soon, Xiaotian and others saw the place where the lightning landed.

It was a relatively high stone pillar. At the top of the pillar was a sparkling ball surrounded by thunder and lightning. It was receiving the baptism of thunder in the sky. There were continuous thunder and lightning in the sky. It hit the glowing ball, as if the ball could attract like thunder

"Master, what is that? Why does the thunder and lightning hit that glowing ball?" Xiao Yao asked in surprise when she saw the scene in front of her.

"Thunder and lightning that can't hang in the sky will hit that direction, I'm afraid they're all attracted by the ball." Sundae on the side also sighed.

The three girls of the sundae all looked at the strange scene in front of them in surprise, only Xiaotian, although a little surprised, but more excited

"It's really an opportunity, it's still an opportunity for the Lightning Department." Looking at the small ball in front of him that was constantly being split by lightning, Xiaotian sighed to himself, but at the same time he was happy, there was a trace of unwillingness on Xiaotian's face.

Through the system, Xiaotian knew that the ball in front was the biggest opportunity here, but no one could get it

That thing is called the source of thunder and lightning. It is extremely precious. It can continuously absorb the energy of the electric system and condense large thunderclouds around it. Moreover, even though the thunderclouds in the sky are similar to the dark clouds, the difference is actually quite big. It condenses a very large amount of energy, and the lightning absorbed by the lightning source is not ordinary lightning. It is the original lightning, which is the crystallization of the condensation of a large amount of lightning energy, and it is also the chance that Xiaotian can get this time.

Of course, the most precious thing is of course the source of thunder and lightning, but that thing can't be taken at all. No matter who picks up the source of thunder and lightning, the thunder cloud here will riot in an instant, and all the places covered by thunder clouds will be in Under the thunder-type energy of the riot, it is attacked by the equivalent of a champion, and it is also an indiscriminate range attack.

Of course, Xiaotian also thought that he and others first walked out of the thundercloud, and then let Liebite Lu Shark fly over to pick up the source of thunderbolt, and rush out of the violent thundercloud with super fast speed and strong defense, but this is useless at all, because The thundercloud here will move with the movement of the source of thunder and lightning, that is to say, as long as you pick up the source of thunder and lightning, you will have to bear the equivalent of a champion-level attack one after another, and escape without escaping.

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"Go, Pikachu, the thunder and lightning from the sky is your chance. You go and jump over the small ball that was baptized by the thunder and lightning, and accept the baptism of the thunder and lightning on it. The effect is the best, go." Although you can't get it Xiaotian is a little unwilling to that precious source of thunder and lightning, but if he can give Pikachu a chance, Xiaotian is also satisfied, he can't be too greedy, right?

Of course, this is also because the source of lightning cannot be obtained. If Xiaotian can take away the source of lightning, Xiaotian will definitely take it without saying a word.

"Xiaotian, why did you let Pikachu accept the attack of thunder and lightning?" Sundae asked with some doubts when he saw Xiaotian's strange behavior.

"Those thunder and lightning are the chance here." Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian replied, and then explained the source of thunder and lightning and the source of thunder and lightning that kept hitting down in the sky to the three women of Sundae.


"So you can get a chance just by making those thunder and lightning attacks?" Xiaotian's words made the eyes of the three girls of the sundae light up. This is a big chance.

If you have a Lightning-type Pokémon, it is best to use it directly for baptism. ?

"You forgot what I said? The attack power of the thunder and lightning here is equivalent to a champion-level attack." Seeing the eyes of the three girls in the sundae glow with excitement, Xiaotian shook his head and said.

"How is it possible, if you say that, even if you don't take the source of lightning, the attack power of those lightning is equivalent to that of a champion? Then who can accept the baptism of lightning here, by the way, Pikachu" Hearing Xiaotian's words, The three girls of the sundae were shocked and then reacted

"Yes, Pikachu's characteristics have the characteristics of lightning rods, and they are immune to electrical attacks."

"That's right, only electric Pokémon with lightning rod characteristics can get the chance here. Otherwise, they can only have strong strength and accept the baptism of lightning here bit by bit." Looking at the surprised three girls, Xiao Tian nodded and said.

Hearing Xiaotian's words, the three Sundae girls looked at Pikachu who had been slashed by lightning for a long time, and couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment. With a champion-level attack, except for Pokémon with lightning rod characteristics, who could resist such a slash Ah, not even powerful Pokémon.

Although a powerful Pokémon can be hacked twice, take a rest for a while to heal the injury, and then continue to be hacked and treated, even though it is possible to get the opportunity here, it has to be hacked until the Year of the Monkey, right? . ** update fast**

440. Encountering Two Great Dark Organizations

(Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

Xiaotian's Pikachu was struck by lightning in the air for more than an hour, but Pikachu, who has the characteristics of lightning rod, was not hurt at all.

In fact, when Pikachu was baptized by lightning, he clearly felt the changes in his body, but Pikachu was very happy, so Pikachu jumped on the lightning source ball like a joy, and accepted the baptism of lightning. Pikachu also wanted to to become stronger

However, when he was hacked for half an hour, Pikachu felt that his body seemed to be saturated and could not be strengthened. That is to say, Pikachu had perfectly obtained the opportunity here when he was baptized by the source of lightning for half an hour, but Pikachu Not reconciled, I jumped for another half an hour, and was struck by lightning for another half an hour.

In the end, Pikachu was completely sure that he could no longer be strengthened, so he ran back with a little disappointed drooping ears.

"Very good, Pikachu" Xiaotian said happily when he saw Pikachu coming back

Don't ask Pika "86" Qiu, Xiaotian already knows Pikachu's progress. After the baptism of thunder and lightning here, not only has Pikachu's level been greatly improved, reaching level [-], but his qualifications have also been improved, reaching All-king-level perverted qualifications

"Pikachu" heard Xiaotian's words, Pikachu showed a satisfied smile and made a happy cry

Although Pikachu was a little disappointed that he could not be strengthened later, the strengthening and improvement he received before were enough to make Pikachu happy for a long time.

"Congratulations, Pikachu." Seeing Xiaotian's smile and Pikachu with a satisfied smile on his face, the three Sundae girls knew that Pikachu had improved a lot and congratulated him.

Afterwards, everyone glanced at the thunder-type origin ball with some greed, turned around and left, such a precious treasure, but could not get it, everyone would be envious and unwilling, but since they can't get it, Xiaotian and others will not force it, accept it. Come down, the four of them continue to set off and embark on a new journey

On the way, Xiaotian's Pikachu was happily jumping up and down, and he even gave a few electric shocks to the sky, which was enough to see how happy Pikachu was at this time.


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