
Just as Xiaotian and the others were advancing, a scream suddenly came from the sky, followed by a huge explosion, which startled Xiaotian and the four of them. Looking in the direction of the scream, they saw A UFO in the sky is falling freely

"Ahhhh Peng"

The UFO that fell on the ground not far away, ah no, it should be a person to be precise, a person with a black body, seeing this person falling from the air, the person who was only covered in a circle, a small The black line on the face of the four people in the sky

Then he turned his head in unison and looked at Pikachu who was on the ground with a confused face. The person who fell from the sky was completely black. Don't guess, it was definitely the electric shock that Pikachu hit the sky. of

Xiaotian walked over a little ashamed, intending to apologize to the counter, blame Pikachu, why do you say you have nothing to discharge?Okay now, just shoot people down

Walking in some, Xiaotian saw that the person who fell on the ground was carrying a broken aircraft with only a few parts left. Xiaotian didn't have to guess to know that the other party must have used the aircraft to fly in the sky, and then was killed by Pikachu. The electric shock was hit, and then the very sad aircraft exploded. Otherwise, the electric shock released by Pikachu would not blow up people so miserably.

Just when Xiaotian was about to come forward to apologize, suddenly another group of people came running from a distance.

"Huh? Who is in the fleet, and the one in the white coat is a research doctor?" Seeing the person coming, Xiaotian was a little puzzled, and he didn't understand what was going on.

The newly arrived people from the fleet saw Xiaotian, a young trainer, although those Xiao Luos despised Xiaotian, but before those little ones could speak, the leader of the water fleet took the lead in taking action. Directly release the Pokémon, and stare at Xiaotian with a solemn expression, a look like a king's enemy

Now let's not talk about Ronaldinho from the fleet, even those slow researchers and doctors can see it. Although the trainer on the opposite side is young, but the strength is absolutely strong, otherwise the leader of the fleet will not be like this. Pay attention to

"You, are you a trainer?"

"Be sure to get back the information"

"Don't let those bad guys take away the information"

"They are the people of the Fire Rock Team and Who Fleet, who stole the information of our institute"

"As soon as the robbers from the Fire Rock team flew away, they were knocked down by an electric shock. It must be you, right? You must stop those bad guys."

Before waiting for the many protagonists to speak, the research doctor who was the supporting role spoke first, and it was a group of doctors who spoke together, making a lot of noise for a while.

However, although the words of the doctors were messed up, Xiaotian understood that the one who was shot down by him was a member of the Fire Rock Team. He pretended to be a doctor before. I cheated away, and then used the flying machine to run away. Originally, this plan was perfect. Those people in the water fleet are good at water-type Pokémon, and there is no flying machine that can’t stop or catch up.

But the person from the Fire Rock team was too sad, and just a few steps away, he was hit by a lightning bolt that suddenly came out of the ground. Then the aircraft exploded, and the Fire Rock team fell off.

Seeing that the people from the Fire Rock Team couldn't escape, the people from the Water Fleet would naturally not miss the opportunity and hurriedly chased after them. As for those doctors, although they said it in a mess, they all mean the same thing, that is, if their own strength Enough, don't let these people take away the information

"Oh?" Xiaotian's eyes lit up when he understood, and he was instantly interested

The leaders of the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team are definitely strong.

"You have also heard the words of these doctors. I am a trainer, so I can't pretend that I didn't see it. So, you can beat me, and you can do whatever you want with the information, but if you can't beat me, it's embarrassing. The information can only be Stay," Xiaotian said casually.

Xiaotian's words are very reasonable. As a trainer of the alliance, it is impossible to be ignorant when encountering such a thing. If you stop yourself, it is also your duty as a trainer. Even if you can't get the information, you can't blame me.

In fact, Xiaotian also has his own selfishness. If the two leaders of the other party are powerful beings at the level of quasi-championship, this is a point. Xiaotian can't let it go.

Of course, if the opponent is not a quasi-champion, but a master at the level of the king, then don't say anything, such a weak chicken won't have many points to win, and do you want to get information?no door

Hearing Xiaotian's words, the leader of the Water Fleet and the members of the Huoyan Team, who had fallen into a circle before, and who have now recovered, had extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

Unlike those Ronaldinhos, the most leader, at least a little bit of the 4.4 world, Xiaotian's Pikachu, although he looks cute, but the two leaders clearly feel that this Pikachu is a quasi-championship. By

Of course, the two of them could feel the strength of Pikachu, but also because Pikachu just accepted the opportunity not long ago, the skyrocketing energy can't be done at will, and it will be felt by these two leaders.

As the people of the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock team released their own Pokémon, Xiaotian's face became darker and darker, a group of MDs were useless, and the highest-ranking genius was the senior. Even if you beat them, you won't get much for such weak chickens. Points, Xiaotian's mood instantly changed to be very unbeautiful

"Pikachu beat them up for me" Xiaotian pointed with a small hand and launched an attack

In an instant, the sky is full of thunder, white light flashes, and against two high-level kings and six quasi-king-level opponents, Pikachu alone can completely abuse each other...  

441. Pikachu's Electrocution Again

In the face of the powerful Pikachu, the people of the water fleet are the worst, because the main Pokémon used by the people of the water fleet are all water system, which are directly restrained by Pikachu

With just three strikes, under Pikachuna's super-powerful electric attack, the six soldiers of the Water Fleet rushed directly to the street, and even their leader, the Heavenly King-level Pokémon, almost lost their combat effectiveness, scaring the people of the Water Fleet directly. Turn around and run, how can I even grab any information?

Although the members of the Fire Rock team were shocked by Pikachu's strength, they still persisted, and they were still thinking about how to escape. As a result, all the members of the Water Fleet ran away at once. forced

Seeing the fierce little eyes of Pikachu who had beaten the water fleet to look at him, the members of the Fire Rock team threw the data card out without saying a word, then turned around and retreated, the one who ran was called a quick

"..." Looking at the two major dark organizations that were escaping desperately, Xiaotian was a little puzzled, but he didn't arrest you, what?It runs like it can fly

Xiaotian doesn't know how much psychological shadow Pikachu's power has brought to the other party.

Grabbing the data card, Xiaotian bid farewell to everyone thanks to the gratitude of many research doctors, and embarked on a journey again

Continue to set off. At the beginning, Pikachu was very quiet. Pikachu also knew that because of his excited discharge, he hit someone. This is a big mistake. Although the person from the Fire Rock team was hit before, it has nothing to do with it. , Xiaotian didn't blame Pikachu, but what if he hit someone else?So Pikachu stopped for a long time


But after half a day, Pikachu was dishonest again, there was no way, that chance made Pikachu not only improve his qualifications but also his level, so Pikachu is now happy to die

If he didn't express his excitement with two electric shocks, Pikachu would always feel too suffocated, so after being suffocated for a long time, Pikachu started to jump around again, and even if there was nothing, he put a few electric shocks in the sky to warmly celebrate his improvement.

"Pikachu, why did you discharge it again, be careful and hit someone again?" Looking at the excited Pikachu on the ground, Xiaotian said helplessly

Xiaotian can understand the excitement of Pikachu. After all, it is the instinct of Pokémon to become stronger. It is normal for Pikachu to be happy and excited when he gets such a big opportunity, but you don't have to discharge to celebrate, right?

It's easy to say if you hit the bad guys, just act as a chivalrous person, but what if you hit other trainers?And you don't know when to hit an electric shock. If it really hits someone, it can be said to be a [-]% pure sneak attack.

Of course, no matter whether it is a sneak attack or not, if you really hit someone else, it will be too bad, and even if you don't hit other trainers, this is a forest, and it's not good to hit those wild flying Pokémon.

"Xiaotian, don't worry, Pikachu is also happy, so he released the electric shock to celebrate, and this is in the wild forest, few trainers pass by, let alone the flying type Pokémon," Side Sundae told Xiaotian persuasion

"Hey, I know, I just hope that no trainer who rides a flying-type Pokémon will pass by, or else there will be an electric shock in Senli, and it's easy to accidentally get hurt." Xiaotian said helplessly, although Xiaotian also knew that Pikachu was hit The chances of others are very small, but looking at Pikachu with a satisfied smile on his face, Xiaotian always feels that something bad is going to happen.

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