"Dragon Wave" is confident in An Qi's face in the face of Bidiao's lightning flash

Hearing the other party's command, Xiaotian felt that An Qi made a mistake. Even if the other party used the dragon's wave, Bi Diao could take advantage of the speed of the lightning flash to quickly avoid the dragon's wave, and then attack the Qixi Blue Bird.

But Xiaotian didn't expect that, the opponent's dragon's fluctuation is not fast, but big. The dragon's fluctuation range used by An Qi's Qixi Blue Bird is too wide. You can't dodge the eagle evasion with a flash of lightning.

Moreover, Bi Diao was using a flash of electric light, and the speed was too fast. He didn't stop the brake, and rushed straight into the attack range of the opponent's Dragon Wave, causing a lot of damage.

The huge range of the Dragon Wave released by the opponent directly startled Xiaotian, but fortunately, although the opponent's skills have a wide attack range, their power is not very large. Although Bi Diao suffered damage, it is not too much. serious.

448. Feather Elite Challenge 2

"Is this Dragon Wave? Poison Mist doesn't have such a large attack range as you." Xiaotian couldn't help but complain, Xiaotian has never seen Dragon Wave with such a large attack range.

However, it's Xiaotian's turn to be a little worried. The opponent's Qixi Blue Bird's attack range is too wide, and it directly blocks Bidi's melee combat. If you use a long-range attack, it is not so easy to defeat the Qixi Blue Bird.

Of course, Xiaotian is not the Qixi Blue Bird who can't defeat An Qi. It's a big deal to let Da Bidao suffer a little bit. He bombards with light from a distance, and there is always a chance to find it.

At that time, based on the attack power and speed of Bidiao, Xiaotian is sure that the opponent will not even have a chance to counterattack, and he will kill with one hit.

"Qianxi Blue Bird Sings" Before Xiaotian could command again, An Qi took the lead in giving the command

"I wipe, Bidiao uses a flash of electric light" An Qi suddenly used a singing move, startling Xiaotian, and hurriedly confronted - Bidiao shouted

The singing move of the Qixi Blue Bird is a sound wave skill. Normal and skills can't be defended at all, or even impossible to resist at all. As long as you hear the song of the Qixi Blue Bird, you will be hypnotized.

But fortunately, although the singing of the blue bird on the Qixi Festival is difficult to prevent, the singing does not immediately put the opponent to sleep, so that Bi Diao has time to fight back.

When Bi Diao in the air heard the singing of the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival, he immediately fell asleep, but such drowsiness would not make Bi Diao fall asleep immediately, but became more and more sleepy with the singing, until he finally fell asleep under hypnosis.

But obviously in such a battle, except for the very slow Pokémon, all other Pokémon can counterattack when the Qixi Blue Bird just uses singing

Just like Bidiao, after hearing Xiaotian's command, he resisted the sleepiness and used a flash of electric light directly. A huge white light flashed across the sky and hit the blue bird on the Qixi Festival.

"Use protection" An Qi hurriedly commanded

In the air, Bi Diao turned into a huge white light, and it used the electric light to flash towards the Qixi Blue Bird at a very fast speed, but just as it was about to hit the Qixi Blue Bird, a transparent protective cover suddenly appeared on the Qixi Blue Bird. Blocking the impact of the eagle, it is the protection skill

Protection, completely defend against each other's attacks, but continuous defense is easy to fail

"Qianxi Qingniao uses cotton to defend" Seeing that the attack of the eagle was protected and defended, An Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued the command line

Cotton defense, wraps its body with soft fluff for protection.Greatly increases your defense.

"Qixi Blue Bird uses Song of Destruction" to increase play defense, and An Qi continues to issue commands

"Huh? Song of Doom?" Hearing An Qi's command, Xiaotian was a little puzzled. What kind of skill is Song of Doom?I looked down and thought about it

"It's not good, Bi Diao uses the electric light tornado" Suddenly, Xiao Tian was shocked and hurriedly ordered Bi Diao to use a big move

Electric Tornado is a combination skill of Pidiao. When rotating the tornado, it uses a flash of electric light. This combination not only increases the speed, but also increases the attack power with the help of the power of the tornado. That is to say, such a combination skill is not only faster than ordinary The flash is faster and more powerful

The combination of skills is like this. The combination of two skills is not as simple as one plus one, but the power is multiplied.

As for why Xiaotian was shocked, it was because Xiaotian remembered the effect of the song of death

Song of Doom, Pokémon that listen to the song will go into a near-death after three turns.

The Song of Doom is not sung for that long. In fact, the singing time of Song of Doom is not long, but after singing the song, the Pokémon that listens to the song will have a state of Song of Doom. In this state, three After a round, Pokémon will die frequently

The so-called three rounds means that one attack is one round, that is to say, once the opponent's song of death is successful, then Bi Diao will die directly and frequently after three attacks, and it doesn't matter whether he hits or not.

"This cliff is a perverted skill!" Xiaotian couldn't help but complain

In the field, when I heard Xiaotian's command of Bidiao, he immediately flapped his wings and spun, and rolled up a huge tornado to wrap Bidiao. At the same time, in this state, he used a flash of electric light at the same time, and the tornado seemed to be ready. Like a flash of light, this white light radiated in the air and rushed towards the Qixi Blue Bird.

"Come on, Qixi Qingniao" Seeing Xiaotian's counterattack, An Qi did not command evasion or defense. Now Qixi Qingniao is using Song of Doom, and there is no other action at all. Once Qixi Qingniao has other actions, Song of Destruction It was interrupted, and the defense skill I used before, Cotton Defense, was prepared for this time.

An Qi can only make a gamble now, hoping that her Qixi Blue Bird can resist the attack of Bi Diao and successfully perform the song of death. Only in this way can An Qi have so little hope of winning.

The tornado that turned into a white light slammed into the Qixi Blue Bird at a very fast speed, and took the Qixi Blue Bird to turn a corner in the air, and finally hit the Qixi Blue Bird to the ground.


The powerful attack power of the electric light tornado, coupled with the secondary damage caused by hitting the ground, brought very huge damage to the Qixi Blue Bird. Even if the Tanabata Blue Bird used cotton defense to defend it before, the combination skill attack of the giant eagle Too strong, especially with secondary damage

In the air, a layer of light suddenly flashed on Bi Diao, who used a flash of electric light to hit the Qixi Blue Bird to the ground. Seeing this situation, Xiaotian's face darkened.

"Damn, there is such a perverted skill." That layer of light is the state of Song of Doom, indicating that the other party's Qixi Blue Bird has used Song of Doom, and Xiaotian secretly complained to himself.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

If it weren't for the fact that I hadn't thought of the skill of Song of Doom for a while, I was stunned for a while, and at the speed of the eagle, I would never let the other party use Song of Doom.

But it's too late to say anything now, Bidi has been hit by the song of death

Of course, although Xiaotian's Bi Diao was inflicted by Song of Doom, the other party's Qixi Blue Bird was not much better. He was hit by Bi Diao's combined attack, which was no joke.

"Bidiao Destroys the Light of Death" followed.Glancing at the half-dead blue bird on the Chinese Valentine's Day that fell to the ground, Xiaotian waved his hand and said.


More powerful than the eagle strike, the destruction of the dead light, the blue bird on the Tanabata smashes the street

"Damn" Seeing such a result, An Qi gritted her teeth and felt a little unwilling. Although An Qi also hoped that the song of death of the Qixi Blue Bird would hit Bibi Diao, An Qi did not expect that the Qixi Blue Bird would have no chance to fight back, so she He was directly defeated, which is not in line with An Qi's plan.


The referee on the side of "Qixi Jade Bird lost its ability to fight, and the eagle won." The referee on the side raised a small flag and announced the result of the game

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