"You did a great job" An Qi took back the fainted Qixi Blue Bird

On the other side, Xiaotian also withdrew his huge Bidiao. Bidiao had already planted the state of Song of Doom. He just released another blow to destroy the death light. Next, Bidiao was attacking twice. The effect of Song of Doom was good. It is activated, and it directly becomes a state of frequent death.

In the next battle, Xiaotian sent the second Pokémon, and the second Pokémon released by Xiaotian was the fourth god pet, the king of leave.

In fact, compared to the king of leave, the ice rock monster is more suitable for dealing with flying-type Pokémon. The ice rock monster has a lot of distant attacks, and the ice rock monster also has defensive counterattacks. After being hit by the opponent's attack, it will automatically counterattack. , hail up and down the opponent's forehead, not only powerful, but also a must-have skill

But Xiaotian uses the leave king. That is because the level of the ice and rock monsters is already very high. It is better to give the leave king the chance to increase experience. Another reason is that the leave king is also very strong, and he is not afraid at all.

The Hercules feature The Leave King's melee attack is unparalleled. The best choice for Shang Xiaotian's Leave King is of course to attack from a distance. Melee combat with Xiaotian's Leave King is definitely something a fool would do.

But An Qi on the opposite side doesn't know. If it is a normal leave king, there is a chance that the other party will come down to carry out physical attacks. After all, compared to long-range energy attacks, Pokémon dodge and dodge, and consume less energy.

Therefore, if the first few long-range attacks can't hit the leave king, An Qi is likely to let her Pokémon fly down and carry out a physical attack. In other words, it can be solved with one punch or two.

449. Strange Town

Angie's third Pokémon dispatched her ace, the armored bird

The battle situation can be said to be extremely easy, just as Xiaotian thought, facing the king of leave, An Qi did not plan to come down at first, but only used long-range special attacks in the sky, wanting to attack from a long distance

But An Qi underestimated the speed of the king of leave, and the long-range attacks of the armored bird were all avoided by the king of leave. In the end, An Qi had to command the armored bird to fly down to carry out physical attacks. After all, compared to close physical attacks, long-range energy The consumption of physical strength is greater, and the Pokémon cannot be beaten.

But An Qi never imagined that letting the armored bird fly down and use physical attacks is the beginning of the armored bird's tragedy

In the face of the physical attack of the armored bird, or even the attack that the opponent's attack power has increased due to falling from the sky, the king of leave has no idea of ​​evasion at all, and directly confronts it.

Xiaotian originally planned to take down the armor bird as long as the armor bird came down, even if the king of leave was attacked, but the king of leave was really awesome, and before the bird of armor hit the king of leave, It was filmed by the king who asked for leave, and smashed the armored bird directly to the ground.

The next thing is easy to do.

"This... This King of Leave" ended the game, An Qi looked at Xiaotian's King of Leave in disbelief. Before the King of Leave was evading the attack of the Armored Bird in the air, it was not counted, but seriously, it was only a matter of time for the King of Leave to defeat the Armored Bird. Fist solved it?

As for the next few punches, the King of Leave and the Armor Bird hadn’t fainted, so they added a few more punches, which is too perverted. Bar

"As expected of a monster trainer, it's really strong." Then An Qi sighed in disappointment. She was already the most talented trainer in this city, and she even had a powerful master to teach her, but with the monster opposite. There's no comparison

On the other hand, seeing the king of leave defeating his opponent so easily, Xiaotian is also extremely relieved. He is worthy of being called the fourth god pet by himself. Even if his qualifications are not the emperor, his strength is still powerful pervert.

Moreover, in the battle of the king of leave, there is a domineering attitude of a king of fists. No matter who the opponent is, if you punch down, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

"You won, your strength is so strong, this is the medal you won." After calming down, An Qi walked to Xiaotian and took out the elite medal and handed it to Xiaotian

"Thank you" Xiaotian politely took the medal and thanked An Qi

"Master, you are amazing." At this time, Xiao Yao, who was watching the battle, ran over, staring at Xiao Tian with her big eyes flickering with admiration on her face.

No way, Xiaoyao's father's trump card is the king of asking for leave, but it is completely incomparable with Xiaotian's asking for leave, not to mention Xiaotian's strength is stronger than Xiaoyao's father, this Xiaoyao knows

Therefore, Xiaoyao has always admired Xiaotian for a long time, but it is far from the impact that Xiaoyao brought today. Then when he asked for leave, Wang beat the armored bird to death with one punch. It was so domineering, Xiaoyao's big eyes were already straight little star

"Xiaotian, congratulations on your sixth medal" Sundae congratulated Xiaotian

"Master, congratulations," Xiaoxi on the side also congratulated weakly.

"Yeah" Xiaotian's face was indifferent, and he didn't feel much excitement about getting the medal.

I have prepared three Pokémon, the giant statue, the king of asking for leave, and the ice rock monster. If I can't get the medal, Xiaotian will definitely die by himself, save his life.

After getting the medal, Xiaotian and others said goodbye to An Qi and continued on their journey.

On the way, Xiaotian moved forward leisurely, because the level of the Pokémon was already very high, and it was impossible to train with these low-level Pokémon in the wild, so Xiaotian not only checked the qualifications of the wild Pokemon he encountered, and also No combat training

When they eat, they release their respective Pokémon. Looking at these Pokémon, an indescribable sense of satisfaction fills Xiaotian's heart. These Pokémon have been cultivated step by step, and now, these Pokémon have been Very powerful, even the weakest metal monsters have reached elite level 50.

As for the giant carnivorous beast that was already incomparably powerful when it was captured, Xiaotian sent it back to the Dr. Damu Research Institute as early as after the giant carnivorous beast obeyed his own command. After all, the giant carnivorous beast is too big to carry around Let it go, let it go to Dr. Damu to study and stay there. Compared with the Poké Ball, there is more freedom there.

One day later, Xiaotian and others came to a strange town

Strange, because looking at the decorations in this city, it should be inhabited, but it was only 5 o'clock in the evening when Xiaotian and others arrived, and it was still dark, but the whole town was extremely quiet.

Even if this small town is very small, but it is still so quiet before it gets dark, there is definitely a situation

"Master, why is it so quiet here?" Seeing this situation, Xiaoxi was a little scared and approached Xiaotian weakly.

"Let's go to the Pokémon Center first." Compared with the three girls who were a little scared, Xiaotian was a little excited. If there is an abnormal phenomenon, it means that there is a chance.

"Is there anyone, Miss Joy?" When I came to the Pokémon Center, it was quiet, there was no one there, and it was even too quiet.

Just when Sundae and Xiaoxi were shocked by the unusual silence here, Miss Joy came out.

"Miss Joy..." Seeing Miss Joy, Sundae breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to speak when she was interrupted by Miss Joy

"I can't keep your Pokémon, the device is broken," Joey said stiffly

"Then we want to stay in the hotel" Hearing Miss Joy's words, the sundae was a little puzzled, and then asked 757 to stay in the hotel

"No, the guest room is full today." Joey refused the sundae stiffly. After speaking, Miss Joy turned around and walked into the room, paying attention to the next four people, Xiaotian, who were bewildered.

"No, it's so miserable, there are no rooms anymore" Xiaoyao was still nervous, and didn't find any abnormality

"Huh? Do you feel that Miss Joey is a little strange?" Ignoring Xiaoyao, who has a thick nerve, Xiaotian asked Sundae and Xiaoxi with some doubts.

Miss Joy can be said to have a very gentle nature, no matter what Miss Joy is in her heart, of course, most Miss Joy are very kind, at least in appearance, even behavior or speech, they give people a very gentle Feeling, this is not caused by family training, but by nature

But this Miss Joy, no matter how she moves or speaks, gives people a very stiff feeling.

"I feel that Miss Joy is a little strange." Sundae also frowned and said with some doubts.

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