"I've expected this for Jia Nai, Li Zhuang chicken maintains its posture and continues to use jet flame." Seeing Pupu Pig forcibly controlling Li Zhuang chicken to raise its head, Xiao Yao not only was not in a hurry, on the contrary, she looked confident

"What?" Jianai was shocked when she heard Xiaoyao's words, feeling that something was wrong.

I saw that in the air, the strong chicken raised his head and continued to use the jet flame, but because the strong chicken was in the air, it was not far from the ceiling above, and the strong chicken used the jet flame, all of which hit the ceiling.

The Gorgeous Competition is indeed a regular competition. The ceiling of the arena is quite strong. The strong chicken used the jet flame to hit the ceiling at close range, and the ceiling was actually fine.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the strong chicken used the jet flame to hit the ceiling above at close range, and those flames all bounced back.

At this time, the battlefield was like a rain of fire, and the pig who rushed from the bottom to the top of the strong chicken bore the brunt, and was directly hit by the falling sparks.

Those falling sparks not only caused damage to Poofu Pig, but because the sparks fell and fell on the pearl on the top of Poofu Pig's head, the illusion of Poofu Pig was also interrupted.

"Good opportunity" to see such a situation, Xiaotian and others in the audience and Xiaoyao's eyes lit up

At this time, the situation in the field is that Xiaoyao's strong chicken is in free fall, while Pupu pig is rushing towards the sky because of its tail jumping. The two sides can be said to be very close.

However, because of the sparks that bounced back from the ceiling, Jianai's puffy pig just interrupted the display of the illusion, and when he couldn't dodge in the air at all, he was very close to the strong chicken. Such an opportunity, if If you don't catch it, Xiaoyao is definitely a fool

"The strong chicken uses the Flying Fist" Xiaoyao pointed with a small hand, and gave the command energetically

It is said to be Flying Fist, but Xiaoyao's strong chicken attacked Pupu Pig from top to bottom. Of course, the skill used is indeed Flying Fist.

Waving his radiant fist, Li Zhuangji used his flying fist, and punched Pupu Pig down from the sky with a ruthless punch.

With a bang, Pupu pig was knocked down and hit the ground, causing secondary damage

"Beep" is when the timer sounds

Although Xiaoyao's counterattack caused a lot of injuries to Pupu Pig, Jianai's Pupu Pig didn't lose its combat effectiveness, but it was a pity that the five-minute fighting time was over and the game was over.

Before Xiaoyao's series of counterattacks, Jianai was deducted a lot of points and was directly overtaken by Xiaoyao, so in the final result, Xiaoyao won the final victory with a slight advantage

"At the end of the game, at the last moment of the game, Xiaoyao and Lizhuang Chicken successfully turned from defeat to victory with excellent coordination and tacit understanding." The host announced the result of the game

"Win, thank you, strong chicken" Xiaoyao cheered happily upon hearing the result of the game

"Xiao Yao, congratulations on getting the Medal of Water Mirror Ribbon". (book=-house*0small-}say-+net)

460. Boys without self-confidence

The next day, Xiaotian and the others said goodbye to Jianai and embarked on a journey again. When Xiaoyao left, he was reluctant to leave with Jianai, and it was almost two tears.

After half a day, Xiaotian and others came to a small island

"I didn't expect such a small frog flower?" As soon as she got off the boat, Xiaoyao exclaimed when she saw a Pokémon walking by in front of her at the pier.

"That's Froggrass" Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaotian's face darkened. He clearly taught Xiaoyao to teach the three families in the Kanto area, but I don't remember how this guy turned around.

"Haha, is that right?" Xiaoyao was a little embarrassed when she heard Xiaotian's words, Xiaoyao hurriedly changed the subject, pointed to a Pokémon passing by in front of her again and said again

"This little fire dragon is so strong"

"That's the fire dinosaur, the evolution of the little fire dragon" Xiaotian's face is already dark and can't be black anymore. His ace is the fire-breathing dragon. As his apprentice, he doesn't even know the difference between the little fire dragon and the fire "Seven-two-seven" dinosaur. , Xiaoyao, you are also a talent. Even if you haven't seen it before, don't you usually read Pokémon illustrations?

Xiaoyao was completely embarrassed this time. The fire-breathing dragon is Xiaotian's ace. She pointed to the fire dinosaur and said it was the fire dragon. Xiaoyao's embarrassed cold sweat broke out. Baby, I was about to speak, but suddenly I was stunned

"This Pokémon looks like a Jenny Turtle, but it's much bigger than Jenny." Having learned the lessons from the previous two times, Xiao Yao said hesitantly, "Is this Pokémon a Water Arrow Turtle?"

"That's the Kamy Turtle, the evolution of the Jenny Turtle" Xiaotian doesn't know what to say anymore

"I'm sorry, I forgot what Jenick's evolution is," Xiao Yao said weakly

"That's the evolution of the Yusanjia in the Kanto region, fire dinosaurs, frog grass, and Kamui." The sundae on the side sighed at the three Pokémon that had just passed by. Seriously, the initial area of ​​the sundae was What about the Kanto area, of course, the home of the sundae is not in Kanto

"I don't know who was so lucky to conquer the three Yusanjia." Looking at the three Pokémon, Xiaotian couldn't help but sigh

All the Yusanjia in this world, no matter which region, these Pokémon are contracted by the alliance. Even if there are Yusanjia Pokémon in the wild, there are very few of them. Xiaozhi always encounters the Yusanjia, which is Xiaozhi's luck.

I didn't expect to meet another lucky trainer here

Of course, buying Pokémon on the black market is an exception. In the black market, it is easy to buy Yusanjia, but for ordinary trainers, Yusanjia is a very precious Pokémon.

For the vast majority of ordinary trainers, being able to evolve twice, regardless of race value, is considered a precious Pokémon.

Just as Xiaotian and the four of them looked at the three Yusan families in the Kanto region and sighed, a boy of about sixteen or seventeen years old chased the three Pokémon with a pile of boxes.

"Wait for me, oops!" Before the boy could catch up with the three Pokémon, he got stuck miserably.

"Are you all right?" Xiao Yao asked worriedly seeing that the boy not only got stuck, but was also smashed by those boxes.

"I'm fine, I just fell." The boy got up quickly and said to Xiao Yao with a smile on his face

"Huh? Are these three Pokémon your Pokémon?" Xiao Yao asked suspiciously when the three Yusanjia Pokémon from the Kanto region stopped and looked at the boy

"Well, these three Pokémon are all mine, and they are all well-behaved and obedient. I haven't introduced my name to Jamie, by the way, are you here for school? Welcome, welcome to Pokémon Judges. A school," Jamie said to Xiaotian and the others with a smile on his face

"Huh?" x4


Following Jamie to the Pokémon Referee School, after Xiaotian's explanation, Jamie realized that the four people he had pulled back were not the students who came to enroll, but the trainers who traveled.

This is the Pokémon referee school. In fact, there is only one class and one teacher. It belongs to that kind of very, very small school. The only teacher is a very beautiful beauty, so Xiaotian has to sigh, the world's There are so many beauties, it's no wonder that Xiaogang made a confession all the way

"Since you are traveling trainers, can I ask you a favor?" Hearing Xiaotian's explanation, the beautiful teacher asked Xiaotian.

"What's the matter? Please say"

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