It turns out that this school is a school that trains referees. If you encounter a trainer who is traveling, the beautiful teacher will ask the other party to come to a game and let the students watch it.

If there are many trainers, let the trainers fight on their own. If there is only one trainer, the beautiful teacher can also play against each other, mainly to give those trainees a chance to watch the battle.

As for the referee, of course, the person in the academy will act as a practice referee.

In fact, except for Jamie who is about the same age as the beautiful teacher, the rest of the students in this school are a lot of little ones.

The other party, the beautiful teacher's request, Xiaotian and the four did not refuse. In the end, Sundae and Xiaoxi had an unusual two-on-two battle, and Jamie acted as a referee, surrounded by those little guys watching together

There is no need to say the reason for not going to Xiaotian. No one wants to play against Xiaotian, especially if he is abused by Xiaotian in such a large audience, not to mention, Xiaotian is too lazy to practice such a battle.

And after this practice match, Xiaotian also discovered Jamie's problem. This boy is a little weak. To be precise, he has no confidence in himself. When deciding which Pokémon loses its combat effectiveness, after thinking about it, it is not easy at all.

If it was Xiao Yao's turn, she would be absolutely domineering. When she saw which Pokémon fell, she would raise the flag and judge that the Pokémon lost its ability to fight. Although such a referee is definitely unqualified, at least Xiao Yao is right. Never think about your own decisions

But this Jamie is different. When practicing the battle, the Pokémon all lay down with their eyes in circles, and Jamie didn't make a decision, too indecisive.

At night, Xiaotian and others stayed at this referee, Jamie sat outside, looking down in frustration and thinking

"Mr. Jamie, why are you sitting outside alone?" Xiaotian asked Jamie

The four of them came outside, intending to persuade Mr. Jamie. This shy boy has a very good personality. The only drawback is that he is too indecisive and has no self-confidence in himself.

"Ah? That, no, I..."

Seeing Jamie's appearance, Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head a little. He just asked the other party why he was sitting outside. This Jamie didn't even have the confidence to answer.

"Mr. Jamie, you have a good relationship with your Pokémon." Feeling that Jamie was a little embarrassed, he said while looking for a topic for the sundae.

"This, um, yes, I've been a Pokémon trainer before," Jamie replied to the sundae

"Trainer?" Hearing Jamie's words, the four of Xiaotian were a little surprised. Jamie's personality doesn't look like a trainer.

"Well, yes, at that time, I left my hometown for a trip. It happened not long after the jenny turtle evolved into a cammy turtle, and I met a fire-breathing dragon and a frog grass." Jamie said slowly to the four of Xiaotian. said...  

461. Jamie's Mind

"Encounter? What is encounter?" Xiaotian and the four were a little surprised when they heard Jamie's words. Once these wild Pokémon evolve, their intelligence will be greatly improved, and it's not easy to conquer. , and listening to the other party's words is obviously not as simple as subduing

"Well, yes, I met, I remember, at that time, Kamui and I got lost in a forest. We were both exhausted and we had no food. In the end, we planned to eat the last rice ball, but it was just that When I gave way, the rice ball fell off, and then rolled down the slope, just as the frog grass below was yawning, and the rice ball fell into the mouth of the frog grass. In order to thank me for the rice ball, the frog grass brought We got out of the woods," Jamie said, sinking into memories.

"Then what?" Xiaotian asked with some doubts

"And then? No more, I just subdued the frog grass," Jamie said calmly

"I'll go, you're very lucky, one rice ball can conquer a frog grass" Hearing Jamie's remark, Xiaotian couldn't help but complain.

"What about Fire Dinosaurs?" Then Xiaotian hurriedly asked, the luck of this guy wouldn't really be that good

"Well, once I accidentally fell into the river, after Kamui and Froggrass rescued me, a golden carp king slipped into my clothes. At this time, an uncle passed by and saw This golden carp king, he seems to like the carp king very much, and insists on exchanging the fire dinosaur with me for that carp king,” Jamie said while recalling

"I'm going, Golden Carp King, flash into Pokémon? Just change a fire dinosaur?" Hearing Jamie's words, Xiaotian was completely speechless, and he didn't know whether this guy was unlucky or bad luck. degree

I slipped into the river and was rescued, and I slipped a flashing carp king into my clothes. I was lucky. I turned around and was seen by an uncle, and then was replaced with a fire dinosaur. It's talent, it's pure

"It sounds like your luck is very good," Xiaoyao on the side couldn't help but sigh, whether it's dropping a rice ball to subdue a frog grass or picking up a carp king from the river, it's good luck.

"Is that so? But the medal I got is only one 々ˇ ah" Hearing Xiao Yao's words, Jamie shook his head and said, and then took out a medal

"That, that's the Sapphire Medal from Hualan Taoist Hall. The strength of Hualan Taoist Hall is very strong. If you can defeat the medal of Hualan Taoist Hall, you should be a very good trainer?" The medal in Jamie's hand, Sundae said with some doubts

Now the trainer of Hualan Gym is Xiaoxia, her strength is very strong.

"You misunderstood, no such thing, this medal is actually..." Jamie fell into memory again

"Once I passed by the front of Hualan Taoist Hall, I was rescued by a lady named Sakura, who helped clean the swimming pool of Hualan Taoist Hall. Later, the lady was very happy, and then she gave me this medal" Jamie said

"So you won the medal without fighting against the Hualan Gym trainer at all?" Sundae asked in surprise when he heard Jamie's words, isn't this very lucky?

"Yes, because the gym trainer Xiaoxiaren wasn't there at that time," Jamie replied.

"So your luck must be very good. Good luck is also one of your strengths." Xiaoyao on the side sighed.

"But, I have never won a Pokémon battle with someone." Hearing Xiao Yao's words, Jamie said a little disappointed.

"Not once?" Xiaotian was surprised when he heard Jamie's words. Jamie's three Pokémon are all very high-level, so it's possible that they haven't won a battle?

"That's right, I haven't won once, I've been defeated many times." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Jamie said in a low voice.

"How could it be?" Now it's Xiaotian's turn, Jamie's three Pokémon have reached level 40, and even that Kamui turtle has almost reached the edge of evolution, once the Kamui turtle evolves into water Arrow tortoise, at least level is more than 50 elite level

This kind of strength is already very strong among trainers. Of course, even if Jamie's Kamui has not evolved now, the strength of three Pokémon over 40 levels is quite good.

But with such strength, Jamie has never won once?Xiaotian really doesn't know what to say, and doesn't know if this Jamie's strength is too bad, or if Jamie is too weak, the trainers fighting are all powerful trainers.

"How is that possible? Seeing that your Pokémon are very good, how come you haven't won once?" The sundae on the side asked suspiciously.

Although the Sundae can't see the exact level of these three Pokémon, it can also see the general strength of Jamie's three Pokémon, which is equivalent to the strength of a first-class trainer.

"I don't know either. I think the strength of Kamui, Fire Dinosaur and Froggrass is okay. They are also very cute, but I have never won a battle with others." Jamie said with a sigh

"This..." The four of Xiaotian looked at each other, and they all saw doubts from the seriousness of the other side. Could it be that Jamie's strength is really good, with three first-class strength Pokémon, but he didn't win a battle. Pass?

"...Let's do it, Jamie, you will play a practice match with us tomorrow to see where your problems come from." Then Xiaotian said to Jamie, whether Jamie is good enough to play a game tomorrow I don't know

A trainer has never won a battle with others. The biggest possibility is that he is too lazy and has no talent to become a trainer, but how did such a person train a Pokémon to more than 40 levels?It's just a miracle

Like the original Xiaoxi, when he first set off, his strength was to a certain extent. Not to mention battle, he couldn't even beat wild Pokémon, but such a person, let alone cultivate Pokémon to more than 40 levels, even if he started a trip. difficulty

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