As for Jamie in front of him, not only did he travel all over the world, but the three Pokémon were all over level 40, which is very strange.

Even if the fire dinosaur and the frog grass were lucky for Jamie, what about the level of the highest-level cammy turtle?That's Jamie's original Pokémon

Early the next morning, Xiaotian Zhao Li and others found Jamie and had a battle. It was Xiaoyao who fought Jamie.

Jamie originally planned to use Kamy Turtle, but seeing Xiaoyao sending the Frog Seed, Jamie changed his mind and used the Fire Dinosaur that restrained the Frog Seed, the level 41 Fire Dinosaur against the Level 21 Frog Seed

In Xiaoyao's heart, she has already determined that Jamie's strength belongs to the kind of player who is very good. All Xiaoyao carelessly released Pokémon first, and it is still the lowest-level Pokémon among Xiaoyao Pokémon.

Let’s not talk about the process. The fire dinosaur’s level has exceeded the level 20 of the wonderful frog seeds, and the attributes also restrain Xiaoyao’s wonderful frog seeds. This kind of battle is basically a complete abuse.

As for Jamie's command, although he is a little less confident in command, it is still quite satisfactory. Jamie's command does not have many bright spots, but it is similar to that of most trainers. He knows how to use the advantages of Pokémon.

As a result, there is no doubt that Xiaoyao lost, and still lost badly.

462. Help Jamie

"Do you know the price of underestimating people?" Seeing Xiaoyao who lost the game and pouted with an unhappy face, Xiaotian said with some blame, Xiaoyao can clearly feel the strength of Jamie's three Pokémon Yes, but just because he looked down on others, he was brutally abused by the other party.

Xiaoyao's abuse is completely careless, and even directly looks down on the consequences caused by Jamie

On the other hand, Jamie's Fire Dinosaur was just too excited after defeating Xiaoyao. Not to mention the fire-breathing sky, after a while, the Fire Dinosaur evolved in the excitement of winning.

This is absolutely because the fire dinosaurs were stimulated to evolve because they won the game. Because the level of the fire dinosaurs is still some distance away from evolution, I didn't expect to be stimulated because of winning the game and evolve ahead of time.

The white light dissipated, and a fire-breathing dragon appeared in the venue.

Seeing that the evolved fire-breathing dragon is still spewing fire everywhere in excitement, [-] ponies in the hearts of the four of Xiaotian galloped past.

Xiaotian and the four really don't know if this Jamie is lucky or not. If you say bad luck, Jamie can pick up Pokémon everywhere.

But to say that Jamie is lucky, the opponents of this guy are all masters. Through the previous battle with Xiaoyao, Xiaotian and the four have already seen that although this Jamie is flawed due to lack of self-confidence, he is not good at commanding the battle. It's a 780 genius, but compared to most ordinary trainers, Jamie's strength is quite strong

But with such strength, he has never won once. I have to say that Jamie's luck has reached the limit. It seems that the fire dinosaur defeated a wonderful frog seed with a level 20 different from himself. It can be exciting to evolve, is it really suffocating?

"I won, I won, I finally won"

Looking at the excited and crazy Jamie in the venue, Xiaotian and the four couldn't help shaking their heads. It's too bad luck for a child to hold back like this.

"I'm not convinced, I've just been careless." Xiaoyao on the side looked at Jamie who was going crazy because of her victory over her, her face flushed with anger, and her face was unconvinced. Frog Seed is the strongest among her Pokémon. Poor

That Jamie just defeated his own frog seed, as for the excitement?Xiaoyao quit and offered to fight Jamie

Then.... looking at the Kamy Turtle shrouded in the light of evolution, Xiao Yao's handsome little face was black, and her face was gloomy

In the second competition, Xiaoyao sent a strong chicken, but Jamie came out with a higher level and has reached the evolutionary change of Kamui to play. The level and attributes were all superior. In addition to the previous bgeb battle, Jamie won. Xiaoyao once, so now when Jamie is commanding the Pokémon to fight, he has seen the weakness and confidence on his face, and then Xiaoyao lost again sadly

"I won again, I won again" After winning Xiaoyao for the second time, Jamie was completely crazy, a shy big boy, jumping and jumping excitedly

While watching, Jamie's Froggrass looked at Xiao Yao with an expectant expression on her face. Xiao Yao was so angry that her little hand clenched her fist and her face was flushed, but she did not challenge again.

Of course, Xiaoyao knows the thoughts in the mind of the frog grass, this guy is watching his two companions beat him, and the frog grass is also envious. I really look forward to playing a game with myself, and then experiencing the refreshing feeling of winning.

Although the frog grass treats Xiaoyao as a soft persimmon, Xiaoyao knows very well that the frog grass is not his opponent. Jamie's three Pokémon belong to the frog grass, which is the lowest level, only level 40. Frog grass, weaker than Xiaoyao's Pokémon in level

Moreover, in terms of attributes, the frog grass does not have an advantage. Unlike the Kamy turtle and the fire dinosaur, the attributes are dominant. All the frog grasses have a very high chance of losing against Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao doesn't want to hit the frog grass. It can be imagined that both of her two partners will win against this opponent. Once it is her turn to lose, it will be a big blow to the frog grass.

As for letting the other side, let the frog grass win?Hmph, Xiaoyao didn't want to do it. He really regarded himself as an experience baby. It's not bad to let your two Pokémon evolve, but you want to lose the game on purpose and let your third Pokémon evolve as well?There is no door, you should find someone else to fight in the future

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyao, it's the first time I won a battle against others, I'm so excited, please don't take offense." On the other side, Jamie, who had finished venting his madness, came over and said to Xiaoyao with an apologetic expression.

Jamie, who had reacted, also knew that it was not good for him to be so excited just now, but he had no choice. It was the first time he won the battle after repeated defeats, and he was so excited that he couldn't control it.

"Now, you should believe in yourself, your strength is very strong." Xiaotian glanced at the fire-breathing dragon, the water arrow turtle, and looked forward to Xiaoyao's frog grass, Xiaotian said to Jie m said

The three Pokémon of the Yusanjia, especially the Yusanjia in the Kanto region, are very powerful after the ultimate evolution.

"I know, I will believe in myself, I believe in my Pokémon, I won, I finally won, Xiaotian, come and fight with me," Jamie said to Xiaotian with excitement on his face

Hearing Jamie's words, Xiaotian rubbed his forehead helplessly. Self-confidence is self-confidence, not arrogance. Also, this Jamie is very accurate in picking opponents. There are four people here, and this guy is dedicated to challenging the strongest self. Boy, you have a great future

However, if this guy chooses an opponent of his own level every time in the future, it is estimated that you will never win in your life.

Of course, Xiaotian also knows that Jamie is overexcited now, and since he is helping the other party, let's help him to the end, and let Jamie's third Pokémon, Froggrass, also experience a winning game. feel

"The frog grass on the opposite side has never won a battle with anyone else in this life. After a while, you will resist a little when you fight with the opponent, and then try to find a way to lose the game. Help the opponent, it's pathetic." Battle Qian, Xiao Tian released the metal monster, Xiaotian whispered.

"Guta.Guta" Hearing Xiaotian's instructions, the metal monster nodded straight, and then looked at the frog grass with some sympathy. He has never won a battle with others. It's so pitiful...

In the battle with Xiaotian, Jamie did send Froggrass. It seems that in Jamie's heart, he also wants to win each of his three Pokémon.

In this battle, Jamie was full of fighting spirit, but Xiaotian did not command at all. At most, he reminded the metal monsters, don't be too violent when resisting, don't make the opposite frog grass dizzy, then Oh no

As for commanding the battle, Xiaotian is not in that mood at all, and neither does Xiaotian. As for how to lose, it depends on the metal monster himself.

Xiaotian's metal monster is still very smart. In the end, he lost the game while minimizing the pain. Then, the opposite frog grass also evolved directly under the stimulation of winning the game.

It is absolutely a miracle that the 40th level has evolved into a frog flower. It can be seen what the opposite is doing. The frog grass, which has never won, finally won a battle. This is too exciting for the frog grass.

The three behemoths on the opposite side, the fire-breathing dragon, the water arrow turtle, and the wonderful frog flower, these three Pokémon are all large Pokémon, and they are all very large in size.

Looking at Jamie with a confident smile and three evolved Pokémon, Xiaotian and the four finally breathed a sigh of relief. The shy big boy's problem was finally solved, and not only Jamie was full of confidence in himself, Even Jamie's three Pokémon have all evolved, and the result is perfect.

473. big event

After helping the shy big boy to solve the problem of lack of self-confidence, Jamie's three Pokémon have all evolved.

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