It is the high-level officials of the alliance who are at fault. The people below who are struggling to survive are innocent. They only want to do something for their hometown and Fengyuan Continent. Such people should not die!

Seeming to feel the anger of Xiaotian and the fire-breathing dragon, Groudon looked at the fire-breathing dragon with full of alertness, and posed for an attack.

Feeling Groudon's targeted alert, Xiaotian suddenly froze when he wanted to command the fire-breathing dragon to attack. This guy was specifically targeting the fire-breathing dragon. If Xiaotian let the fire-breathing dragon attack, he would probably be directly attacked by Groudon. die

However, looking at the people below who are struggling to survive, Xiaotian's heart is ruthless.

"What if you're level 101? What if you're a divine beast, who's afraid of who? Come on, let's hurt each other."

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the jet of flame, hit me, be careful not to accidentally injure people in the sea" Xiaotian pointed with a small hand, and gave an aggressive command to attack. Under such circumstances, Xiaotian really couldn't stay any longer.


Hearing Xiaotian's words, a huge jet flame of dark blue sprayed from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon to Groudon, and the fire-breathing dragon officially joined the battle.

I don't know what happened to the fire-breathing dragon. It may be the reason why the bloodline has returned to its ancestors. Anyway, the flame skill that the fire-breathing dragon uses now has turned into a dark blue color. one color

Of course, it is not as simple as simply changing the color of the flame, and the power is also greatly improved.

In the face of the fire-breathing dragon's attack, Groudon will naturally not be indifferent. With the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, the attack is enough to cause great damage to Groudon.

Groudon, who acted on instinct, naturally would not allow the fire-breathing dragon's attack to hit him. With a big mouth, a huge beam of light directly penetrated the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame, and the remaining attacks were directed towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon, flying around Groudon, constantly attacking, attracting Groudon's attention, and trying to get out of here," Xiaotian commanded from the fire-breathing dragon from afar

Although the battle between the fire-breathing dragon and Groudon was not as good as the level of the fight between Groudon and Kyogre, but with the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, once they fought with Groudon thoroughly around the island, they would fall into the sea. Not to mention that those crew members can't survive, even this small island will be completely destroyed.

If you really want to fight, Xiaotian will naturally not take into account any accidental injury or accidental injury. Naturally, he must fight with all his strength. With the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, a full-strength explosion and burning can smash the island into pieces, and then the island will be broken. The people are absolutely dead, not even the scum is left

So Xiaocai will let the spray come back and lead Groudon away

Unlike Yulongdu, in the face of the threat of the fire-breathing dragon, Groudon's instinctive reaction is to completely eradicate the huge threat of the fire-breathing dragon, so under the seduction of the fire-breathing dragon, Groudon slowly left the surrounding of the island, Go straight chasing the fire-breathing dragon away

Groudon was led away by the fire-breathing dragon, leaving a group of shocked trainers looking at each other

"Am I blind, or is this world too crazy, the fire-breathing dragon's destructive death light just blocked Groudon's attack?" a trainer murmured in shock.

Don't be surprised, the fire-breathing dragon after the atavism has completely possessed the dragon attribute and can use the destruction of death light

When the fire-breathing dragon did not participate in the battle, no one here dared to resist Groudon's skills, even the two bosses of the two dark organizations with the strongest strength, who had reached the intermediate level of the champion, would not be able to face Groudon's attack. Can only choose to dodge

The huge beam of light from Groudon's mouth was like a huge laser. It was destroyed by anything, but it was such a terrifying attack, and it was just blocked by the destruction and death light emitted by the fire-breathing dragon?Although in terms of power, the fire-breathing dragon's destruction of death light is slightly weaker, but it is indeed resistant to 3.6.

This made the trainers present not shocked, especially the trainer who commanded the fire-breathing dragon, who is still a young kid. This is simply the world's largest miracle and unsolved mystery.

Yulongdu on one side also looked at Xiaotian flying into the distance with a shocked expression. The strength of Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon just now shocked Yulongdu.

"Hurry up and save people, and then go to support Xiaotian. I'll go and see first, to prevent any accidents." After being shocked, Yu Longdu, who had reacted, hurriedly said to the trainers present, now is not the time to be shocked. If you don't save people, people in the sea will drown

Because of Groudon's departure, the volcano summoned by Groudon on the bottom of the sea is no longer erupting, and everyone can rest assured to save people, while Yulongdu and Huoyan Team, the leader of the Water Fleet, are chasing with Pokémon. Xiaotian rushes

Although I don't know why Xiaotian's strength is so strong, and I don't know if Xiaotian can resist Groudon, but at least the strength of three people can help a little...  

493. stalemate

Riding on the flying Pokémon, Yulongdu and the two bosses soon caught up with Groudon and Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon

Looking from a distance, I saw that the two Pokémon were already fighting fiercely. The fire-breathing dragon flew in the air, and the dragon-type skills continued to be used, hitting Groudon in the sea.

At this time, Groudon can be said to have some disadvantages, because Groudon is a ground-type Pokémon, and many ground-based skills cannot be used in the sea at all.

Even if you use the power under your control to summon a volcanic eruption, because it erupts in the sea, the power of the volcanic eruption is greatly reduced. As soon as the ejected rocks are close to the fire-breathing dragon, they are smashed by the fire-breathing dragon's claws. Squirting back makes too much impact

But even if Groudon is at a disadvantage because of the terrain, his strength is not limited. Groudon who has reached level 101 is extremely terrifying to fight.

Because the place where Groudon usually sleeps is in the volcano, the fire resistance is quite abnormal, so Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon tries to use dragon skills to attack

However, in the face of the fire-breathing dragon's attack, Groudon, who is not very fast, hit all the white beams back, not only can he block the fire-breathing dragon's attack, but also has more than 16 force to hit the fire-breathing dragon.

In Xiaotian's opinion, the white beam of Groudon should be a very powerful skill of Groudon, similar to the destruction of death light, but the color is different, and the power is quite powerful. Only a move like Destruction of Death Light can compete with the following, and it is still at a disadvantage.

The flames in the sky, the huge beams that are constantly emitted, the huge explosions produced by the huge beams and the destruction of the dead light from time to time, and the huge rocks that are still spraying in the sea.

When Yulongdu and the bosses of the two dark capital organizations arrived, they saw such a situation. Two super powerful Pokémon were fighting fiercely.

The three of Yulongdu looked at each other in dismay. While they were shocked by the fire-breathing dragon's powerful strength, they were also a little overwhelmed. Can they go up to help?

In terms of strength, the three of them are already the strongest trainers among the trainers gathered this time, but they are qualified to come forward to help, and the three of them came here to help

But looking at the fierce battle between the two Pokémon in the distance and their tyrannical strength, the three of them hesitated for a while, for fear that they would be doing a disservice by rushing into the fierce confrontation between the two sides.

In fact, Xiaotian in the distance had already discovered the arrival of the three of them, but in Xiaotian's opinion, even if the three of them came up to help, it would not be of much help.

Of course, it's not that these three people are useless. The bosses of Yulongdu and the two dark organizations are also champion-level powerhouses. The attacks they issue can still cause great damage to Groudon, but this It's useless for Xiaotian

Because Groudon has already completely fought the fire-breathing dragon, unless Yulongdu and the two bosses of the dark organization can attract Groudon's attention, but this is obviously unlikely

Of course, if the three attacked together, the effect would still be there. After all, the attacks from these three powerhouses could cause damage to Groudon. If the damage accumulated to a certain level, Groudon would naturally be able to wake up.

In the distance, the three of Yulongdu obviously also thought of this, and then the three of them looked at each other and rushed into the battle circle to join the siege.

With the addition of the three people, Xiaotian's pressure was significantly less at first. Although these three people could not attract Groudon's attention, they were constantly attacked by three people and caused damage. Groudon's petty temper naturally couldn't bear it.

From time to time, I will attack the three Pokémon, but they are all small skills.

In the previous battle between Groudon and Xiaotian, Groudon only used powerful moves such as white beam. Groudon's level was over level 100, so the pause time for using some powerful skills was very small. The pause time of the skill is almost negligible, but that's only enough to deal with the fire-breathing dragon

Now suddenly there are three more opponents. If Groudon only uses powerful skills such as the speed of white light, he will not be able to keep up. After all, although Groudon has very little pause time when using playing skills, it does not mean that there is no

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