So Groudon started to use other skills to counterattack, but this caused a lot of trouble for Xiaotian

Mud attack, fire-breathing, sun beam, primitive power, although these skills are not as powerful as white beams, they are worse than releasing them fast enough. Under such high-speed attacks, fire-breathing dragons often fail to dodge in time, so they can only choose to use hard skills. anti-

At this time, Groudon acted entirely by instinct. In Groudon's subconscious, it was natural to use powerful moves to defeat an opponent who threatened him.

Therefore, Groudon always uses white beams when fighting the fire-breathing dragon. Although such an attack is powerful, the powerful skills mean that the speed is slow, and the speed of the fire-breathing dragon can be completely avoided.

But now it's different. With the sudden addition of three people, Groudon started to use ordinary little skills. At this time, Groudon was really able to exert his super strength of level 101.

However, compared to Xiaotian, the three Yulongdu who came to help are even worse. Although Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon is not a speed-type Pokémon, the fire-breathing dragon is stronger, so the speed of the fire-breathing dragon is higher than that of Yulongdu and the others. quickly

Even the fire-breathing dragon often can't dodge Groudon's normal attacks, let alone the three of Yulongdu.

If Groudon hadn't attacked the three of them just occasionally when he was annoyed, I'm afraid the three of them would have stopped.

The battle went on like this, and soon half an hour passed.

Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon can wake up Groudon, but Groudon's anti-fire-breathing dragon is deadly, and Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon can't hit Groudon at all.

Although the three of Yulongdu can hit Groudon, their attacks are not enough to wake Groudon, and they must continue to face Groudon's attack.

Soon, the three of Yulongdu exited the battlefield in a cold sweat. This kind of battle is too exciting. In the face of Groudon's attack, the three of Yulongdu have to concentrate on avoiding. Even so, sometimes Groudon Multiple attacks are simply impossible to avoid

In the face of such an attack, the three can only choose to use attack resistance, otherwise even ordinary skills are enough to cause huge damage to their Pokémon.

Therefore, the three-person battle is simply heart-wrenching. I am afraid that if you accidentally fail to block the attack, the damage to your Pokémon will be too great.

However, even if the three of them avoided or blocked all of Groudon's attacks, after such a long battle, the spirits of the three of them couldn't bear it anymore, so they could only choose to withdraw first.

Looking at the violent 623 battlefield with wild skills in the distance, the three of Yulongdu were shocked, and at the same time, they couldn't help but shed a cold sweat in their hearts. It was so terrifying.

If Xiaotian knew the thoughts of Yulongdu and the three of them, he would definitely curl his lips secretly, what's the matter?This is also fortunate that you have blocked Groudon. If you don't have yourself, for the sake of the Hoenn region mainland, you will have to die even if you don't have it.

The battle between the fire-breathing dragon and Groudon was in a stalemate, and Xiaotian was a little impatient. This Groudon was a deadly defense against the fire-breathing dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon could not find a chance to attack at all.

Others Groudon responds to all changes without change, just staring straight at the fire-breathing dragon. Faced with any attack from the fire-breathing dragon, all of Groudon's white beams will follow, and sometimes even find an opportunity to attack. Counterattack, so that Xiaotian can't find a chance to wake up Groudon at all

This is also the reason why Xiao Tianming knew that Yulongdu's participation in the war might cause a lot of trouble and did not stop it. Groudon's fire-breathing dragon defense is too dead. Xiaotian can only hope that Yulongdu and the three can fight against Gulla. Deal a lot of damage, hope to wake up Groudon

In the end, the three of them were too useless. Groudon's main energy was all on the fire-breathing dragon. As a result, these three or half of them ran away?Xiaotian can't bear to say anything, it's so sad

However, although the two bosses of the dark organization are useless, they have to say that they have done a good thing and the only good thing, that is, they transported Groudon to the sea.

If it is above the earth, Xiaotian really does not have the confidence to fight the god of the earth standing on the continent, then it is definitely the rhythm of courting death. s`h`u`0`5.c`o`m` update `fast`

494. Groudon's Weaknesses

"It's good to be a super divine beast, even standing in the sea is not so easy to deal with. I really don't know how strong this creature would be if it stood on the earth." Above the sky, far away from Groudon, Xiaotian Looking at Groudon standing in the sea, he sighed in his heart

In order to ensure safety, Xiaotian did not participate in the battle, but flew far away. Xiaotian commanded the fire-breathing dragon to fight from a distance. As for the fire-breathing dragon who was too far away, he could not hear the command?It doesn't matter, Xiaotian has Shanaido

Shanaido can not only act as an interpreter, but also part-time as a microphone transmitter. Xiaotian conducts the command on Lie Bite Lu Shark, and Shanaido transmits telepathy to the fire-breathing dragon in the distance.

Therefore, Xiaotian acts as a part-time commander as a spectator in a far place, and only the fire-breathing dragon himself contributes.

"Huh? Standing in the sea?" Suddenly, Xiaotian felt something was wrong. This is the sea. Although Groudon is huge, with a height of more than ten meters, in the sea, this height is nothing at all.

At this time, Groudon was actually standing in the sea. Although his two huge thighs were submerged by the sea, this was obviously not normal.

Looking at Groudon with a serious face, Xiaotian suddenly felt a move in his heart.

"Yes, Groudon should control the crustal changes on the seabed, and move out of the place where he can walk on the sea." Xiaotian, who wanted to understand, patted his head angrily, and scolded himself for how his IQ suddenly dropped. Oh, I just discovered something so important

No matter how slow Groudon is, it won't be slow to this level. After all, the strength of others is there. Now it seems that it must be because of the distraction to control the land under his feet, so the battle with the fire-breathing dragon is almost nothing. move place

"It must have been infected by that second-hand from Yulongdu" Xiaotian shook his head, throwing a black pot

In fact, I can't complain about Yulongdu. When Groudon appeared, everyone's attention was on Groudon. Who would pay attention to why Groudon could walk on the sea?

And even if someone pays attention, it's useless. Groudon is standing there. Let's not talk about whether it can destroy the land where Groudon steps on under Groudon's guard. The strength of the boss destroyed the land on which Groudon stepped on. It's a big deal that people control the power they control, and they are freeing up a land for themselves to step on, isn't it the same?no use at all

But now for Xiaotian, it's different. Xiaotian's difficulty now is that all attacks on Groudon will be blocked by Groudon very accurately.

Moreover, Groudon's fire resistance is too high, and Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon's fire attack is useless.

But it's different now. As a ground-type Pokémon, it is restrained by the water system. All Groudon must be very concerned about the land they step on, and don't want to sink into the sea.

Once Groudon sinks into the sea, it is too restrained, so in the face of the fire-breathing dragon's attack on Groudon's feet, Groudon will definitely defend

In this way, Groudon's attention can be restrained, and the fire skills of the fire-breathing dragon can also be released at will. After all, the land under Groudon's feet has no fire resistance.

"The fire-breathing dragon used Burst to burn, attacked Groudon's feet, and tried to destroy the land under Groudon's feet for me~ "Fall" Xiaotian said to Shaneduo, Shaneduo is now the microphone


Hearing the words conveyed by Shanaido, the fire-breathing dragon let out a roar of excitement. As a Pokémon with the main fire attribute, it is too embarrassing to meet such a super fire-attribute opponent, but now it is different, a piece of land, there is no fire resistance

Then the excited fire-breathing dragon flew into the air and began to hold back his big move

Super fast condensation speed, super huge fireball, fire-breathing dragon burst and burns at a very fast speed after preparation, it is released directly to the Groudon below not far away.

Faced with the big move of the fire-breathing dragon, at least Groudon thought so. He ignored the big move of the fire-breathing dragon.

After the fire-breathing dragon quickly avoided Groudon's attack, he heard a loud "bang"

Burst Burning exploded not far from Groudon

As a fire-type ultimate move, the explosion and combustion have double damage of explosion and combustion. Although the explosion and combustion were hit in the sea because of this attack, there is no burning feature, but the power of the explosion is fully displayed.

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