But even if others know how strong they are, who can stop the fire-breathing dragon?And if you really think that you only have a powerful fire-breathing dragon, then you are wrong, only a few hundred thousand points away, Xiaotian's fierce bite Lu shark is about to improve

No matter how those people discussed, Xiaotian, the protagonist of the incident, continued to travel with the three daughters. The boss of the Huoyan team was right. Travel is not only a good exercise for himself, but also an unforgettable memory. It can also conquer precious the Pokémon

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A day later, Xiaotian and others came to a magical place, with steep mountains, dense forests, a large number of wild Pokémon, and an extremely beautiful environment. It was like a paradise.

"It's so beautiful, Master, can we stay here for a few days?" Seeing the beautiful environment and a large number of wild Pokémon, Xiaoxi stared at Xiaotian expectantly and asked

"Okay, just relax." Hearing Xiaoxi's words, Xiaotian nodded and agreed.

In the super-ancient period, everyone's nerves have been twitching tightly, and now they finally return to the present era, but they have encountered the Groudon incident again. Even Xiaotian feels a little tired from the continuous things, not to mention the three daughters.


"Yeah" Hearing Xiaotian nodded in agreement, the three girls cheered happily.

The beautiful setting here is beautiful and there are tons of Pokémon, it's really a good place

Xiaotian has always been puzzled. There are so many wild Pokemon in this place. It stands to reason that this place should be frequented by poachers, but those wild Pokemon here are not afraid of Xiaotian and the four at all. How poachers come to catch Pokémon

It wasn't until Xiaotian saw a Pokémon attracted by Xiaoxi's food that Xiaotian suddenly realized that it was a desert dragonfly, a very rare dragon-type Pokémon.

What surprised Xiaotian is that the level of this desert dragonfly is as high as level 88. It is no wonder that there are no poachers here. The strength of the desert dragonfly is enough to stop most poachers.

Don't look at the desert dragonfly, it is not a desert in Xiaotian's opinion, but compared with most poachers in this world, level 88 is definitely an unmatched mountain

In the next time, Xiaotian and others stayed here, each released their own Pokemon, and played with the wild Pokemon here, and the four of them also began to have a leisure time.

However, what Xiaotian didn't know was that at this time Xiaozhi ran to a place to see a comet that is said to only appear for 7 days in a thousand years, and the place where Xiaotian was is called Faens.

497. Monster

While Xiaotian and the others were taking a leisurely vacation in Farnes, on the other side, the three of Xiaozhi were staring at a Pokémon in Xiaosheng's arms.

"Are you... Kirachi?" Xiao Zhi was stunned, he couldn't believe that he saw the legendary beast so easily.

"You, hello, Kirachi, I'm Xiaosheng" Xiaosheng, the bear boy, was excited when he saw the legendary Kirachi

This Kirachi was just transformed from a stone in front of the three of them.

Before, the three of Xiaozhi came to this place and waited for a thousand years for a comet to appear for 7 days, but the comet did not wait, but a magic team.

While idle and bored, Xiao Zhi and the three were watching magic, when the magician held a strange stone to perform magic, Xiao Sheng suddenly heard a voice in his heart.

Then Xiaosheng got the strange stone from the magician Butler. According to Butler, it was Kirachi's transformation, and Xiaosheng could hear Kiraqi's voice, indicating that Xiaosheng was Kira. Pray's partner, that's why Butler gave that stone to Xiaosheng

However, although what the magician said was very well-founded, the three of them did not believe it was true. After all, Kirachi is a mythical beast that appears every thousand years. How could it be so easy to see

But at this time, seeing Kirachi appearing alive in front of them, Ash and the four were stunned.

Afterwards, Xiaosheng asked Kira to make a wish for a biscuit. 16 Some strange events happened, which will not be mentioned for the time being.

It was said that after Xiaosheng obtained Kiraqi, it was not good. On that night, after everyone fell asleep, the magician Butler secretly grabbed Kiraqi and started his own ambition.

Butler, the magician who owns Kiraqi and handed Kiraqi to Xiaosheng, is not just a kind passerby.

It turned out that this magician was a research member of the Fire Rock Team a long time ago, and he was determined to study the resurrection of Groudon, but after Butler's experiment failed and was ridiculed by the Fire Rock Team, Butler fell into obsession. Among them, the madman wanted to resurrect Groudon, and he was ashamed.

However, it takes an enormous amount of energy to revive Groudon, so Butler focused his attention on Kirachi, who had absorbed the power of the stars for 1000 years. Once the huge energy is released, it must be Can resurrect Groudon

That's why Butler handed the stone-shaped Kirachi to Xiaosheng, which is also Butler's purpose. With the help of Xiaosheng to release Kiraqi, Butler didn't lie, and he could hear Kiraqi's voice. Seung is indeed Jirachi's chosen partner

Until this time, Kirachi had appeared, and Butler naturally began to display his ultimate goal, which was to resurrect Groudon.

But what Butler didn't expect was that not only did Ash and the others wake up early and found their purpose, but when they competed for Kirachi, an Absol appeared.

In the end, under the danger of his girlfriend's betrayal, Xiao Zhi and others drove away with Kirachi.

"Xiao Sheng, I'm going to Hairnce" Kirachi said pitifully to Xiao Sheng

After being drained of energy from his body by Butler, Kirachi not only suffered a lot of damage, but now he is even more terrified and terrified.

"Xiao Sheng, Kirachi said that he was going to Hairnce?" Butler's girlfriend asked

"Well, yes, Fearns"

"Farns is where Butler found Kirachi," Butler's girlfriend said while recalling that the former Butler was just a researcher who liked and focused

But since that experiment failed and was ridiculed and ridiculed by the people of the Fire Rock team, Butler has fallen into his own madness, and he wants to be ashamed first.

"Then let's go to send Ence, as Kirachi's partner, I must accompany Kiraqi" Everyone finally made up their minds to send Ence

However, just when Xiaozhi and others were eager to make an effort in front of them, Xiaozhi and others did not find that the car they were driving had a bug under the chassis flashing.

Just as Xiao Zhi and others worked hard, traveled through mountains and rivers, and traveled for five days, when they arrived in Farns, Butler had already prepared traps in Farns and waited for the arrival of Xiao Zhi and others.

As for Xiaotian and others, they are still taking a leisurely vacation in Faens, beautiful scenery, a lot of Pokemon around, there are four people in Xiaotian, there are also many wild Pokemon, many Pokemon laugh and play, Xiaoxi smiles While making Pokémon food, Xiaotian is lying on the grass and wandering freely. It is a peaceful and beautiful picture.

However, Faens is too big, and the four of Xiaotian did not meet Butler, who arrived early and prepared a trap, otherwise Xiaotian would never have that leisurely mind.

I don't know how the magician Butler calculated it. Anyway, after Ash and the others arrived in Faens, they fell into Butler's trap and were trapped in the trap, unable to rescue Kirachi.

As for Jirachi, although he was not trapped by the trap because he was flying in the air, this non-combat divine beast was not the opponent of the machine that Butler specially prepared for Jirachi, and was soon caught again.

Putting Kirachi in the machine that had been prepared for a long time, Butler carried out the craziest experiment, resurrecting Groudon through the fossil of Groudon

Although Ash and others desperately attacked their protective shield, but it was useless, they could only watch Kirachi release the energy accumulated in the machine for thousands of years.

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