Then, a 20-meter super huge Groudon was created out of thin air

I have to say that Butler's research is still very good. Groudon was made with only one fossil. Unfortunately, this Groudon is not the real Groudon. Although this manufactured species is exactly the same as Groudon , but this thing is a monster

That's right, monster, this monster looks almost exactly like Groudon, but this guy is completely irrational, and this monster is actually absorbing life force

All the trees, flowers and plants around the monster Groudon are all withered, but that's it, this Groudon monster is not satisfied, and there are countless energy tentacles stretched out from behind, catching Pokémon here, after all, Pokémon's Life force is very powerful

"No, that's not the case, this is not the Groudon I want at all." Looking at the huge and terrifying existence, Butler was shocked, but more was unbearable. What Butler wanted to resurrect was only solid Rado is not the monster in front of him, the result of this one is completely different from what he imagined

Countless wild Pokémon were caught by the energy tentacles behind Groudon, and then inhaled into the body. Some powerful wild Pokémon wanted to resist, but all resistance was in vain, unless they could hit 883 and shatter those who caught themselves. Energy tentacles, otherwise there is only one final end, which is to be caught and inhaled into Groudon

Those tentacles with the same energy not only capture the wild Pokémon here, but Xiaozhi and others are also within the scope of capture, and I don't know if it's lucky or unfortunate, those energy tentacles that capture Xiaozhi are trapped in their traps to resist Live, eventually those traps are destroyed by the energy tentacles, but then Ash and the others will face the tentacles that capture them

Facing the overwhelming tentacles, Xiaogang thought of a good idea, that is, to catch the thief first, and command the big rock snake to use the impact to attack the huge Groudon monster.

Then, the big rock snake directly threw itself into the net, and before the Groudon monster caught it, the big rock snake directly merged into the monster's body. This strategy of capturing the thief first and capturing the king failed!

The counterattack failed and he could only run away. However, seeing the overwhelming number of energy tentacles grabbing at him and others, Ash and others looked desperate. Among the Pokémon of Ash and others, except for Pikachu, who could barely cope with one tentacle, the others Pokémon simply can't resist these energy tentacles

Once caught in Groudon's body, if there is no one to save him, then he and the others will become the poop of that monster, the three of them thought desperately.

However, looking around here, except for Butler, who was stunned, he had a bit of fighting power. Butler's girlfriend, whose fighting power was basically 0, could save himself?

Seeing that they and others were caught by the energy tentacles, the three of them were completely desperate, ready to meet their tragic fate and become the poop of the Groudon.

498. Shirona appears

Just when Xiao Zhi and others were about to be taken away by the energy tentacles, an extremely powerful and huge flame shattered the energy tentacles holding Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang, and saved Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang.

On the other side, a destructive light of death shattered the tentacles holding Butler's girlfriend, saving Butler's girlfriend. As for Xiaosheng, don't look at Xiaosheng wearing glasses, but this bear boy is alive and kicking, he just wasn't caught

The rescued Xiao Zhi and the others looked up in shock, only to see a huge fire-breathing dragon X appearing not far in the air, and on the back of the fire-breathing dragon was riding a livid little sky.

Xiaotian is so pissed off now that he was enjoying a leisurely vacation, but suddenly he felt a surge of super powerful energy, and before Xiaotian could react, a super huge Groudon Appeared out of thin air, almost scared Xiaotian to death

Xiaotian thought that there was a strong man who conquered Groudon, but then Xiaotian felt that something was wrong, that Groudon who appeared out of thin air was another irrational product.

At that time, Xiaotian wanted to come and have a look, but because he was worried about the safety of the sundae, he wrote a few words in ink. After a while, when Xiaotian planned to come again, what he saw was the overwhelming energy tentacles.

Seeing such a situation, how could Xiaotian not understand what was going on?Wish 480 Stars, Kirachi event

Thanks to Xiaotian's strength, he rushed over and rescued Xiaozhi and Xiaogang in time, but Butler's girlfriend was not saved by Xiaotian.

"Why are you here, Shirona?" Looking at the other Pokémon and the person behind the Pokémon in the sky, Xiaotian asked in surprise

"I heard rumors about you before that you defeated Groudon, so I came to see you to see if this is true. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. What's the situation? That is Groudon. How much?" Shirona, who was riding on Liebite Lu Shark, asked Xiaotian with a solemn face.

The one below is so powerful with Groudon that Shirona is a little scared

"That's not Groudon, it's just a monster made by humans." Upon hearing Shirona's question, Ash below hurriedly explained

Xiaozhi is afraid of scaring Xiaotian and Shirona. After all, Groudon is a super beast, and its strength is very terrifying. Although that huge monster looks the same as Groudon, it is not Groudon, it is just made by humans out of thin air. just come out

However, Xiaozhi's explanation of bgac is useless. Looking at the level 102 strength of the monster below, Xiaotian's face is already black and can't be darker. Such strength is definitely not something that he and others can deal with.

"Is it made by humans? It looks very strong" Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Shirona was obviously relieved

"It's strong, level 102" Xiaotian said with a stinky face that made everyone stunned again

"How is it possible, how can human beings create a monster of level 102? It's impossible," Hirona shouted in shock. Hirona knew very well the gap between level 96 and level 102, which is simply the gap between the champion and the king. The gap is so great that the opponent can Killed his own ace in one blow, the fierce bite land shark

"I still want to know, how can that monster have such a powerful strength as level 102?" Xiaotian did not answer with a dark face.

"Well, that monster was created with the energy that Jirachi has absorbed for thousands of years. It may be related to this." Xiaosheng on the side suddenly said weakly.

"..." No wonder, how terrifying Kirachi absorbs the energy of thousands of years, I am afraid that creating the monster in front of him is not all Kiraqi's energy, otherwise the monster's level will definitely be more terrifying

"What do I do now?" Hirona asked Xiaotian eagerly. Facing such a big metamorphosis, Hirona was completely helpless. That was a super-powerful existence of level 102, and it was not something Hirona could deal with.

"What else can we do? Let's find a way to stop that monster, that woman, hurry up and persuade that idiot to stop being rude. If he can create that monster, he will definitely find a way to destroy it." Xiaotian pointed to the distance Distraught Butler says to Butler girlfriend

"..." After a brief silence, everyone moved quickly. Xiao Sheng went to Butler with Kirachi and Butler's girlfriend in his arms, and persuaded Butler to find a way to destroy the monster.

Xiaotian and Shirona blocked the energy tentacles in the sky. Although Shirona couldn't compete with the monster, it was no problem to block those energy tentacles.

Only Xiaozhi and Xiaogang stared at each other, u didn't know what to do

"What should we do?" Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi eagerly and asked, blocking the energy tentacles, the two of them are not strong enough to persuade Butler?It seems that it is not necessary. Are the two of them redundant?

Before Xiao Zhi could answer, a desert dragonfly stopped beside Xiao Zhi and called to Xiao Zhi

"Do you want me to go up?" Hearing the call of the desert dragonfly, Xiao Zhi pointed at the back of the desert dragonfly and asked with some doubts.

"Sasha" heard Ash's words, the desert dragonfly nodded

"Yeah" seeing the desert dragonfly nodding, Xiao Zhi jumped up excitedly, hurriedly ran to the desert dragonfly's back, and directed the desert dragonfly to resist those energy tentacles

Leaving Xiaogang alone in the wind and messy, it turned out that the extra people were free by myself, Xiaogang burst into tears, but it didn't take long for Xiaogang to be taken away by the tentacles with a snap.

Now that monster Groudon is catching wild Pokémon everywhere, absorbing life force, but he didn't notice Butler, Xiaotian and the others. In the eyes of the monster Groudon, Xiaotian and others are also difficult to catch. Prey, there are many such prey here, so I don't care about Xiaotian and others blocking those tentacles from catching Xiaosheng

Until Kirachi in Xiaosheng's arms was forced to release a lot of energy before, and he cried out in pain, and was discovered by the monster Groudon in the distance. Seeing such a situation, Xiaotian's heart sank.

Sure enough, those energy tentacles are almost overwhelmingly grabbing towards Jirachi. In the perception of the monster Groudon, the effect of absorbing the divine beast Jirachi is far better than all the Pokémon here.

"Stop, don't let Kirachi be taken away" Xiaotian's face is straight, through the original book, Xiaotian knows that if you want to destroy the monster Groudon, you must need Kiraqi, if Kiraqi is really captured, It's a big disaster

Xiaotian and others may be able to run, but this continent will be completely destroyed. This monster has not only reached level 102, but is stronger than the previous Groudon. The most important thing is this. Only monsters absorb vitality, and they can absorb it wherever they go. If this monster walks around the Fengyuan Continent, the entire Fengyuan area continent will become a dead continent.

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