499. resist

However, in the face of the overwhelming and continuous energy tentacles, it is not easy to resist. Now Xirona is a little reluctant, and although Xiaotian can do it well, after all, Xiaotian rides this fire-breathing dragon under his body and still has a shoulder on his shoulder. There is a Pikachu that can discharge, it is no problem, but it is not so easy to block all the energy tentacles

"Xiaozhi, to protect Xiaosheng, you must protect Kirachi." Xiaotian said to Xiaozhi, who barely resisted the tentacles in the distance. Now Xiaozhi still has some fighting power. After all, that desert dragonfly is only qualified for champions. The presence

Afterwards, Xiaotian glanced at the energy tentacles that were rushing toward the sky one after another, Xiaotian was cruel, took out a Pokeball, and released the Pokémon inside.

There was a loud "bang", and a super huge giant melt-eating beast appeared on the field, blocking the monster Groudon, Xiaosheng and others.

"DM, the giant carnivorous beast is as big as you, I'll see how you catch it" Xiaotian is also cruel before releasing the giant carnivorous beast

Now Xiaotian is in command of the fire-breathing dragon, and he must look in all directions to prevent those tentacles from calling in places where the fire-breathing dragon can't find it or directly passing through Xiaotian's low gear, and directly go to catch Xiao-sheng and Kirachi

There is no time to command the giant carnivorous beast, and with the size of the giant carnivorous beast, coupled with its snail-like speed, it is completely a target.

Although it is difficult for those energy tentacles to capture the giant melt-eating beast because of their huge size, it is only difficult. Watching the giant melt-eating beast is constantly approaching the monster Groudon, you will know what will happen in the end. the result of

"Land Shark" just released the giant melting beast, Xiaotian suddenly heard an anxious voice

Turning his head and looking around, he saw that Shirona and Liebite Lu Shark were caught by two tentacles, and there were countless tentacles grabbed in all directions, and Liebite Lu Shark was struggling, but because of the two tentacles on his body, strong The biting land shark can't move at all, and it is about to be caught by countless tentacles in all directions.

"Fire-breathing dragon" Xiaotian pointed to the fierce biting land shark who was struggling in the distance and signaled the fire-breathing dragon to save them


At this time, Shirona had no power to resist, and was caught by two tentacles. Facing the overwhelming tentacles, the fierce bite land shark could not be completely blocked, and the two tentacles were grabbing, not to mention dodging. span

Hirona couldn't have imagined that before the level 102 monster Groudon shot, the tentacles alone couldn't resist it.

Although it is said that if the monster Groudon is eliminated, he can be rescued very well, but God knows whether such a terrifying monster can be eliminated, and even if it is eliminated, who knows whether the digestive system of that monster is good or not. , What if I have already been digested by the time that monster Groudon is destroyed?

So at this time, Hirona was desperate. Seeing that she was about to be taken away, Hirona only hoped that someone could destroy the monster and save herself. The most important thing is that the monster's digestive system should not be too fast.

Just when Shirona was full of despair and was constantly praying that the monster Groudon had indigestion, a huge jet of flame shot across the sky and rescued the bite land shark and Shirona from those tentacles.

Looking at Xiaotian and the fire-breathing dragon in the distance with some surprise, Shirona's originally despairing heart suddenly trembled fiercely. She didn't expect that she would be saved by Xiaotian. Has this little guy grown to this level? ?

However, when he saved himself just now, he was really handsome, bah, what are you thinking about now?Shirona's face turned red, and suddenly Shirona's face changed greatly

"Be careful"

I saw that not far away, countless energy tentacles were grabbing towards Xiaotian. Xirona knew that this was because the fire-breathing dragon had just shot flames towards her in order to save herself, and there was no time to block those energy tentacles that were grabbing towards her. Time regret, moved, all kinds of complex emotions intertwined in Shirona's heart

Hearing Xirona's prompt, Xiaotian also found the tentacles that were grabbing at the fire-breathing dragon, but facing those tentacles that made the fire-breathing dragon defenseless, Xiaotian was not worried at all.

In the face of countless energy tentacles grabbing at him, the fire-breathing dragon waved its glowing claws and struck the dragon's claws, smashing those energy tentacles that were grabbing at him.

Looking at the energy tentacles that were constantly grabbing at him, Xiaotian pouted poignantly. Facing the monster itself, Xiaotian may not be an opponent, but those tentacles are no threat to Xiaotian, just want to stop those tentacles from capturing Kirachi is a little difficult, after all, there are too many tentacles

However, Xiaotian didn't know that he had just flirted with his sister invisibly, oh no, it was twice

"How is this possible?" Shirona was stunned as she watched the fire-breathing dragon hit the dragon's grasp and smashed those energy tentacles into pieces. She couldn't believe it was true. Was it shattered so easily by that fire-breathing dragon's claws?

How strong is Xiaotian?Is that rumor true?Shirona fell into a huge shock for a time

Don't look at Shirona's usual cuteness is a cute girl, but as the champion of the region, Shirona is definitely a strong woman. If you want to conquer this kind of woman, in addition to being stronger than her and being able to conquer her, only in special circumstances, such as When she is in danger and her heart is the most vulnerable, it is the best time to take action

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

However, these two kinds of small days are all occupied, so they are teased twice.

In fact, there is still a strong woman who wants to conquer Shirona, and there is another way, that is to be nice to her and find a way to defuse her toughness, but this Xiaotian also accounted for the spray that gave Shirona an emperor's qualifications fire dragon

Closer to home, now is not the time for girls, the current situation is that Xiaotian has no pressure on her own, Xirona is very reluctant to deal with it, but it is very reluctant to stop those energy tentacles from arresting Xiaosheng and them.

As for the giant carnivorous beast, although there is also a big move that can break a lot of tentacles, but compared to the speed of those energy tentacles, the release speed of the giant carnivorous beast is still too slow, so the giant carnivorous beast can only be regarded as A big meat shield, blocking the forward path of those tentacles


However, those tentacles are completely free to move forward. After all, they are just energy tentacles. You can go wherever you want. It is simply not something that giant melting beasts can stop.

And the monster Groudon is obviously very obsessed with Kirachi, a lot of energy tentacles are grabbing towards Kiraqi, and as the monster Groudon gets closer, the situation is getting more and more serious, you must know the real big boss But that monster Groudon?

As for the desert dragonfly Xiaotian in the back, there is no hope at all. According to the plot of the original book, the desert dragonfly is solved with just a few tentacles. Even if Butler's Pokémon bursts out, it means a few more tentacles. This thing is completely incomparable with the overwhelming tentacles that Xiaotian and Shirona resisted, and needless to say, the monster Groura is much more.

Looking at Groudon, the monster that was getting closer and closer, Xiao Weather wanted to scold others. What were Xiao Sheng and Butler doing behind him?why not

If according to the plot of the original book, Butler was caught by the monster because of his girlfriend, Butler suddenly woke up, and then used the machine that created the monster again, but this time it was reversed.

Using the machine in reverse can extract all the abilities of the monster's body in reverse. Only in this way can the monster be destroyed.

Just such a trivial matter, what are the ink marks behind those people?That monster Groudon is getting closer and closer, and it won't be as simple as just dealing with those tentacles.

Thinking of blocking the level 102 monster for a while, Xiaotian's face couldn't be darker, this is simply a pit of gods.

500. Fight

Xiaotian has been very puzzled since seeing the overwhelming energy tentacles, how did Xiaozhi and the others in the original book excited the machine again to destroy the monster Groudon under such circumstances

You know, even a champion and an intermediate-level powerhouse like Shirona can barely resist those tentacles. This is because most of them are attracted by Xiaotian, and how does Xiaozhi's strength of two or three rookies block those tentacles? Tentacle?

However, there is no time for Xiaotian to continue to wonder, looking at Groudon who is getting closer and closer.

"This monster must be blocked, it can't let it pass, but..." Xiaotian looked solemnly at the approaching monster, and looked at the direction of Xiaosheng behind him with some worry

If you resist this monster, what about those energy tentacles?Once those energy tentacles catch Butler or Kirachi, it's still the end

As for letting Xiaotian block those energy tentacles and the monster Groudon together, sorry, Xiaotian doesn't have that ability.

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