Xiaotian, who received the medal, originally planned to leave first. After all, because of Xiaozhi's character, if he didn't get the medal, he would not leave, but helplessly, Xiaozhi chased Xiaotian for advice and did not let Xiaotian go.

Although Xiaozhi in reality is as lacking as in the original book, the difference from the original book is that in reality Xiaozhi deeply understands his weakness. In the original book, Xiaozhi did not meet many powerful trainers at all. That's why Ash made the move to challenge the Ice King Kona and the champion Shirona

Now because of Xiaotian's intervention, Xiaotian's powerful Pokémon let Xiaozhi deeply understand how terrifying the strength of the strong is, so Xiaozhi understands that he is still very weak, and he will not be like the original book. A few rookies with their heads up in the sky

Only when you understand your weakness will you want to be stronger, not to mention Xiaotian is such a powerful friend, so Xiaozhi is now chasing Xiaotian desperately, hoping to become stronger

But helplessly, Xiaotian really can't teach in this respect, unless Xiaozhi also has a plug-in gold finger, otherwise Xiaotian has already taught everything he can teach.

A trainer becoming stronger is nothing more than a Pokémon with good 013 qualifications, and cultivate this Pokémon, through constant battles, exercise command ability

In fact, most trainers know how to become stronger, but if you want to do it and make yourself stronger, only you will know how difficult it is

Because Xiaozhi's dead skin was holding Xiaotian in his face, and he had encountered super strong opponents in a row before, Xiaotian and the four also planned to rest and relax, so Xiaotian and the four stayed for two more days, waiting for Xiaozhi to carry out Challenge Gym

Xiaozhi's second game, although Xiaotian gave Xiaozhi a reminder before, but with Xiaozhi's IQ and personality, it is really inappropriate to rely on the tacit understanding of commanding Pokémon to win the game

Like the original book, when Xiao Zhi was fighting, Pikachu's thunder was reflected by the hard steel of Dawangyan and Pikachu by the light wall of the other side's moonstone. As a result, there was an unpredictable reaction. Dawangyan and Pikachu became golden figures.

What is the specific effect, how it happened, Xiaotian doesn't know, anyway, Wangyan and Pikachu were hit by the reflected thunder. put on the coat of thunder

King Yan and Pikachu, who are covered in golden light, even carry special electric attacks when they use their attacks, and because they are wrapped in thunder, the two Pokémon are powerful to the point of abnormality in terms of speed and defense.

In other words, King Yan and Pikachu in thunder coats are like being transformed into Super Saiyans.

Just like when Sun Rock sent out a blast of sunshine flames before, Da Wangyan only used a flash of electric light to directly penetrate the attack of the sunshine flames.

On the other hand, Feng and Nan facing the super Saiyan King Yan and Pikachu, even if they learned to cooperate because of the battle with Xiaotian, they could only be defeated.

"What is the principle of this?" Xiaotian kept guessing when he saw Xiaozhi's king Yan and Pikachu wearing thunder coats

This is comparable to the ability to transform into a Saiyan. Xiaotian is really envious and wants to learn, but helpless, Xiaotian thinks for a long time and does not understand what the principle is, so that the two Pokémon have been attacked by thunder for a long time. , but was wrapped by thunder, and the strength in all aspects has been greatly improved

"It's a pity, I don't understand, it seems that I can only experiment by myself in the future." After thinking about it for a long time, Xiaotian could only shake his head and express helpless regret. How did the coat come to be?

"Xiao Tian, ​​do you think it has something to do with Xiao Zhi's Pikachu eating the electric ball?" Hearing Xiao Tian's sigh, the sundae on the side suddenly said

Sundae is also studying the combination skills of the thunder coat, such a gorgeous and powerful skill, Sundae is also very jealous

"Huh? You mean?" Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian asked with some doubts

"The thunder coat appears because Pikachu and Da Wangyan have been attacked by thunder for a long time. Do you think it's because Pikachu Xiaozhi's Pikachu ate the electric ball bgdj, Xiaotian, didn't you say that, Electric beads have the ability to store electricity, will that lightning coat be a manifestation of electricity storage?" Saying this, Sundae suddenly paused, and then continued with some uncertainty.

"As for Dawangyan, is it because Pikachu was standing on Dawangyan at that time, and the two Pokémon were a whole, so Dawangyan wore the thunder coat?" Sundae is a little uncertain about how Dawangyan put it on. Thunder jackets, you must know that electric attacks can restrain flying Pokémon.

"Maybe" Hearing Sundae's analysis, Xiaotian looked casual.

Although Xiaotian really wants to learn this unexpected thundering coat, Xiaotian will not go to the horns, he can learn it better, and Xiaotian will not force it if he can't learn it.

And through the original book, Xiaotian also knows that the thunder coat only appeared this time, and it will not be used in the future, so I am afraid that this appearance is just a coincidence.

Successfully obtained the medal, Xiaotian and the others said goodbye to Xiaozhi and others again and left, intending to leave, Xiaozhi finally convinced Xiaotian and the others to persuade them repeatedly, and finally believed that if they wanted to become stronger, they could only rely on themselves, not others Church, just let Xiaotian leave

Looking at Xiao Sheng, who was sad and tearful because of the separation, Xiao Tian felt helpless, but also sighed in his heart. Xiao Sheng has grown up a lot after traveling with Xiao Zhi for so long, at least not like before, holding Xiao Tian thighs, howling

After half a day, the four of Xiaotian came to a small island. To Xiaotian's surprise, here, Xiaotian unexpectedly met the king of Fengyuan area, Yuanzhi.

In fact, it was Genji who recognized Xiaotian and talked to Xiaotian first.

"Are you Xiaotian, you look so small, I heard that you resisted Groudon, I don't quite believe it, accept my challenge, fight with me, let me see if you are as capable as the legend Resist Groudon's attack." After Xiaoyao defeated a rookie who came to challenge, an old man with a white beard came to Xiaotian and said solemnly

Yuanzhi Tianwang has never seen Xiaotian, but Xiaotian who has read the original book knows Yuanzhi Tianwang and recognizes him at a glance

This old man is the same as Yulongdu in Kanto. He mainly attacks dragon-type Pokémon. He is also considered to be the Dragon King in the Hoenn area. From the serious expression on his face, you can see how Genji's character is.

Xiaotian did not expect that the serious and serious King Yuanzhi would challenge himself because he heard rumors. Of course, Xiaotian also knew that the challenge of Tianwang Yuanzhi was also due to an accident, and the other party would come to challenge him to prove the truth of the rumors. , but what makes Xiaotian speechless is that King Genji intends to challenge the fire-breathing dragon. At the very least, listening to the other party means that

The regional kings are generally only very powerful trainers, and the lowest is the quasi-champion level. There are very few regional kings at the king level.

But even if the opponent is very strong and is a quasi-championship-level powerhouse, it is only a quasi-champion, not even a champion.

You know, Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon is a level 100 super existence. Even the mid-championship champions like Hirona, Huoyan Team, and the Boss of the Water Fleet will feel a terrifying existence. It is such a super existence, you are a quasi-championship level. Want to challenge a fire-breathing dragon?If he really sent a fire-breathing dragon, wouldn't it be a bit too bullying? .

509. Battle against the King of Genji

Xiaotian didn't think that Genji was trying to challenge the level 100 fire-breathing dragon. Xiaotian also knew that it was unbelievable to have a level 100 Pokémon at his age. I never thought that my strongest trump card would be a level 100 terrifying existence

In fact, if it weren't for that super ancient journey, Xiaotian's strength would be level 95, and he wouldn't be as terrifying as level 100.

And Genji challenged himself, in addition to wanting to challenge the strong, it was more to verify the truth of the rumors

If Xiaotian sends a level 95 Lu Shark, it would not be a problem at all. It can defeat the Emperor Yuanzhi, and the strength of the 95 Lu Shark can prove the rumors are true. Rado, he didn't say how strong he is.

But the problem now is that apart from the fire-breathing dragon in the necklace, the only champion-level Pokémon carried by Xiaotian are Shanaido and Pikachu, and there is no land shark that bites fiercely at all.

"...." Release a level 100 fire-breathing dragon. With the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, he can even kill the quasi-champion King Genji, bully the King of Genji, or use Shanaido or Pikachu. Although the same can defeat the King of Genji, the opponent will definitely Will doubt whether the rumors are true or false, choose one of two options

He bowed his head and thought for a while, and soon, Xiaotian made a choice. The fire-breathing dragon is his trump card. Unless necessary, Xiaotian does not plan to expose the strength of the fire-breathing dragon too much.

It's not that Xiaotian doesn't want to bully Yuanzhi. In Xiaotian's opinion, since you dare to challenge, he will let out a fire-breathing dragon to bully you.

After all, the strength of level 100 is too strong, especially at such a young age. It is simply unbelievable. Most of those who heard the rumors were just like Genji. They were skeptical, or even completely unbelievable.

Of course, the level 100 fire-breathing dragon has given Xiaotian great confidence. Xiaotian is not worried about those people with ulterior motives looking for trouble for him, although it will be a little troublesome.

What Xiaotian is afraid of is that once his strength is completely exposed, once there is any trouble, the people in the alliance can't solve it by themselves, and they come to him for help.

If it is someone you don’t know well, you will refuse it if you refuse. I am afraid that they will find someone they know to act as a lobbyist, like Hirona, Dr. Damu, or even their own parents. Will they help or not?So the little genius won't ask for trouble.

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