As for Yuanzhi's suspicion of whether the rumors are true or false, Xiaotian doesn't care about it at all, as long as he knows it well, Xiaotian doesn't care about other people's opinions.

And even if you don't release a level 100 fire-breathing dragon, Pikachu and Shanaido's champion-level super strength is not easy to mess with

"Okay, I accept your challenge." After brainstorming, Xiaotian nodded and agreed to the challenge of King Genji

"Okay, then come with me." Hearing Xiaotian nodding in agreement, Yuanzhi Tianwang said to Xiaotian, and turned to lead the way.

After all, King Yuanzhi is a quasi-championship-level strength, and Xiaotian's reputation may not be weak. When two such powerful opponents fight, it is natural to find a suitable battlefield, otherwise the damage to the surrounding environment will be too great. span

Under the leadership of Tianwang Yuanzhi, the four of Xiaotian came to a huge open space by the sea, and Tianwang Yuanzhi did not ink at all, and went directly to the side of the field to release his strongest trump card, a level 88 storm. salamander

"This is the real king, my father is the backup king." On the other side, Xiaoyao was excitedly waiting for the battle that was about to begin

"Hey, it's hard to do, maybe you'll lose." In the field, seeing the violent salamander sent by the other party, Xiaotian muttered with a headache.

The opponent's salamander aptitude is also a godsend, just like Shanaido and Pikachu, although there is a two-level difference in the level, the opponent's strength is weaker, but don't forget, the opponent is a dragon-type Pokémon, and the natural racial value is High, and at this level, the gap between the two levels is not too big, so the final result can only depend on the commanding ability of both sides.

Of course, Xiaotian's Pokémon is stronger, so Xiaotian still has a slight advantage.

"Which Pokémon to use?" He lowered his head and thought for a while, Xiaotian decided to send Pikachu to the battle. Although Shanaido's attack is unpredictable, if we want to talk about a strong attack, we have to say it is Pikachu.

"Go, Pikachu"

"The two sides of the game are Xiaotian and Yuanzhi Tianwang. The rules of the game are 1v1. If the opponent loses the ability to fight, they will win. Now the game starts."

"Pikachu Thunder"


At the beginning of the game, Xiaotian took the lead in launching the attack. Hearing that Pikachu, commanded by Xiaotian, released his thunder skills at a very fast speed. Like thunder in a rainy day, the thunder fell from the sky and slashed towards the violent salamander in the air.

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"Quickly avoid." Seeing the skills used by Pikachu, Fang Yuanzhi Tianwang hurriedly shouted to the violent salamander, but when he saw the violent salamander evading the thundering attack, Yuanzhi's eyes suddenly opened the boss.

"What a fast speed, what a strong attack." The attack speed and attack power of that Pikachu made Genji, who was a little careless at the beginning, secretly startled.

"Pikachu million volts, chase after the opponent" Seeing the opponent avoid the attack, Xiaotian was not disappointed and continued to attack

After all, the opponent is also a level 88 Dragon-type Pokémon, and his aptitude is still a godsend. With such a powerful strength, it is normal to avoid Pikachu's attack, even if Pikachu's attack far exceeds the existence of the same level.


"Hmph, the breath of the salamander dragon, block the opponent's attack." In the face of Pikachu's continuous Ford attacks, Genji did not choose to dodge, but used his skills to resist.

As a heavenly king and an old man's vision, Genji naturally knows that once the salamander chooses to dodge and avoid Pikachu's million volts everywhere, it is easy for Pikachu to find an opportunity to attack and attack.

As for resisting Pikachu's attack, it's simple. After all, although the level of the salamander is inferior to that of Pikachu, in general, the strength of the two Pokémon is still almost the same, and there is no problem with resisting Pikachu's skills.

"As expected of the King of Heaven, he is an old man. Would you rather confront Pikachu, who is good at special attacks, than dodge, but do you think it's that easy?" Seeing the other party's reaction, Xiaotian secretly said in his heart, and then Xiaotian continued to issue commands.

"Pikachu, make a continuous attack"

Pikachu's million volts attack continuously, while the opponent's breath of the dragon is a mouthful. Although the attacks of the two sides in the middle will explode together, causing the skills of the two Pokémon to be interrupted, but the attack speed , or Pikachu using skills faster

"A strong attack?" Seeing Pikachu's continuous attacks, Genji's brows furrowed fiercely. Obviously, he also realized this.

With Pikachu's continuous attack, the place where the skills of the two sides collide will get closer and closer to the salamander, until it finally explodes near the salamander. Once the salamander is affected by the explosion, I am afraid that Pikachu will launch a fatal attack. it's time

"Storm salamander, use lightning flash".

510. Battle against Genji King 2

"Lightning flash?" Xiaotian was taken aback when he heard the command of King Genji, ordinary salamanders don't have the skill of flashing light. Seeing that Genji's violent salamanders are unusual, Xiaotian was surprised at the same time, also secretly vigilant

"Pikachu, we also use a flash of lightning" and then Xiaotian gave a command to Pikachu

In the field, two Pokémon, one big and one small, turned into a fast white light, slammed into each other quickly, and finally collided together, and the powerful impact directly knocked Pikachu out of the way.

A flash of lightning is a hit-type move. Just by looking at its body shape, you can tell that the salamander has a great advantage. In such a collision attack, Pikachu will suffer more damage, but such a weakness, Xiaotian doesn't care at all.

"Could it be a static characteristic? This is a very troublesome characteristic." On the other side, Genji Heavenly King frowned deeply. On the other side, Xiaotian would rather let Pikachu endure a greater attack and collide with the opposite violent salamander. Genji Heavenly King aside from guessing Pikachu has static characteristics, and I can't think of any other reason to paralyze the salamander in melee combat.

Genji Tianwang is a little worried now, the opponent's Pikachu is too perfect, super "[-]" strong special attack, super fast speed, and even the physical attack is complemented perfectly by the static characteristics

Although the physical attack ability of the salamander surpasses that of Pikachu, after guessing that Pikachu has electrostatic characteristics, Genji does not dare to continue the physical battle with Pikachu, otherwise once the salamander is paralyzed by the static characteristics of Pikachu, then the next step will definitely be ushered in a fatal attack from the opponent,

what can we do about it?Yuanzhi thought quickly, and suddenly, the eyes of Yuanzhi Tianwang lit up.

"Xiao Tian, ​​your Pikachu is really perfect, not only has super strong special attack but also has super fast speed. Although there is some weakness in physical attack, it is also perfectly compensated by your static characteristics, but Xiao Tian, ​​you I don't seem to have noticed that Pikachu still has a shortcoming." Genji, who was opposite, suddenly said to Xiaotian with a confident look on his face.

"Oh? Really?" Xiaotian asked with a smile when he heard Genji's words, but he secretly curled his lips in his heart, such a Pikachu is perfect enough, what else do you want to do?How can this world have a perfect Pokémon?

"That's right, your Pikachu's weakness is that it's too small, and the salamander uses a tornado." The King Genji on the opposite side confidently told Xiao Tian about Pikachu's shortcomings, and then issued a new command with a serious face.

"...." What kind of weakness is this? It's not so much a weakness, it's not that the other party found a way for the other party's Pikachu, but the other party is right, the tornado skill is indeed a restraint of Pikachu.

In the field, the salamander used a powerful tornado. As soon as the powerful tornado appeared, the little Pikachu was affected. As the tornado continued to approach Pikachu, the strong wind made it difficult for the little Pikachu to walk. Pikachu inserted his tail into the ground, probably already swept up by the powerful tornado

But even if Pikachu is not swept up by the tornado now, he cannot move at all due to the powerful tornado.

"It can't go on like this. With the power of this tornado, once the tornado gets close to Pikachu, even if Pikachu's tail is inserted into the ground, it will be circled." Seeing the scene in the field, this time it was Xiaotian's turn to worry. Power, even if Pikachu's tail is inserted into the ground, it will be swept up by the tornado

After a quick thought, Xiaotian made up his mind.

"Pikachu, super mode, get me moving" Xiaotian waved his hand and commanded in high spirits

The so-called super mode is to use electricity to stimulate the fine bubbles, so that Pikachu's speed and attack are greatly increased, and because of the stimulation of the fine bubbles, Pikachu can use skills without stiffness time, that is to say, during the super mode, Pikachu. You can use skills continuously without pause, and your strength is greatly improved

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