"Huh?" Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian looked at Yuanzhi Tianwang with some doubts. Xiaotian didn't expect that the serious old man on the opposite side would admit defeat.

"Although the violent salamander has a strong anti-strike ability and can quickly relieve Pikachu's paralysis, it takes time no matter how fast it is, and your Pikachu uses thunder too fast, basically it will not give the violent salamander. Opportunity, once the thunder attack hits, then the current situation of the violent salamander will definitely lose its combat effectiveness. Since it is destined to lose, why should I let my Pokémon suffer more damage?" Feeling Xiaotian's doubtful gaze, Genji Tianwang explained slowly

"Pikachu, cancel the super mode" Hearing the other party's explanation, Xiaotian nodded to show his understanding. With a personality like Xiaozhi, he would rather let his Pokémon suffer more damage and fight it. Compared with this, this one Genji King is more sensible

In the case of knowing that you will definitely lose, in order not to let your Pokémon suffer more damage, it is also a very wise choice to admit defeat

Because Pikachu used the super mode, although the two Pokémon did not fight for a long time, but now Pikachu is out of breath, which is the result of too much physical exertion

"Xiao Tian, ​​you won, but I'm very curious, why did your Pikachu suddenly become so much stronger, directly pressing the salamander to fight, and it seems that there is no stiff pause when it uses the skills." God asked

"This is Pikachu's special skill. Using electricity to stimulate fine bubbles can greatly increase Pikachu's speed and attack, and there is no pause time for using the skill, but it consumes a lot of physical strength." The problem of pausing Genji, Xiaotian did not Concealed, explained slowly

In fact, there is no need for Xiaotian to hide this. This special skill can only be fully used by Pikachu who has eaten the electric beads. Although other Pokémon can also be used, it is not complete, and there are many shortcomings.

Either the strength cannot be improved, or the consumption of physical strength is too great to last for long.

"A very magical skill" Hearing Xiaotian's explanation, King Genji couldn't help sighing. Genji understands the weakness of excessive physical exertion. After all, if such a powerful skill has no shortcomings, it is simply against the sky.

Afterwards, King Yuanzhi hesitated for a while, and asked Xiaotian again.

"Xiao Tian, ​​how powerful is this Pikachu among your Pokémon?" Genji naturally knew that in the rumors, Xiao Tian's low-grade Pokémon that lived in Groudon was not a Pikachu, so he was very curious, such a powerful Pikachu, in Xiao Tian's What grade of Pokémon does it belong to?

"Ranked third, there are two Pokémon that are stronger than Pikachu." Xiaotian did not hide the question of Genji, anyway, even if the other party knew that he had two Pokémon stronger than Pikachu, he would not be able to guess their strength. how exactly

In fact, there is no specific ranking for other Pokémon in Xiaotian, except for the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite land shark, but Pikachu should be ranked fourth. Can't beat Bangira

As for the other Pokémon, Xiaotian doesn't know. At least, Pikachu can't defeat the giant carnivorous beast. Of course, the giant carouse beast can't beat Pikachu. Compared with Pikachu, the speed of the giant carnivorous beast is too slow.

"Ranked third? It seems that the rumors are still very likely." Hearing Xiaotian's answer, Yuanzhi nodded and thought to himself.

King Genji never thought of the two Pokémon that Xiaotian mentioned, one was a level 100 supernatural being, and the other was a level 95 super-powerful being.

But even if he couldn't think of the strength of those two Pokémon, after seeing the strength of Pikachu, Genji had already believed the rumors. After all, he was only level 93 when he fought together against Groudon's Yulongdu.

And the Pikachu in front of me, although the level is level 90, is definitely much stronger than level 91, reaching level 92 or even level 93, so how strong are those two Pokémon that are stronger than Pikachu?Will it reach the championship intermediate level?

"Xiao Tian, ​​you are such a genius. You have such a powerful strength at such a young age. I apologize to you for doubting your strength before. I believe you are strong enough to resist Groudon." Genji suddenly said to Tian

"..." In the face of Yuanzhi's apology, Xiaotian shrugged with a casual look on his face. Xiaotian didn't care much about whether Yuanzhi doubted his own strength.

But hearing what Genji meant, it was obvious that the other party underestimated Groudon.

512. Cradle Lily

"Master, that white-bearded grandfather is really amazing. He can be like this with your Pikachu. His strength is so strong. He deserves to be the Dragon King in the Fengyuan area." On the way, Xiaoyao said to Xiaotian with some admiration.

Even Xiaoyao, who does not aim at a strong trainer, will worship the strong. Of course, Xiaoyao admires her master the most, Xiaotian.

"Of course the regional heavenly king is stronger, and being able to serve as a trainer for the regional heavenly king does not mean that he is a heavenly king-level trainer. Most of the regional heavenly kings can only be served by very powerful trainers." explained slowly

"Master, is there a strong presence in the coordinator's family?" Xiaoyao asked Xiaotian with a look of longing after hearing Sundae's explanation.

"Yes, there are also powerful coordinators in the coordinator. In fact, the real powerful coordinators are not weaker than those powerful trainers, and powerful coordinators are even more difficult to deal with, because coordinators will study some strange moves, very It's hard to deal with." Hearing Xiaoyao's question, Xiaotian explained calmly, and then continued.

"Actually, the level worse than the trainer is the level of the coordinator, because the coordinator will spend a lot of time researching the release method of skills and training Pokémon how to use the skills, but once the level of the coordinator comes up, the coordinator is very powerful. "Xiaotian warned Xiaoyao.

Coordinator, there are many things that Xiaotian can learn from. Just by watching Xiaoyao's game, Xiaotian has learned a lot. way, and many other ways of using skills make Xiaotian's eyes light up.

In fact, the way for trainers to become stronger, in addition to having highly qualified Pokémon, enhancing command ability, and researching skills is also a way to become stronger

However, although it is easy to research, it needs to be used by Pokémon. Therefore, the strange skills of the coordinator require a lot of training to display the skills in various ways.

"Really? Master, are you serious, there is also a strong presence in the coordinator's family?" Xiaoyao was obviously very excited when she heard Xiaotian's words

Although Xiao Yao, who has just set out, has no intention of becoming stronger, but traveling with Xiao Tian, ​​she encounters all powerful people, especially Xiao Tian, ​​a pervert who reminds Xiao Yao of her weakness from time to time.

Even the two elder sisters, Sundae and Xiaoxi, have the strength that Xiaoyao can't match, and Xiaoyao naturally wants to become stronger.

"Of course it's true, so Xiaoyao, work hard and you will definitely become stronger in the future." Hearing Xiaoyao's question, Xiaotian cheered Xiaoyao on.

Xiaotian is not fooling Xiaoyao, don't look at Xiaoyao's head is a bit lacking, but Xiaoyao is still very talented. This aspect is somewhat similar to Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi's talent is a clever move during battle. It can also be said that It is the instinct of fighting, and the heart of Pokémon, with a string on the head, so that Xiaozhi is fearless, the more he fights, the more brave he becomes, the stronger he becomes.

Xiaoyao, on the other hand, is a research on skills, and has a great talent for commanding during battles.

Needless to say about the research on skills, when Xiaoyao's strength is still very weak, he can develop alternative ways of releasing skills. In the future, as Xiaoyao's strength becomes stronger and there are more Pokémon, the skills Xiaoyao can develop will become more and more powerful. The more you come, the stronger

As for the command of the battle, Xiaoyao's performance was not very good at first, but that was also because of Xiaoyao's relationship with Taicai at that time, but now Xiaoyao's strength has initially grown up, so in the command of the battle , Xiaoyao's talent has begun to slowly come into play

After hearing Xiaotian's explanation, Xiaoyao can be said to be overexcited in the next two days. After knowing that the coordinator's various gorgeous skills are not just for looking good, Xiaoyao can be said to be extremely excited.

When I have nothing to do, I study how to use skills. Xiaoyao is even enchanted. When walking, she is still studying how to use skills. Of course, Xiaoyao's training on Pokémon has not fallen behind.

Now Xiaoyao, under the influence of Xiaotian's super strength, is no longer aiming at the gorgeous competition. Although Xiaoyao also wants to get the championship ribbon of the gorgeous competition, but now Xiaoyao is more I want to become stronger

Two days later, the four of Xiaotian were in a forest at this time. Xiaoyao in front was running around, as if looking for something, and the three of Xiaotian followed helplessly behind Xiaoyao.

"Impossible, I saw it clearly, so I won't be able to find it." As he walked, Xiaoyao kept talking

"Xiaoyao, are you mistaken, Cradle Lily is an extinct Pokémon, do you think other Pokémon are Cradle Lily?" The sundae asked helplessly behind him.

Since Xiao Yao said that she saw Cradle Lily in the forest before, but she and others didn't believe it, Xiao Yao was completely stunned, full of messes in the forest, looking for Cradle Lily everywhere, you know, Cradle Lily is a How can an extinct Pokémon be so easy to see, and still wild?

"Impossible, I clearly saw it, and I even took out the Pokémon illustration to check it out. That Pokémon is exactly the same as the Cradle Lily in the illustration, so I can't go wrong." After hearing Sundae's words, Xiao Yao still stubbornly insisted on herself. seen cradle lily

"See the extinct cradle lily?" Xiaotian is as skeptical as Xiaoyao sees the cradle lily. The extinct Pokémon doesn't mean that you can't see it. Maybe some scientists have the ability to resurrect an extinct one. 's Pokémon, it's all normal

But in this forest, seeing a wild, extinct Pokémon is somewhat unlikely.

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