Although Xiaotian knows the original book and knows a lot about Pokémon, but after all, it's been too long, and Xiaotian doesn't remember many plots in the original book clearly.

As for the cradle lily?There are so many extinct Pokémon, can Xiaotian remember which is which?


Just when Xiaoyao was going to work hard and saw Cradle Lily, Xiaotian and the others suddenly made a sound not far away.



"What is it?"

Hearing the sound, Xiaotian and the others hurriedly turned their heads to look, and then the four of them saw a figure suddenly appearing behind a tall grass.

"This is? Cradle Lily?" Seeing the Pokémon that suddenly appeared, Xiaotian and the three were shocked, but they didn't expect that there would be an extinct Pokémon.

"Cradle Lily, I finally found you, why did you come here, don't you know we are worried about you?" Before Xiaotian and the others could react, a woman in a white coat suddenly ran over to the Beside the cradle lily, some blame said

"This..." Sure enough, this Qian Li's cradle lily is not wild. Just looking at the lady's white coat, you can tell that this is a researcher.

"Hello, my name is Annu, what are you doing here?" Feeling the eyes of the four of them, the lady in the white coat suddenly asked the four of them.

"Hey, Xiaoyao said that she saw the extinct cradle lily, we don't believe it, so Xiaoyao is looking for the cradle lily everywhere in this forest." Hearing Annu's question, Xiaotian pointed at Xiaoyao and replied

"It turns out that this is the case. You must think of this cradle lily as a wild Pokémon, so you won't believe it. In fact, this cradle lily was successfully resurrected by us using ancient fossils, but this child has been I am very longing for the outside world, so I sneaked out. I am sorry for causing trouble to you. The front is our research institute. I invite you to visit, and you will definitely be pleasantly surprised.” Hearing Xiao Tian's explanation, Anu said apologetically, and it was obvious that Anu was not worried that Xiaotian and others were bad people, and even sent an invitation to Xiaotian and the others.

513. Robber

Following Anu to the research institute ahead, Xiaotian and others saw the surprise that Anu said at a glance

"It's Tentacle Lily, that's also an extinct Pokémon" Sundae exclaimed when he saw the Pokémon in the research institute, and saw an extinct Pokémon, no, to be precise, many Tentacle Lily , the four of them are really surprised

You know, it's not easy to resurrect a Pokémon. I didn't expect that this institute would resurrect several Pokémon that have disappeared.

Just when everyone was surprised, a man dressed in white came out of the research institute.

"Annu, who are they?" Seeing the four of Xiaotian, the visitor asked Annu with some doubts

"Let me introduce them. They are Xiaotian, Xiaoxi, Xiaoyao and Sundae. They are trainers who are traveling. Because they met while looking for Cradle Lily, I invited them to join our research institute." Annu pointed to the four of Xiaotian and said to the man, then turned around and said to the four of Xiaotian

"This is my husband, Dr. Star Cast"

"Dr. Zhuxing, hello." After hearing Anu's introduction, the four of Xiaotian said hello in unison, and then Xiaoyao said excitedly, pulling Annu's arm.

"Sister Annu, you guys are amazing. You have resurrected so many extinct Pokémon. It's really amazing. That's the surprise sentence you said, right?"

Xiaoyao doesn't feel much about these extinct Pokémon, at most it's just a fresh look

After all, Xiaoyao is someone who has been to the super-ancient period, and the Pokémon of that era are even more magical, but the research institute here can revive so many Pokémon that have disappeared, which still makes Xiaoyao quite admire.

"This is just a part of the surprise, and there is a real surprise." Hearing Xiaoyao's praise, Annu said with a smile

"Also?" Hearing Anu's words, the four of Xiaotian were puzzled.

"Come with me." Feeling the doubts of the four of Xiaotian, Annu did not explain, but took the four of Xiaotian to the research institute

Following Anu to an indoor garden of the institute, the four of them quickly understood what Anu meant.

"It turned out to be the ancient feather insect"

"It's the real Taikoo feather bug"

"It's amazing, there are actually three kinds of Pokémon that have already disappeared." Seeing a Pokémon in the garden, Xiaotian and the four couldn't help but sigh

"It's amazing, there are ancient feather bugs." Even Xiaotian had to sigh at the Pokémon here. The ancient feather bugs, needless to say their rarity, are all Pokémon that have already disappeared. What surprised Xiaotian is that in Among those extinct Pokémon, the fossils of the ancient feather bugs are very rare.

"What happened?" Suddenly, Dr. Zhuxing hurried over, and Anu asked with some doubts

"The Primordial Feather Worm is about to evolve" Dr. Casting Star answered Anu's question excitedly, and then looked at the Primordial Feather Worm in the garden with some excitement

Just as Dr. Zhuxing's voice fell, the ancient feather insects in the garden were suddenly wrapped in white light, which is the light of evolution.

"This is, the ancient feather worm has evolved. I didn't expect to see not only the extinct ancient feather worm, but also the evolution of the ancient feather worm." Seeing the evolution of the ancient feather worm, Sundae was also a little excited and said, no matter what, this is already extinct The Pokémon of ah, it is impossible to have a few rare in the world

However, just as everyone was watching the evolution of the ancient feather worm, the evolution was completed, and the too expensive armor that had successfully evolved suddenly ran into the ground.

"What...why did he go?" Xiaotian and the four looked puzzled about the strange behavior of Taikoo armor.

"Don't worry, just finished the evolution, the ancient armor is very hungry now, it is time to go out to find food to eat, I may know where it is, you come with me." For the ancient armor suddenly disappeared, Dr. Star Casting has nothing I'm worried, it looks like Dr. Starcaster knows the ancient armor very well

"Dr. Zhuxing, why do I only see the two of you in your research institute, and there are no other researchers?" On the way, Xiaotian asked Dr. Zhuxing with some doubts.

Dr. Zhuxing’s research institute is not large, there are not many rooms at all. Although Xiaotian couldn’t see all of them in the research institute, he also watched most of them, but except for the two researchers, Anu and Zhuxing, Xiaotian I haven't seen any other researchers at all

"The research institute here is my private research institute and Dr. Zhuxing, so it's just the two of us, and all the research results here are also our private research." Hearing Xiaotian's culture, Annu answered Xiaotian proudly. question of day

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Of course, the two do have a proud capital.

"It's amazing, only the two of you have successfully resurrected such an extinct Pokémon" Hearing Anu's explanation, Xiaotian exclaimed in amazement

Other research institutes are a large group of researchers, in addition to research doctors, there are also a large group of assistants, but in this small research, there are only two people, and it is these two people who have resurrected so many extinct Pokémon, really great

Soon, Xiaotian and the others followed the Doctor Star Casting to a forest by the sea, and the escaped Primordial Armor was enjoying the fruit in the woods.

"That tree fruit is the food that the ancient armor likes to eat, and it is not only the ancient armor, but also the cradle lily, tentacle lily, and the ancient feather bug in the ancient times. This kind of fruit is also used by the ancient times. This is guessed based on the location of the fossil." Dr. Zhuxing explained to Xiaotian and the four

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