"Thank you, Xiaotian, your gift is so delicious, but it's too little" said the leader of the fast dragon with some regret

The Pokémon food sent by Xiaotian definitely made Kuanlong like it very much, but it was too little. There was no way. The first time I came here, I could only load it with a space backpack. How much can it hold?And the number of fast dragons is very large

Hearing the complaint of the leader of the fast dragon, Xiaotian smiled and did not speak. Xiaotian did not tell the leader of the fast dragon that there are a lot of Pokémon food in the human world, and he did not say that there would be more food in the future.

Telling Kuailong now will only make it a little happier, not too surprised. Only by hanging Kuailong's heart now, can the greedy Kuailong feel a bigger surprise when it is delivered later.

However, even if I didn't tell Kuailong that more food would be sent in the future, this time the gift was not given in vain. Xiaotian and the others had gained a lot of goodwill from the Kuailong tribe, and even many Kuailong had a crush on Xiaotian. The attitude of waiting for others, obviously close to a lot

"However, Kuailong, you have to be careful next." Just when everyone was enjoying themselves, Xiaotian suddenly said, the friendship is over, and it's time to throw the blame

"What do you mean?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, the leader of Kuailong asked suspiciously

"The human beings who have entered the mainland are all kind human beings. We live in peace with Pokémon, and we hope to be friends with you, but there are more human beings who are dark, greedy, and cruel. For such people, I give them all Blocked them from entering through that tornado barrier"

"You have done a good job, those humans are absolutely not allowed to enter the continent we guard." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Kuailong said with approval.

"However, although I can defend the barrier of the tornado, I am incapable of being able to resist those humans in the other three directions. They may attack the mainland from the three islands, and even attack your three islands 3.9" Xiao Tian suddenly said with a worried look on his face.

"Roar, greedy human beings will never enter the continent we guard, my Kuailong clan, even with the power of the whole clan, must destroy the greedy invaders." Hearing Xiaotian's words, the Kuailong leader let out an angry roar

"Then, be careful, it's really not good, we can help you resist those bad people together"

"No, you just need to protect the tornado there." Kuailong refused without thinking about Xiaotian's proposal. Although Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon was powerful, it couldn't stand the attack of all the Kuailong clan. , in the opinion of the leader of the fast dragon, if he can't stand it, the powerful fire-breathing dragon will not have much effect.

And there is a tornado barrier to guard in Xiaotian, and Xiaotian also has his responsibilities

However, under Xiaotian's flickering, the leader of Kuailong has a great affection for Xiaotian. After all, he is willing to fight with you in the face of strong enemies. This is the easiest for Pokémon to agree with... ..

527. Alliance troops arrive

After spending a little time with the fast dragons on the island of the fast dragons, Xiaotian returned to the mainland with the shocked and numb Shirona and others.

"Xiaotian, this island is too terrifying. Champion-level powerhouses are standing at the top of the world in the human world, but there are so many on this island, it's terrifying." Sundae was full of shock to Xiaotian. Said, even if they have been with the fast dragon clan for a while, they still cannot calm down the sundae.

Hearing the sundae's words, Xiaotian nodded silently and didn't say much. Xiaotian also understood the shock of everyone. If there are more than 20 champion-level powerful existences, it is not too shocking.

The key is that there are more than 20 champion-level powerful beings here, but they live together, they live together, and they are united together. The combat power they condense is very terrifying, and it is precisely because of this visual sense that will be so strong

Among the crowd, apart from Sundae and Xiaoxi, Damu Xuecheng, Sakagi, and Shirona were shocked, but their faces were very ugly.

Although Damu Xuecheng and Xirona have long known that the island in the east is the strongest, but only when they really see it will they thoroughly feel the horror of those three islands.

But unlike the two of them, Xiaotian is strong enough and qualified enough to talk to the Kuailong clan, and Xiaotian also has a big advantage, that is, the Kuailong clan is notoriously good-natured, so Xiaotian's action will be so successful

But the other two islands, Damu Xuecheng and Xirona, don't think they will have such good luck. The Pokémon groups they encounter will be as easy to talk as the fast dragons, and the most important thing is that they are not strong enough. The powerful strength of the fast dragon groups , put a lot of pressure on the two

As for Sakagi, I was completely stunned, and I haven't reacted yet.

Xiaotian didn't urge the people who were stunned. It was normal for them to feel shocked when they saw such a terrifying island for the first time, and it would take a while for them to go to those two islands, enough for them to recover.

The three islands are in three directions of the mainland, and the distance is very far away. Because of this, Xiaotian can't touch the other two islands. The distance is too far, and Xiaotian can't be busy at all.

I ignored the shock in the heart of the cheap old man, Sakagi, and then everyone separated, Xirona, Sakagi, and Damu Xuecheng went to the other two islands with complicated faces. Whether they could get the approval of those two islands, only Look at the abilities of the three

Xiaotian returned to the mainland with the sundae and caution. There are still many champion-level strong deposits on the mainland waiting for Xiaotian to clean up. These are all points.

Time passed slowly, and Xiaotian has been cleaning up the champion-level Pokémon on the mainland. Cleaning up those Pokémon is not just a matter of flying around the continent. You must check carefully to find those powerful champion-level Pokémon.

The speed of flying around the continent at the speed of a fire-breathing dragon is far from the speed of searching for champion-level Pokémon, so if Xiaotian wants to clean up all the champion-level Pokémon on this continent, it is not a problem. easy

Of course, Xiaotian will not forget the Kuailong family. Xiaotian has already taken the time to take the Kuailong clan in front of his father and initially established a good relationship.

And in the future, most of the contacts with Kuailong will be handed over to his father. After all, Xiaotian still has a lot of things to do, so he can't rely on Xiaotian alone to negotiate with the Kuailong family.

The negotiation between the other three major families and the two islands has also achieved great results. Although the relationship between the Xiaotian family and the Kuailong family is not as good as that of the Xiaotian family, they have also made great progress. At least the two islands The Pokémon has now classified all human beings outside as bad guys. This is the result of the flickering of Shirona and others.

Five days later, the large force of the high-level members of the alliance that Sakagi said finally reached beyond the range of the Eastern Islands, and the first one who couldn't help but finally came.

In fact, when the people from the alliance set off, Sakagi got the news, so Sakagi Xirona and others did not go to the two islands during this time, but waited for the arrival of those people, although everyone knew the final result. It will be the failure of those in the alliance, but everyone still wants to see how the battle will turn out.

Flying above the extremely high sky, Xiaotian and others watched the battle between the top of the alliance and the fast dragon clan.

The troops from the alliance are huge ships and planes, all mechanical troops, which is also the advantage of human beings. Of course, there are also one or two trainers at the level of heaven.

There are a large number of ships, aircraft flying in the sky, and even a large number of fighting machines, driving fast, with clear goals, and pointing directly to the island of fast dragons

And the Kuailong tribe on the island, because of Xiaotian's flickering, directly classified all the people outside as invaders, and they did nothing without saying a word.

The battle is tragic, and it is even more tragic for the alliance's large troops. Although those machines are powerful, who is the opponent who scores, the King-level fast dragon can already cause damage to those machines, while the quasi-championship level Fast Dragon, it is easy to destroy those machines. As for the champion-level Fast Dragon, it goes without saying that it is a boss-level existence.

From the beginning of the battle, it was a one-sided crushing, the fast dragons in the sky, a large number of fast dragons above the level of the king, it is simply Cui Gu Laxiu

In the air, watching the battle below, Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, wouldn't human beings have a machine that can resist the attack of champion-level Pokémon?No, it's just very precious, but the alliance troops below don't even have a machine that can withstand the championship level, so they came to attack the fast dragon clan?Are you blinded by greed, or are you simply heartless?

As for the humans below, Xiaotian has no mercy. Since he chooses to act as a lackey for the top of the alliance, he must have the consciousness of becoming an abandoned child.

The high-level leaders of the alliance have abandoned you. Xiaotian, an unrelated person, will naturally not overflow with sympathy, especially in Xiaotian's view that this continent is his own, and all those who dare to invade the continent are enemies and treat enemies. , Xiaotian has no mercy

".ˇtsk, poor little fellows, it's a one-sided battle, but those fast dragons usually seem to be gentle, but once they start fighting, they can be ruthless." The annihilated Alliance troops, Sakagi said sarcastically

Unlike Shirona and Damu Xuecheng, who looked unbearable, Sakagi was a ruthless person. As the boss of Team Rocket who often used some Pokémon for dark experiments, he did not have the so-called sympathy.

"As expected of the most powerful fast dragon clan, the strength is strong, much stronger than the strength of the two islands, not to mention the fast dragon clan, even those two islands are not the ones who can pass through the alliance" Look Looking at the fast dragon below, a trace of envy flashed on Sakagi's face. Having such a powerful ethnic group as a support is simply the dream of every faction.

"However, Xiaotian, if those forces find that these three islands cannot pass through, they may choose to pass through the tornado barrier. You have to be careful." Suddenly, Sakagi's words changed, and he solemnly reminded Xiaotian

"No one can pass the tornado barrier," Xiaotian said decisively after hearing Sakagi's reminder.

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