528. Three months later

"The giant melt-eating beast uses the squirt" Xiaotian directs the giant melt-eating beast with a cold face

Although the strength of the giant carnivorous beast is not as strong as that of the fire-breathing dragon, the attack range of others is large, and the strength of the giant carnivorous beast is enough to defend against those vegetables.

Five days ago, since those who attacked Kuailong Island were wiped out, the terrifying strength of Kuailong Island made the outside world calm for a while, but soon, some people couldn't help it. After all, the interests of a continent are real. is too big

This time, the troops of a medium-sized family came to the mainland, but after Xiaotian refused to enter the other side, the other side even forcibly planned to enter the mainland through the passage, and Xiaotian launched an attack without hesitation.

All the mechanical troops that entered the passage were all destroyed by the blow of the giant carnivorous beast. Xiaotian showed no mercy to anyone who wanted to invade his own continent, and he would not have the slightest mercy.

In the following time, in addition to cleaning up those champion-level Pokémon on the mainland, Xiaotian spent the rest of the time defending others from entering the mainland.

It's not that others are not allowed in, it's just that large troops from other forces cannot enter the mainland, because if you want to develop the mainland, you can't just have a few people, you need a large force.

Moreover, Xiaotian does not prevent other people from entering the continent. After the development of this continent is completed, Xiaotian will also open this continent. After all, if a continent has no human beings, how can it still gain more value?

But not right now. Now this continent is completely under development. Anyone who enters the continent will get some benefits more or less, so Xiaocai will be so strict in defense.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, two friends who are close to Xiaotian, will naturally not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Since the two knew the news, with the help of their relationship with Xiaotian, the two came to this continent early and are now in the slow continent. It's swaying, as for whether or not to capture Pokémon, or how many to capture, Xiaotian doesn't know

At this time, Xiaotian is looking sad, and the one who makes Xiaotian worry is the Dragon King of Kanto, Yulongdu. Since this guy knows that Xiaotian has discovered a continent, he chases Xiaotian shamelessly and insists on entering. mainland

And it's not Yulongdu himself, Yulongdu is chasing Xiaotian hard, because Yulongdu wants his family to participate in the development of this continent

Xiaotian is deeply impressed by the cunning and cunning old bastards in Yulongdu's family, so in his heart, it is okay to let Yulongdu participate, but Xiaotian doesn't quite accept the participation of Yulongdu's family.

At this time, Yulongdu can say that bgef is very excited. Yulongdu never thought that Xiaotian, the monster, had discovered a continent, and it was still completely unexplored, an extremely unfamiliar continent.

Moreover, through his own information, Yulongdu also knows that there are three extremely powerful islands around this continent, especially the fast dragon islands in the east. The powerful ones are terrifying.

The genius treasures, cherished Pokémon, and a large number of rare materials that may be discovered when developing the mainland, as well as the three terrifying islands around them, are invaluable.

Therefore, Yulongdu has been chasing Xiaotian and clinging to it. If you scold me, I will not be angry.

Moreover, I don't know if the people of the big families in this world have a stubborn obsession with improving the power of their own family. Xirona is, and so is Yulongdu.

At this time, Hirona didn't talk about madness, and she was almost crazy. The crazy tossing around made Xiaotian seem a little scared, but because of Hirona's hard work, the Sundae family got more benefits. At the same time, it also made Shirona extremely tired.

Looking at Shirona's red eyes, Xiaotian felt a little distressed. This cute girl hasn't slept for several days.

Seeing that the cute girl is so desperate, and looking at the face of her little girlfriend Sundae, Xiaotian gave Xirona a lot of benefits. Anyway, on this continent, because of Xiaotian's relationship, Xiaotian's family can Saying that the harvest is the biggest, even if you give it to Shirona, it is nothing.

However, what Xiaotian didn't expect was that Shirona not only thanked herself without a grateful face, but looked at herself with a complex face, without even saying a word of thanks, and most importantly, Shirona's face turned red again , making Xiaotian look dazed

In the end, it was really impossible to accept Yulongdu's soft grinding and hard bubbles. Xiaotian agreed to Yulongdu's request to participate in the development of the mainland, on the condition that it could only be led by Yulongdu, and he had to obey Xiaotian's command. As for the three islands Question, Xiaotian asked Yulongdu to discuss with Banmu and Shirona. If the other party agrees, Xiaotian doesn't care.

Time passed slowly, and three months passed in a flash. During this period, the development of the mainland can be regarded as formal. At the very least, everyone's foothold has been built, and the next step is to rely on this foothold to continue to extend outward. developed

And when Xiaotian is constantly cleaning up those champion-level Pokémon, he will often come back to rest. After all, living alone outside is not so comfortable.

During this period, everyone gradually became familiar with them. In the past, Xiaotian had some friendship with these people, but the time they spent together was not long, but this time, after getting along for such a long time, everyone was very familiar with them.

Boss Sakagi used to have a deep impression on Xiaotian, ruthless, and a proper black boss image, but after getting along with him, Xiaotian knew that Sakagi likes to laugh. At least among the people present, Sakagi laughed the most times.

Although Yulongdu is the King of Dragons in Kanto and the champion of Chengdu, his second-best attributes have not changed. For example, he dared to go to the Kuailong Island in the east to conquer the mini-dragon. If it weren't for Xiaotian Help, I guess he'll die

Hirona, a proper cute girl, at least in front of Xiaotian, Hirona has completely turned into a cute girl who can be cute, and she is also a cute girl who is easily shy, but in front of other people, Hirona is domineering still

Damu Xuecheng, although Damu Xuecheng is the oldest among the crowd, he is the most angry. There is no way. Among all people, Damu Xuecheng is the most powerful, and often encounters uncertain things, so Big Wood Snow City can only ask for help everywhere

And like Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, Sundae, and other young ones, they spend most of their time wandering outside. After all, there are many treasured Pokémon here. If you can catch one, it will definitely be a big improvement.

Moreover, there are many high-level Pokémon here, even the powerful existence of the king level, which is very rare in the outside world, can also be encountered here, and they are definitely good opponents in battle.

Even apart from Xiao Zhi and others, those who came to develop the mainland would also run out during their breaks to find their favorite Pokémon in the hope of conquering them.

After more than three months, Xiaotian has completely cleaned up the powerful existence of champion level in this continent, and set up four Pokémon forbidden areas, each of which is assigned to five champion level Pokemon, that is to say , on this continent, a full 20 champion-level Pokémon have been caught

In addition, Xiaotian also got the news he always wanted, that is, the alliance finally admitted that the ownership of this continent belongs to Xiaotian, and issued a public statement.

To be able to get the recognition of the alliance so happily, although Xiaotian is a little surprised, it is also reasonable. After all, the strength of the forces involved should not be underestimated.

Of course, the most important thing is the strength displayed by Xiaotian and the three islands. They are so powerful and terrifying. No matter who comes, they are not easy to use, and they are all blocked.

Oh, Yulongdu is an exception, this bastard just got involved.

529. Ascension of the fierce bite land shark, the four kings of the region

In fact, although the high-level officials in the alliance came to fight the idea of ​​Xiaotian, in general, most people in the alliance are just. After all, the world of Pokémon is still a peaceful and warm world. The dark organization is above human beings, but there are a few high-level individuals in the alliance that are individually rotten

After all, the forest has all kinds of birds. As the top organization of mankind, the Alliance will always have a few shit sticks tossing around.

Although the alliance agrees with Xiaotian's right to belong, there are also conditions. The condition is that this new continent must have a branch of the alliance. The branch of the alliance, Xiaotian, has the final say, but at special moments, he still has to obey the alliance. command of headquarters

In this regard, Xiaotian has no opinion. Just like other continents, each continent has an alliance. Those so-called regional alliances are the branches of the alliance. With the alliance branch, the continent can be better managed.

As for following the command of the Alliance Headquarters at special moments, although it seems that Xiaotian is in charge, in fact, Xiaotian has the final say on this continent, and the Alliance Headquarters will not interfere too much with the branch.

Unless it is a special event, such as a big event like the Groudon incident, but if such a thing happens, even if the Alliance Headquarters doesn’t say anything, Xiaotian will also take action, it makes no difference.

However, if an alliance branch is to be established, then the regional champion and the regional king are indispensable. The regional king and the regional champion are not just a decoration, but also an important battle for the alliance branch to manage the continent. After all, those dark organizations and hunters It's just pervasive, when the time comes, you need someone to deal with these people

Therefore, the regional king must be strong to be competent, and the minimum must be the king, which is still reluctant. You must know that the vast majority of the kings on other continents are quasi-championship-level existences.

I bowed my head and thought for a while. Although Xiaotian has an intersection with many strong people, they all have their own positions, and they will not give up their positions for no reason and come to your continent to be the regional king.

Sundae and Xiaoxi have the strength of the king of heaven. It is a bit reluctant to be qualified for the king of the region with such strength, and Xiaotian is reluctant. You must know that the king of the region fights the bad guys. Injured, Xiaotian is still distressed to death, especially Xiaoxi, that soft personality is not suitable for the local king

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