But after thinking about it, Xiaotian patted his head fiercely, and scolded himself for being stupid. The establishment of a king is not a matter of letting the regional kings manage the continent. With those families, they still need the sundae and Xiaoxi?

Will Sakagi have the heart to let his precious daughter Xiaoxi run around to deal with those dark organizations or hunters?Even more likely to encounter a dangerous situation?

In the same way, the people of the Sundae family will not let their second lady run around, or even encounter danger.

"Okay, that's it, Sundae and Xiaoxi will be the regional kings of the New World. Who will the two regional kings choose?" Xiaotian suddenly glanced at him.

"Xiaomao, Xiaomao is good, it's just right" Xiaomao has the big wood family behind him, and he can also help instead of Xiaomao, and Xiaomao's water arrow turtle has just stepped into the king, just enough to qualify

"Hey, Xiaomao is probably the weakest regional king in history, right?" Xiaotian secretly complained to himself that it was enough for a kid in the early days of the king to become the regional king.

"Who else is there to choose?" Xiaotian lowered his head and thought, Xiaozhi is dead, his own strength is not enough, and there is no one to replace Xiaozhi, so although Xiaozhi is considered a genius, but not enough to be the king of the region

As for the others, Xiaotian thought about it for a while, but did not expect anyone to be suitable for the position of Heavenly King in this area. Xiaotian can only leave it alone. I will talk about it later.

"Next, it's time to do business." Then, Xiaotian looked at the points in the system and secretly said

I got a lot of points in the super ancient period before, this time on the mainland, Xiaotian has cleaned up 20 champion-level Pokémon. The points in the system have reached 500w, which is enough for Xiaotian to buy the origin of the world.

"Changing the Origin of the World"

"Ding, buy the origin of the world, deduct 500w points"

Looking at the origin of the world in his hand, Xiaotian kept sighing in his heart that the strength of the strong bite Lu Shark was finally going to be greatly improved. While sighing, Xiaotian was also a little fortunate that the origin of this world came in time.

If there is only one fire-breathing dragon, then Xiaotian may not have a powerful fire-breathing dragon to escort him when he goes out.

But now it's alright, with the powerful Bite Lu Shark and the Fire-breathing Dragon, one of these two Pokémon guards the mainland, and the other follows Xiaotian to protect the safety.

In the next time, Xiaotian will continue to travel. There is no way. There are no gym trainers in this continent. Xiaotian plans to find a trusted genius trainer and train them. Only such a person can be worth a little God's trust

"Bite Lu Shark, this is something that can make you stronger, eat it." Released Lu Bite Lu Shark, Xiaotian handed the origin of the world to Lu Bite Lu Shark

When "Lusha" heard Xiaotian's words, Liebite Lu Shao roared happily, and then ate the origin of the world that Xiaotian handed over in one bite.

Looking at Lie Biting Lu Shark who fell to the ground with his eyes rolled, Xiaotian rolled his eyes helplessly, hey, this world goes to sleep after eating, and it takes a long time to sleep

However, as long as biting Lu Shark can greatly improve his strength, Xiaotian can still afford this time.

Afterwards, Xiaotian took back the comatose Lu Shark and began to gather everyone to announce the matter of the regional king.

Sakagi and others did not have much reaction to Xiaotian's announcement that Sundae, Xiaoxi, and Xiaomao would become the regional kings of the New World. Anyway, even if these three children became the regional kings, they would not need to deal with affairs. Naturally, they had a family. people help

They have only one duty now, and that is to strengthen their strength. It is best to get a few heaven-defying Pokémon in Xiaotian's hands, that's even better.

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And even if these three children did not become the regional kings, the people of these four families would not allow those dark organizations and Pokémon hunters to come to this continent to run wild. Chassis wild?It's not good for anyone

The most important thing is that I don't know how long it will take to fully develop this continent, even if it is completely open like other continents. At that time, with the talents of these three children, I still don't know what it will grow to. to what extent

Therefore, there was not much reaction from everyone. Compared with these adults, the three parties involved in Sundae looked stunned. Obviously, the three did not expect that they would become the regional kings, and they were also the regional kings of Xiaotian New World.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi looked at the sundae with envy, Xiaoxi and Xiaomao, the king of the region, that is a sign of a strong person. Xiaozhi dreams of becoming a strong person, but the three of the sundae have already become strong. Become the king of the region

Especially his little friend, Xiao Mao, will actually become the king of the region, the strength of the wheel, the two can be said to be half a catty, the difference is not much, is Xiaozhi not envious?That's right, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon has also been promoted to the king


Of course, although Xiaozhi envies, there is nothing he can do. After all, this is Xiaotian's continent, and Xiaotian has the final say.

"Are these three little guys capable of taking up the position of the regional king? Also, why is there still one less?" Yu Longdu suddenly asked Xiaotian

"I made Sundae, Xiaoxi, and Xiaomao the regional kings, but I don't want them to start dealing with affairs now, but look at their future. In a few years, they will be the real regional kings. As for now, naturally there are people who help In handling official business, the Sundae family helps Sundae, the Damu family replaces Xiaomao, and the boss Sakagi replaces Xiaoxi. As for one person, of course there is no one to choose.” Hearing Yulongdu’s question, Xiaotian looked casual. said

Hearing Xiaotian's words, everyone glanced at Sakagi with some doubts. Everyone didn't know the relationship between Sakagi and Xiaoxi. Naturally, they didn't know why Sakagi would contribute instead of Xiaoxi, but everyone didn't think much about it. Xiaoxi is a girl. Everyone who is usually soft and weak likes it very much, and Sakagi is incomparably fond of Xiaoxi. Maybe that's why Sakagi will contribute instead of Xiaoxi.

"Since this is the case, then let Xiaozhi be the fourth king. I'm optimistic about Xiaozhi. His position will be handled by my Yulong family." Hearing Xiaotian's explanation, Yulongdu suddenly said.

"Okay, Xiaozhi will be the fourth king." After hearing Yulongdu's words, Xiaotian thought about it and nodded and agreed, Xiaozhi's talent is enough, the only drawback is that there is no strong strength behind him, since now Yulongdu has agreed to replace Xiaozhi Brainstorm, then there will be no problem

"I... I have become the regional king?" Xiao Zhi was stunned when he heard what Xiaotian and Yulongdu said.

Glancing at Xiao Zhi with a confused face, Xiao Tian and the others left the meeting, ignoring Xiao Zhi, a second-hand guy. With this kid's character, he suddenly became the king of the region, which was enough for him to be excited for a long time, Xiao Tian can I don't want to see Ash go crazy.

530. Formidable enemy strikes

In the next time, in Xiaotian's opinion, nothing will happen. After all, everything in the mainland has entered the normal state.

Xirona, Banmu, Damu Xuecheng, and Yulongdu, these four leaders often go to those two islands, hoping to get along better

The people of the family have begun to extend outward, explore and develop this continent, and the work of developing the continent has officially started

Xiaozhi, Sundae, Xiaoyao, Xiaomao, these four talented trainers are also running around, taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve their strength as much as possible.

Only Xiaoxi is an exception, only making food for Pokémon, not fighting

Time passed slowly, a month passed quickly, and Xiaotian's fierce bite Lu Sha finally woke up

Seeing the 100-level Bite Lu Shark, Xiaotian felt an indescribable arrogance in his heart. This is the strong confidence that the two Pokémon have brought to Xiaotian.

Just when Xiaotian planned to inform everyone that he planned to continue the journey, what Xiaotian didn't expect was that someone else wanted to invade the mainland, and this time the people who came here are the real invaders, because their strength is stronger than those before. too much

Looking at a large number of ships, aircraft, and weapons loaded on those machines in the distance, Xiaotian has a cold face, it seems that in the face of huge interests, there will always be people who take risks

16 After knowing that Xiaotian has great strength, he dares to invade this continent, Xiaotian has to admire their courage

It is impossible for those from the big family not to know Xiaotian's strength, even if they do not know the exact strength, but Xiaotian has super powerful strength, these people will definitely know

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