"Xiaotian, do you need us to take action?" Shirona on the side suddenly asked Xiaotian, the people who came this time are not weak, at least Shirona herself can't deal with it

"No, if I don't teach some people a lesson they will never forget, there will always be people who regard this place as a soft persimmon. This time, I want to let people outside know thoroughly that this continent is not something they can expect." Xiao said in a cold tone

"Be careful, not to mention those ships and aircraft that carry attack weapons, they are powerful trainers, with three champions and six quasi-champions" Sakagi on the side reminded Xiaotian, as a powerful dark organization, he naturally has him His own intelligence network, Sakagi has long been aware of the strength of this time to invade the mainland.

"Three champions, six quasi champions? How can they have such a strong strength?" Hearing Sakagi's words, Sundae was shocked and asked in shock.

As a big family, Sundae knows very well what three champions and six quasi-champions represent. That is a powerful force that even his own family can't bring out, and the family of Sundae, even at the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In the family, it can be regarded as the top existence.

Hearing Sundae's question, everyone present had a solemn look on their faces. The enemy who came this time is very strong, but when they glanced at Xiaotian who was standing in front of them, everyone's mind relaxed involuntarily, what were they afraid of? ?Is there a monster like Xiaotian?

"The enemy who came this time is the combined power of three large families and six medium-sized families, so that's why there is such a powerful force" Sakagi answered the sundae's question

Don't look at the continent that Xiaotian discovered, there are champions at every turn, and the number is still very large, that is because the relationship has been wild here for a long time, but in the outside world, the champion is the world's top power.

Outside the tornado barrier, Xiaotian flew forward in a fire-breathing dragon, but Xiaotian wanted to see if the other party had any reason to come and snatch it when the alliance announced that the continent was owned by him.

"The alliance has announced that this place belongs to me personally, please stop advancing, or you will be regarded as invaders" Xiaotian shouted to the large army in the distance, even if the fight starts for a while, Xiaotian will take the lead first, right?

"Little devil, is this what you found? Don't act like this is your home. The alliance only declares that the ownership of this place belongs to you, but there is no rule that others cannot come and develop it."

"Yes, such a big continent, you don't know when it will be developed with just a few people like you. Don't stop us, we are here to help."

"Boy, this is a continent, not your private island, you can do whatever you want."

After Xiaotian finished speaking, nine powerful trainers flew out of the large army, and three of them said strongly.

"Qi" Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian frowned, thinking that the other party had a good reason to snatch it. It turned out to be just a strong word, but, well, it was already expected anyway.

"Fire-breathing dragon, spraying flames" was useless to answer the other party's words. Xiaotian directed the fire-breathing dragon to launch an attack. Whose fist is bigger, who has the final say

"Little devil, you will regret it, attack, attack, attack that fire-breathing dragon for me." Seeing that Xiaotian launched an attack without saying a word, and the power of the flame-spraying range was so powerful, one of the champion-level powerhouses on the opposite side growled angrily

"Sorry for your numbness"

The battle officially started with the flames of the fire-breathing dragon. The opponent's nine powerful trainers scattered each other to avoid the flames of the fire-breathing dragon. The ships below, as well as the aircraft in the sky, and countless weapons were almost at the same time. Attacked the fire-breathing dragon

"Huh?" Seeing the countless attacks in the sky and the sea, Xiaotian frowned. Although those machines are very fragile, the almost overwhelming attacks are quite troublesome.

"The attack on the sea can be avoided even if it is flying high, but the attack from the aircraft is not easy to dodge." After thinking about it, Xiaotian decided to solve the aircraft first.

Otherwise, when Xiaotian was fighting the nine powerhouses, the attack from the aircraft was still very troublesome. Although it couldn't cause too much damage to the fire-breathing dragon, the almost uninterrupted attack could affect the fire-breathing dragon. Trouble

"Fire-breathing dragon, destroy those machines in the air for me" Xiao 637 Tian said to the fire-breathing dragon

"Roar" Hearing Xiaotian's words, the fire-breathing dragon roared angrily, rushed straight into the sky, and charged towards the flying machines in the sky.

Although the attack weapons on the aircraft can affect the fire-breathing dragon, those machines are too fragile in front of the fire-breathing dragon. Even the fire-breathing dragon can crash those aircraft even if it hits hard, not to mention the fire-breathing dragon's skills.

Dragon Claws, Steel Wings, Fire Jets, Crash, Fire-breathing Dragons shattered wherever they went, and all aircraft were destroyed

The nine powerhouses were so angry that they screamed, but there was nothing they could do about the fire-breathing dragon. Although all the Pokémon that the nine powerhouses rode were able to fly, and some were good at speed, the level of the fire-breathing dragon was in the final analysis. Well, it can't be slow.

The three champions on the opposite side are only two juniors and one intermediate. Even if their speed and race value are fast, they can't catch up with the speed of the fire-breathing dragon.

As for the long-range attack, can it be stronger than the fire-breathing dragon?Not to mention the fire-breathing dragon can dodge those attacks

"Roar" just when the fire-breathing dragon used the jet flame to block the attack of a champion powerhouse and attacked the opponent with the remaining power, Xiaotian on the back of the fire-breathing dragon suddenly flashed a look of doubt and solemnity

"Huh? Fire-breathing dragon, use steel wings to block the destruction light on the right."

Although the strength of the fire-breathing dragon is stronger, the number of opponents participating in the battle is too large, and the fire-breathing dragon always ignores it, so Xiaotian behind the fire-breathing dragon can be said to command the fire-breathing dragon from all directions.

531. Angry Sky

Hearing Xiaotian's command, the fire-breathing dragon's wings emit a white light, and then waving the wings of the white light to block the right direction, like a shield, resisting all attacks






The sound of continuous explosions kept ringing, and the one who used the destructive death light to sneak attack was a champion-level powerhouse, and the opponent also directly broke out the power of the law, and used the continuous destruction of the death light.

Continuous destruction of the death light, fast attack speed like bullets, continuous hits produce huge explosions, and Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon, with wings emitting white light, is like an indestructible shield, resisting all attacks.

The sound of the explosion dissipated, and the fire-breathing dragon flicked and radiated light. It was its wings, unscathed.

"How is that possible?" Seeing such a result, the opponent's face was stunned by the champion who used the destruction of the death light to sneak attack.

Seeing the shocked appearance of the champion who attacked the other side, Xiaotian sneered, and then continued to command the fire-breathing dragon to destroy the aircraft in the air. As for the champion who attacked, he will be cleaned up later.

Xiaotian discovered the so-called steel wings long ago, but used energy to infuse the wings to make them indestructible, and then used the power of flight to attack the opponent, causing powerful damage

So Xiaotian thought, since steel wings are indestructible when attacking, can you use this skill for defense?After all, many Pokémon have wings, and those huge wings can even wrap the Pokémon's body

If possible, this would be a perfect defense, so after thinking about it, Xiaotian started to keep trying, but in the end, only the fire-breathing dragon can use the skill of the steel wing defense.

No way, it may be the reason that other Pokémon are not strong enough. Those Pokémon cannot bend at all after using the steel wings. The wings are hard like a steel plate, and they cannot effectively protect the body at all.

Soon, the fire-breathing dragon destroyed all the aircraft under the weak attack of the opponent.

"Huh? Lowering the height, do you want to use those ships on the sea to attack the fire-breathing dragon? You think it's too beautiful." Just when Xiaotian was about to pack up those powerful trainers, he found that the other nine people were riding on the boat. Pokémon lowered its height

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