"Patience" Xiaotian's light command

"Be patient? It's better to stop faster than a bird" Xiaomao was anxious when he heard Xiaotian's command

It's a pity that it's too late, Bibi Bird's air cut has already hit the Kirby beast who is using patience

Endure, withstand the opponent's attack and return to the attack with twice the damage taken, and it will hit

"Bibi~" received twice the counterattack of his own attack, and Bibi bird made a painful cry

"Destroy the dead light, solve him" Bibi Bird doesn't necessarily lose his combat effectiveness, so come here

Boom 'destroyed the dead light, and Bibi Bird, who was hit by the reflected attack, did not dodge, and suffered huge damage.

"Bibi Bird has lost the ability to fight, Xiaomao player please send a Pokémon" Sundae said as the referee when he saw Bibi Bird's eyes in circles

"Come back, Bibi Bird, you did a great job, this Kirby beast is really strong, but I won't give up."

"Go, my ace water arrow turtle" Xiaomao sent his ace, now it's not a matter of defeating Xiaotian, it will be very difficult to defeat the Kabi beast in this situation, but your Kabi beast has not been consumed in the battlefield. With less physical strength, I will definitely be able to defeat Kirby, Xiao Mao thought firmly.

"Water Arrow Turtle, use the water gun attack" to slowly attack the Kirby beast's physical strength, this is Xiao Mao's idea

"Energy storage, energy absorption, and then rush over to use the thunderbolt fist." Xiaotian still calmly issued the contact command. He didn't expect how much damage this would bring to Xiaomao.

I saw that the energy storage of the Kirby beast absorbed the water gun of the water arrow turtle and then used the energy absorption. After consuming the energy storage of the second time, the stamina recovered all at once was almost full. Xiao Mao looked at the full stamina of the Kirby beast, and was immediately hit hard. , I used three Pokémon to consume a lot of stamina of Kirby. Your stamina is fully restored with one energy absorption. Have you considered other people's feelings? It's too bullying.

Seeing the Kirby beast rushing towards the water arrow turtle with momentum, Xiao Mao reluctantly cheered up, "Water arrow turtle, use the water cannon to attack"

Xiaotian looked at the water arrow turtle using a powerful water cannon and nodded secretly, this water arrow turtle has been cultivated very well and has a high level of 4 first-class level.

"Kapimon's freezing fist knocks out the water cannon"

In the face of the water cannon Kabi beast that was coming in, he hit it with a freezing fist, and the water cannon was frozen and shattered, but in the face of the continuous water cannon

There are also times when the Kirby beast is not in a hurry, but the Kirby beast just rushed over against the water cannon, and with its thick fat feature, it reduced its attack by half.

Energy storage, and the increased defense of the defense volume, coupled with the extremely high physical defense qualifications, the Kirby beast did not suffer serious damage,

Finally rushed to the water arrow turtle

"Using Lightning Fist" Xiaotian commanded, the effect of dealing with water-type Pokémon and returning electricity-type skills is excellent

"Quick cable shell" Xiao Mao hurriedly shouted

Kirby Beast constantly uses lightning fists to attack the large turtle shell of the water arrow turtle. Although the continuous use of skills consumes a lot of physical strength, the damage of the water arrow turtle is also very large. Because of the confidence in Kirby Beast's physical strength, Xiaotian is not in a hurry.

Xiaotian is not in a hurry, but Xiaomao is in a hurry. Although the cable shell of the water arrow turtle is amazing, it will also be damaged, and looking at the attack strength of the kapi beast, it is obviously very powerful. "Using high-speed rotation" is finally anxious. Xiao Mao gave an order

"Don't try to run, use Billion Shock"

34. Teaching Xiaomao, the repentant Xiaomao

The high-speed rotating water arrow turtle was slammed into the air by the big move of the Kirby beast, and the water arrow turtle suffered a lot of damage.

Kirbymon is also in a state of rigidity due to billions of shocks

'Ugh?He didn't lose his combat effectiveness after being hit by the millions of impacts of the Kirby beast, his will and physical strength are good." Xiaotian looked at the water arrow turtle and stood up tremblingly and praised.

"Water Arrow Turtle uses a rocket head hammer" Xiao Mao was so excited when he saw the Water Arrow Turtle standing up, Xiao Mao saw the power of Kabimon's skills, and thought that the Water Arrow Turtle would lose its combat power. The Arrow Turtle stood up by will, so maybe he could defeat the Kabi beast, Xiao Mao thought to himself.

"Use the defensive roll and then fall over the shoulder." Looking at the excited Xiaomao Xiaotian, he said with a faint smile.

The stiff time of the Kirby beast is very fast. Once the stiffness time is over, the Kirby beast will use the defensive roll to pick up the rocket head hammer of the water arrow turtle, and then the Kirby beast will throw it over the shoulder. The water arrow turtle suddenly lost its combat effectiveness

Xiaotian's continued command after defeating the water arrow turtle "lazy"

After the Kabi beast falls down the water arrow turtle, it directly lies on the ground and sleeps, being lazy; when it is lazy to sleep, it recovers a lot of stamina

Xiaomao saw that the Kabi beast not only took the attack of the water arrow turtle, but also knocked the water arrow turtle stunned by a shoulder-to-shoulder throw, and his face was black. Then he saw that the Kirby beast used the lazy directly and recovered a lot of physical strength. straight up

In the end, Xiaomao's remaining two Pokémon were also destroyed by Kirby, and defeated by Super Tarzan.

At the end of the game, Xiaotian looked at Xiaomao who was in a state of despair and did not speak. Let him think for himself first.

After half a day, Xiaomao still hasn't replied.

"Xiaozhi has surpassed you" Xiaotian decided to use Xiaozhi to stimulate Xiaomao, the effect must be very good

"Impossible, how could that guy be better than me?" Xiao Mao shouted angrily when he heard Xiao Tian's words, um, the effect is good

"Why is it not possible, Xiaozhi has walked along the way, have you thought about how many difficulties you have encountered, and how many battles you have encountered? Although Xiaozhi has little knowledge about Pokémon, he has met many Pokémon along the way. , even fought them, and you? Except in a sports car

Challenge to the gym, how many battles have you gone through, and have you encountered any difficulties?Xiaozhi is constantly improving, and you have been standing still. I said why is it impossible for him to catch up with you? Xiaotian asked indifferently, the Rockets team can be said to be a carry-on experience pack, and Xiaotian did not say how much experience they had gained for Xiaozhi along the way.

"This~" Xiao Mao was stunned, yes, Xiao Zhi has been making continuous progress, but what is he doing?Stand still?

"If you don't want to be overtaken by Xiaozhi, you should think about what you should do in the future." Xiaotian said lightly

In the original book, Xiaozhi never trains Pokémon, and only does special training when he can't beat the gym, so the first time Xiaotian sees Xiaozhi, except for Pikachu and Fire-breathing Dragon, the other Pokémon are only multi-level, but now Xiao Zhi has already carried out regular training on Pokémon, plus the constant battles along the way, most of his Pokémon are estimated to have reached level or above, which is almost the same as Xiao Mao, and even Pikachu and Fire-breathing Dragon may even surpass.

After being silent for a long time, Xiaomao said with a serious face, "I know what to do. In the future, I will travel by myself and I won't be driving a sports car."

"Well, if you can figure it out, I believe that you will be a qualified opponent in the future. I look forward to fighting with you again." Xiaotian encouraged

"I didn't expect you to be so strong, Xiaotian. It's me who underestimated people." Said that he lost to Xiaotian, and Xiaomao was still full of frustration.

"Yeah, so you will work harder in the future," Xiaotian said with a smile

"Well, I will definitely work harder. I will definitely not lose in the next battle." Xiao Mao said with determination

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