'That sucks, you don't have a system!So I hope there is basically no' Xiaotian shook his head secretly

"Xiaotian, I'm going to continue my arduous journey." Xiaomao said to Xiaotian seriously, and then his face was full of tragic atmosphere.

'I said you as, it's just a hike. Gao's seems to be a heroic sacrifice' Xiaotian covered his forehead with a helpless expression

Then Xiaomao said to the cheerleading team, "My girlfriends, I'm going on a hard training trip. You guys drive back first, and take me back in triumph."

Saying goodbye to Xiaotian and a car of girlfriends, Xiaomao left

And Xiaotian and Sundae continued to enjoy a peaceful time while lying on the belly of Kirby

Divide~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ line

Huag-colored beaches, blue oceans, and lively people make this place a holy place for vacation.

"Is there really a gym here? Why don't I know?" Sundae asked suspiciously

"There is indeed a gym here, but the people who came here are for vacations, so many people came to challenge with entertainment, which made the owner very disappointed, so the owner of the gym, Xia Bo, took the gym We rebuilt a hot spring pavilion, and the gymnasium was moved to another place. As long as you find that hot spring pavilion, you will find the gymnasium, but now you are not in a hurry. I finally came to the resort. I have a good rest today. The hot springs here are very famous. And soaking in hot springs can relieve fatigue very well,” Xiaotian explained.

"That's great, I want to take a hot spring, let's go." When he heard that he was going to take a hot spring, the sundae jumped up high and said with a smile on his face

Xiaotian and Sundae found the hot spring converted from the Red Lotus Gym in a short while, and had a beautiful day off to enjoy the comfort brought by the hot spring.

The next day, Xiaotian found Xia Bo

"Xiabo, I'm a traveling trainer, and I'm here to challenge the gym." Xiaotian explained his intentions

"Oh yes, but you have to come back to me with a few questions." Xia Bo is as fond of guessing as in the anime

"Please tell me." Xiaotian said lightly, just Xia Bo's questions are too simple.

"The head is cold, what is the body warm?"

“It's Louia Spa”

"One more, there's air in the balloon, so what's in the lifebuoy?"


"The last one"

"What is the flowing flame?"

"It's lava"

"Hey, you all answered right, since you want to challenge the gym, come with me." Xiaotian guessed the answer so easily, making Xia Bo very sad.

"Actually, your riddle is too simple, okay?" Xiaotian thought silently

Follow Xia Bo to a remote place, "This is the Red Lotus Gym, come in with me." After saying that, Xia Bo entered first.

Looking at the Red Lotus Gym in front of him, Xiaotian took a deep breath and walked in. What he was going to do was the Elite Challenge. As the former Fire King, Xia Bo was very strong, even though he was old. It's down a bit, but the Pokémon used in his Elite Challenge are unquestionably powerful,

"What I want to do is an elite challenge" Xiaotian said to Xia Bo

"Oh? You are going to challenge the elite competition." Xia Bo's eyes lit up. Previously, Xia Bo thought that Xiaotian was an ordinary trainer and didn't take it to heart. As a former Fire King, Xia Bo was very enthusiastic about fighting, but in the past The trainers who came to the challenge were all in the mood of entertainment, and their strength was not strong at all. Some even came to challenge with the initial Pokémon, which disappointed the former fire king and the grumpy old man, so he did it. Closed the gym and opened a hot spring, but the blood of the battle is still burning

Hearing that Xiaotian was going to challenge the Elite Tournament, Xia Bo's eyes lit up and he smiled. For the battle, especially the bloody battle, Xia Bo was very welcome.

"You know the elite competition, it's not something that novice trainers can challenge." Xia Bo still intends to ask for the sake of safety.

"I understand, I have received the medal for the light red elite challenge"

Xiaotian didn't explain much, just took out the light red medal, which is more convincing than any explanation.

"Being able to get the Light Red Elite Medal shows that your strength is good. I agree with your Elite Challenge." Xia Bo said sternly.

Everyone came to the competition venue, and a piece of magma made the temperature here very high

"Sundae, go to the viewing platform, it can be cooler, it's too hot here," Xiaotian said to Sundae

"Be careful." Sundae also knew that he was useless here, so he quickly ran to the viewing platform, where it was cool

"The two sides of the competition are contestant Xiaotian and the owner of the red lotus hall. The rules of the competition are v. Pokémon are not allowed to be changed. The competition begins."

The referee announced the competition, unlike the ordinary challenge competition, the challenger can change the Pokémon, this is the elite challenge both sides are not allowed to change the Pokémon

"Let's go Shanaido" Xiaotian dispatched the Shanaido class, the super special power and mind power are just in play in this kind of venue

"Go, nine tails" Xia Bo sent nine tails, the level reached the level,

As soon as the two quasi-Tianwang Pokémon appeared, they suddenly burst into a strong momentum, and the quasi-Tianwang Pokémon with a level of up to level or above was already able to burst into a powerful momentum.

"Oh, your Shanaido is very strong, I really can't imagine that you are a trainer on a new trip"

Xia Bo's eyes are shining, the stronger the strength, the better. Since retiring, he has not fought with all his strength for a long time. This kind of strength makes Xia Bo excited.

Xiaotian smiled at Xia Bo's compliment, "There are some opportunities, so I will come first."

"Xanado meditates, then supernatural powers"

"Nine tails, we are also meditating, and then supernatural power"

Shanai Duo and Jiuwei used meditation to increase special power and special defense respectively, and then burst into a powerful momentum, the supernatural power burst into a powerful momentum, making the opponent afraid, and increasing the special power

35. Red Lotus Medal, Elite Challenge

"Although Xiabo's meditation and supernatural powers both increase special skills, but as super power-type skills, they have added super power-type special skills. As a fire-type and super-type nine tails, it is not suitable. Shanaido uses spirit fluctuation"

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