Xiaoyao's mother was moved when she saw the dazzling and dazzling Xiaoyao on the stage

"Xiao Tian, ​​thank you very much"

Hearing Xiaoyao's mother's sudden thanks, Xiaotian was a little stunned, "What?"

"Xiaoyao, this child, just started to be afraid of Pokémon. Looking at Xiaoyao, who is now standing on the stage shining brightly, it's all thanks to you, Xiaotian, that this child has grown so much." Xiaoyao's mother said to Xiaoyao day to explain

"You're welcome, Xiaoyao has made such great progress, it's all her own efforts" Xiaotian said with emotion, although Xiaoyao was a rookie at the beginning, she made progress after her own teaching. , but I have to say that Xiaoyao's current strength is the result of Xiaoyao's own efforts

"Xiaoyao has grown up too." Xiaotian sighed secretly, watching Xiaoyao who was cheered by the crowd with her flying face raised on the stage.

Although this victory does not mean that Xiao Yao has won the championship, this crushing battle is enough for the vast majority of people to know this talented little girl who has only been out for a year.

Although Xiaoyao's battle was exciting, the splendid celebration will continue. Along with the wonderful competition of other contestants, only [-] contestants of the [-] contestants entered the battle joint of the next level.

However, even if the splendid celebration is a grand competition at the regional level, with Xiaoyao's quasi-king-level strength, he can be regarded as a top-level player.

So in the next battle, Xiaoyao was on a tear all the way, winning consecutive battles, sixteen in eight, eight in four, until four in two, Xiaoyao finally became a powerful opponent

In the semi-final of the fourth and second, Xiaoyao's opponent is a very popular and amazing player, a handsome boy with green hair

"It's you, although I thank you for reminding me, but I won't bear it during the duel." Xiao Yao was a little surprised when she saw that her opponent was the green-haired boy who reminded herself of being cheated in the background , and then full of fighting spirit

"I don't need you to give in. Use your strongest strength. Even if you defeat me, it is your most respect for me. The green-haired boy on the opposite side of "Xie" has a solemn face, which Xiaoyao showed during the competition. The strength is definitely a formidable opponent, so the boy has to be careful

"It's Xiao Shun, this is a fateful duel." In the audience, seeing Xiao Yao's opponent, Xiao Tian said with emotion.

In the original book, Xiao Shun can be said to be the key person who constantly inspires Xiao Yao to grow, and Xiao Shun is also the ultimate goal of Xiao Yao's constant pursuit. Even at the gorgeous celebration conference, Xiao Yao in the original book finally lost to Xiao Shun.

But now, after Xiaotian's teaching and Xiaoyao's greatly improved strength, whether Xiaoyao can defeat the strongest opponent in the original book, the outcome is still unknown.

"Master, do you think Xiaoyao can defeat the opponent and successfully enter the key finals?" Xiaoxi asked Xiaotian in a low voice, although Xiaoyao defeated several opponents and beat them all the time, but Xiaoyao won't win. It's easy, and even some opponents, Xiaoyao even won the victory in a dangerous and dangerous way.

"I don't know, the Gorgeous Celebration deserves to be a regional level conference. There are no weak players who can enter the official competition, and Xiaoyao's current opponent is also a strong coordinator. In general, Xiaoyao's Pokémon have a slight advantage in strength, but whether they can win the final victory depends on Xiaoyao's command." Hearing Xiaoxi's words, Xiaotian pondered for a while, lowered his head and said.

Now the two sides have released their own Pokémon, Xiaoyao’s Pokémon is naturally the strongest Nine-Tailed and Elegant Cat, while Xiao Shun’s Pokémon turned out to be Desert Dragonfly and Poison Rose, both rare and precious Pokémon

In terms of Pokémon on both sides, Xiaoyao's Pokémon level is higher than the other's, and his strength also has a slight advantage. However, in Pokémon battles, it does not mean that whose Pokémon is stronger can win, but also depends on the commanding ability of the trainer. , what's more, the grand festival competition is different from the Pokémon battle, and it pays more attention to the points obtained by both sides during the battle.

"Player Xiaoyao vs. player Xiaoshu, the game starts" With the announcement of the referee, the game officially started

At the beginning of the "Poison Rose Using Flower Dance, Desert Dragonfly", Xiao Shun launched an attack like lightning

Following Xiao Shun's command, Poison Rose made a flower dance of petals all over the sky, while the desert dragonfly shuttled among these petals, rushing towards Xiao Yao's Pokémon

"Elegant cat used Blizzard, Jiuwei used iron tail to attack desert dragonfly" Xiaoyao also started to fight back when he saw the other side attack.

Hearing Xiaoyao's command, the elegant cat used the blizzard. The powerful and cold blizzard directly froze the other party's flower dance, and countless petals were frozen and fell off.

The desert dragonfly quickly avoided the attack of the blizzard and rushed towards the opponent, but Xiaoyao's nine tails also used the iron tail at this time to hit the desert dragonfly

Seeing such a situation, Xiao Shun confidently issued the command "Desert Dragonfly, avoid the opponent's attack"

In the field, facing the iron tail from the winning side, the desert dragonfly rose rapidly at an extremely fast speed, avoiding the attack of the nine tails.

".ˇWhat a fast speed" Seeing the desert dragonfly avoid the nine-tailed attack and fly into the sky, Xiaoyao subconsciously looked up at the desert dragonfly, but soon, Xiaoyao lowered her head and covered her eyes "so dazzling"

"What happened to Xiaoyao?" In the audience, seeing Xiaoyao's game, Xiaoxi was a little puzzled

"That Xiao Shun is really a genius. He took advantage of the natural advantages of the open-air stage from the beginning. Xiaoyao just looked up at the desert dragonfly, but he ignored that the stage here is an open-air stage, and looked directly at the sun, Xiaoyao was dazzling." Xiaotian explained slowly

"Huh, it's alright, I just rolled my eyes, it doesn't matter much." Hearing Xiaotian's explanation, Xiaosheng let out a sigh of relief.

"It's different. In this situation, because I can't look directly at the desert dragonfly in the sky, letting the desert dragonfly fly in the sky is too much of a threat to Xiaoyao." Unlike Xiaosheng, who was relaxed, Xiaotian's face was a little solemn.

On the stage of "Desert Dragonfly uses jet flame, Poison Rose uses sunshine flame", Xiao Shun did not give Xiao Yao time to think, and directly directed the Pokémon to attack

"This is... Zhao Nuo's. I can't dodge it." Feeling the opponent's double attack from the sky and the ground, Xiao Yao made a quick judgment in her heart and found that her two Pokémon couldn't dodge the opponent's attack. one bite

"Elegant cat, hide behind the nine tails, nine tails, use all the power of the psychic defense"

In the field, upon hearing Xiaoyao's command, the elegant cat quickly hid behind Jiuwei, while Jiuwei used all her power to form a semi-circular defensive cover in front of her.

"This is the psychic shield, Xiaotian, this is your move!" In the auditorium, Sundae looked at Xiaotian in surprise when he saw Xiaoyao directing nine tails to use a defensive move.

"This is not my move, this is what I learned from the former champion Dawu, but, as my little apprentice, isn't it normal to learn a few moves with me, don't worry, Xiaoyao is not just that, there are other things too" Hearing the surprised voice of the sundae, Xiaotian said calmly.

"Also?" Sundae and the others were surprised when they heard Xiaotian's words. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

562. Xiaoyao's Gorgeous Contest 4

"Also?" Sundae and the others were surprised when they heard Xiaotian's words.

In the field, Xiao Shun's double attack of Poison Rose and Desert Dragonfly was easily defended by Nine Tails' psychic shield. Seeing such a situation, Sundae and the others were even more surprised.

"The defense of the psychic shield is so strong!" Sundae exclaimed

"That's not the case. The power of the psychic shield is still limited, but there is no problem with defending against the opponent's skills. Although Xiao Shun's two Pokémon are double-attacks, the attacks that hit the psychic shield are one on top of each other. Two positions at a time, scattered attacks, although there is some pressure on the nine-tailed defense, but it is not a big deal" Xiaotian-explains

"Is that so?" Hearing Xiaotian's explanation, everyone seemed to understand but _ nodded to show their understanding

"Sister is starting to fight back." Suddenly, Xiaosheng exclaimed, and everyone hurriedly concentrated on watching Xiaoyao's battle

"Elegant cat uses blizzard on Poison Rose, nine tails are ready" Xiaoyao's little finger pointed to Poison Rose on the ground and commanded

"Poison Rose, jump on the back of the desert dragonfly." Feeling that the elegant cat used the blizzard attack to hit Poison Rose, Xiao Shun gave a solemn command.

"Damn, you still bring something like this? That desert dragonfly is too fast, it's hard for my sister to fight." Seeing the other party's behavior, Xiao Sheng complained in the audience.

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