"..." As for Xiaosheng's words, Xiaotian was speechless, please, this is a doubles match, it's normal for Poison Rose to jump on the back of a desert dragonfly, okay?

Just when Xiao Shun on the opposite side looked confident and thought that he had avoided the opponent's attack, and even the audience in the auditorium thought that Poison Rose had avoided the blizzard of the elegant cat, Xiao Yao suddenly gave a command.

"Nine tails, it's up to you"

Following Xiaoyao's command, in the field, the blizzard that was like a cold wind suddenly changed its shape, becoming a tornado-like shape, and the blizzard that changed its shape suddenly turned a corner, and went straight to the sky. Pokémon rushes, and it's very fast

"What's this?" Seeing the abnormality that suddenly appeared in the field, Xiao Shun was taken aback. Blizzard still played like this?

However, no matter if Xiaochun is surprised or not, it can't change the ending of his Pokémon.

The blizzard that changed its form in the field hit two Pokémon that were flying unprepared in the sky at a very fast speed, and then the desert dragonfly and the poisonous rose were directly frozen by the freezing effect of the blizzard, and they were frozen into large ice cubes.

"Nine tails, use continuous iron tails" Seeing that the opponent's two Pokémon were frozen together into large ice cubes, Xiaoyao's eyes lit up and hurriedly directed nine tails to attack again

Following Xiaoyao's command, the nine tails jumped high, and then the body curled up, leaving nine huge tails outside, turning into nine steel tails, spinning while facing the two frozen into ice cubes. Pokémon smashed




The steel tail of three consecutive hits hit the opponent's frozen Pokémon. Under such an attack, even if the ice cubes on the desert dragonfly and the poisonous rose were shattered by the nine-tailed steel tail, the two Pokémon suffered a huge attack. unable to keep flying

With a "Boom", two Pokémon fell from the air and hit the ground, causing secondary damage

Xiaoyao's attack made the entire audience quiet for three or four seconds, and the audience was boiling.

"What is that, it actually caused three iron tail attacks in a row"

"This skill is so powerful. It must be very powerful to use iron tail attacks three times in a row."

"How is it?" Looking at Sundae and the others who were also shocked, Xiaotian asked with a flat face

"What kind of skill is this, it actually caused three iron tail attacks in a row?" Xiaozhi on the side was stunned

"Haha, I'm surprised, this is a skill that I developed together with Xiaoyao. Nine tails have nine tails, so I thought that when nine tails use iron tails, I would take pictures with nine tails together. Although the power will be great, but It is far less powerful than the iron tail of nine consecutive strokes, so when the nine tails were still six tails, I studied this move with Xiaoyao, but this move was too difficult to perform, even if Xiaoyao's nine tails I have been training this skill since I was six tails, but I still can't make iron tail attacks in a row, I can only do it three times," Xiaotian explained to the shocked crowd.

"My God, Xiaoyao player used a very wonderful continuous iron tail skill, from the snowstorm, to continuous iron tail, and even the double damage caused by the last two Pokémon falling to the ground, Xiaoyao player successfully used it very wonderfully. The continuous attacks made Xiao Shun player reduce a very huge score in an instant." The host explained the battle excitedly.

"Hao Lie harm" Xiao Shun was stunned by Xiao Yao's continuous attacks, and at the same time was a little puzzled, is this still the little girl who was tricked by someone as a fool in the background?

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Although Xiao Yao's attack was wonderful, it also reduced Xiao Shun's score by a lot in an instant, but Xiao Shun's Pokémon has not lost its combat effectiveness, so the game continues

"Elegant cat, use assist skill"

"Is it a flamethrower? Nine tails, you also use flamethrower"

In the field, following Xiaoyao's command, the flame jets of the nine tails and the elegant cat were combined to form a powerful super flame jet.

"Desert Dragonfly, Use Sand Hail"

Following Xiao Shun's command, the desert dragonfly used a sand-filled tornado to block Xiao Yao's super flame jet

"Poison Rose uses magic leaves, desert dragonfly, uses noise"

Noise, making a harsh sound that makes you want to cover your ears involuntarily, thereby greatly reducing the opponent's defense.


Magic leaves, scattered magical leaves that can track opponents.The attack is guaranteed to hit.

Xiao Shun managed to pull back a round after losing Xiaoyao's super flame, causing damage to Xiaoyao's Pokémon, and Xiaoyao lowered her score

Although Xiao Yao's previous continuous attack caused a lot of damage to Xiao Shun's Pokémon and lowered Xiao Shun's score by a lot, but this is a gorgeous competition, not fighting to determine the results of the battle, but in In five minutes, see who has more points

The current situation is that Xiaoyao's score is slightly ahead, but Xiaoyao's score is constantly falling under the continuous attack of Xiaojun taking advantage of the desert dragonfly flight.

"Damn, this desert dragonfly is really difficult to deal with." Xiaoyao was a little impatient after glancing at the time that was about to come.

"Elegant cat, use assistance" Although using the attack to miss the opponent will deduct points, but Xiaoyao can't care so much now


"This time, it was the rattan whip of the wonderful frog seeds? Elegant cat, use the rattan whip to catch the desert dragonfly." Seeing the skills that the elegant cat assisted, Xiao Yao was shocked and hurriedly gave instructions to the elegant cat

With the continuous extension of the elegant cat's vine whip, the desert dragonfly can only fly all over the sky to prevent it from being caught by the vine whip.

"That's it, elegant cat, nine tails, jump up and use iron tails, elegant cat, let nine tails bounce up"

Hearing Xiaoyao's command, the elegant cat's vine whip chased the desert dragonfly while the vine whip in the middle caught the end of the jump, and then the vine whip slammed violently, throwing the nine tails high.

563. The end of the gorgeous celebration

"Poison Rose, use the magic leaf to support, block the nine tails." Seeing Xiao Yao's attack, Xiao Shun was in a hurry, and hurriedly issued a command

"Elegant cat, use Blizzard to block Poison Rose's attack" Poison Rose's attack was blocked by Blizzard

"Desert Dragonfly uses jet flame" Seeing the nine tails flying straight towards the desert dragonfly, Xiaoshu hurriedly instructed the desert dragonfly to resist

"Spray flames? Then I'll accept it with a rude smile, and the nine tails jump into the flames." Seeing the skills of the other party, Xiao Yao waved her small fists and looked bright

"What?" Xiao Yan was stunned.

"God, this is amazing. Xiaoyao's nine tails jumped into the jet flame of the desert dragonfly, covering his entire body in flames," the host shouted.

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