"Tonglu, after using a move, when you are attacked by your opponent and lose your fighting ability, your opponent will also lose your fighting ability. If you use it continuously, you will fail." Sundae on the side explained to Xiaozhi slowly.

"Isn't this same brigade very invincible? When he is about to lose his fighting ability, he takes advantage of the opponent's attack and directly uses the same brigade, doesn't he directly take the opponent away?" Hearing Sundae's words, Xiao Zhi was shocked. Yes, surprised

"Well, what you said is similar, but it's not accurate. First of all, this fellowship skill is very rare and a very rare skill. In addition, fellowship skill is not invincible. In many cases, it can still be cracked. Yes, this same trip will only be effective when you deliver a fatal blow, as long as you avoid such a situation, you will naturally be able to crack the same trip," Sundae replied to Ash.

"In other words, if you want to crack this skill, you can only use the companion skill to defeat the opponent when the opponent has no chance, or use the companion skill when the other party uses it, don't attack, wait for the opponent's companion skill effect to disappear, are you using the attack? "


"Then, since there is a way to crack the same travel skills, why did Xiaotian's Bangira fall?" Xiaozhi turned into a curious baby with a curious look on his face.

"First of all, there are very few skills in the same trip. Xiaotian probably doesn't know that the other party has skills in the same trip. The most important thing is that the strength of the two sides is too different. Xiaotian's Pokémon have champion-level strength, and the dream demon is even the king of heaven. There is no level at all, such a huge gap, the other party wants to exchange the same brigade for Xiaotian's Pokémon, the opportunity is too great, the other party has already planned this."

In fact, although the sundae's words are reasonable, this time the sundae is really wrong.

Xiaotian has the opportunity to easily solve the dream demon without being taken away by the same travel skills, but Xiaotian is full of entanglement thinking about the travel skills of the strong shield sword monster, and he has no idea how to crack it.

After all, people miss, horses miss, and Xiaotian is not invincible.

576. Final 4 of Caiyou Conference

The game will continue, and both sides will continue to send Pokémon to fight

Xiaotian continued to send the sword monster with a strong shield to fight, but Bangira hadn’t shown his power yet, and was directly replaced by the other party’s fellow traveler. Xiaotian didn’t give the opponent a ruthless one, and Xiaotian expressed that he felt uncomfortable.

The opposite player A Zhe sent a level 86 King Yan to fight.

"It's a good choice, it's another Pokémon that can restrain the sword monster with a strong shield, but it's also your luck." Seeing the Pokémon sent by the other party, Xiao-Tian sighed inwardly.

Because the Pokémon on both sides lose their ability to fight at the same time, according to the rules, there is no order in sending Pokémon, and Pokémon are sent at the same time.

Before Xiaotian, the Pokémon followed the order in which they played, and the third one was Pikachu. Once Xiaotian did not send the Shield Sword Monster to fight, but instead sent Pikachu, the opponent's King Yan would have to face the Xiaotian Electric System. The Pikachu, you know, the electric system is very restrained by the flight system

"Huh, fortunately, it's the Shield Sword Monster." A Zhe player on the opposite side saw the Pokémon sent by Xiaotian, and the heart that he had been mentioning was finally relieved, and he was relieved.

Player A Zhe is also betting on the order in which Xiaotian sends Pokémon, but fortunately, he won the bet

"Da Wang Yan used a flash of electric light to make continuous attacks" As the referee announced the start of the game, A Zhe took the lead in launching the attack

"The sword monster with a strong shield uses an iron wall for defense" At the same time, Xiaotian also hurriedly commanded the sword monster with a strong shield to defend against the attack from Wang Yan.

The opponent's King Yan was originally a very fast Pokémon. With the addition of the lightning flash, the speed was definitely not comparable to that of the Shield Sword Monster. It could only be defended.

In the field, with the start of the battle, Da Wangyan instantly turned into a flash of light, and carried out continuous physical attacks on the sword and shield flying in the air.

The sword monster with a strong shield uses the iron wall skills to continuously defend against the opponent's attack.

For a time, the field fell into a fierce confrontation. The speed of Wang Yan was very fast, and the silhouettes that flashed by were very fast, so that Xiaotian could not switch the state to fight back at all, so he had no choice but to keep shield-like too. Defense, otherwise once the state is switched and attacked by Dawangyan in the sword state, the damage to the sword monster with a strong shield will be great.

In the auditorium, the atmosphere of the spectators suddenly heated up. They couldn't see who had the upper hand, but the king Yan was so fast that he could barely see his figure, but the audience watched it for real and could feel it. Only the power of King Yan

It was Xiaotian, but he looked puzzled. Compared with the enthusiastic audience, Xiaotian knew very well how the battle between the two Pokémon in the field was. Don't look at Da Wangyan's speed, he could hardly see the figure, and he still kept going. attacking

However, it cannot break the steel-like defense of the Sword Monster with a strong shield. Those attacks have no effect at all, but will consume Da Wangyan's physical strength. Of course, the Sword Monster with a Strong Shield has been defending the opponent's attack, which does consume some physical strength, but this little physical strength The consumption is completely incomparable with the consumption of Da Wangyan

"What is this guy doing? If he can break the defense of the shield sword monster and cause damage to it, such an attack would be useful, but if he can't break the defense, he continues to attack. What is he going to do?" He looked suspiciously at the two Pokémon fighting in the field, wondering what the other party meant.

"Although the continuous attack of such intensity makes the Sword Monster of the Shield Shield unable to switch states to counterattack, but if it goes on like this, even if Wang Yan consumes all his physical strength, he will not be able to defeat the Sword Monster of the Shield Shield." Not to mention Xiaotian's doubts, there are many people in the audience. The audience who can understand is also extremely puzzled, and can't understand what the other party's intention is

However, soon, Xiaotian found out what the other party's intentions were.

In the field, under the continuous attack of Da Wangyan, a crack suddenly appeared in the shield of the sword monster's unparalleled defense, and the crack was still expanding with the continuous attack of Da Wangyan.

"So it's like this, every time I attack, I attack a point to break the face? It's a good idea." Seeing this situation, Xiaotian immediately understood the other party's thoughts

After Da Wangyan used the flash of the electric light, the speed was too fast, and he could only see the figure passing by, and he could not see the part where Da Wangyan attacked, but now seeing the abnormality of the sword monster with strong shield, Xiaotian quickly responded. come over

"Da Wang Yan, use the divine bird" soon, the other party issued a new command

"Tsk tsk, first hit a weak point with a broken face, and then make a breakthrough with a powerful and fast divine bird. It's a good idea, but unfortunately, you think too beautifully." Seeing the other party's skill, Xiao Tianyi With a sneer on his face, he muttered to himself, Xiaotian quickly reacted to the other party's thoughts, and naturally he would not give the other party a chance.

In fact, if Xiaotian wants to break the opponent's move, the easiest way is to directly change the state of the sword and fight against the opponent head-on, the opponent may not be able to pick up any cheap

You must know that although the sword monster with a strong shield has a weak defense in the sword state, its attack is high. When the sword monster with a strong shield is attacked in the attack state, the damage it receives is indeed very large, but the opponent The damage was also great

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What's more, the opponent's previous series of lightning flashes and continuous attacks made Wang Yan consume a lot of physical strength, and the sword monster with a strong shield occupied a great advantage from the beginning.

"Sword monster with strong shield, switch states, and then do a power trick" Xiaotian gave a command quickly. Although he faced the opponent head-on, Xiaotian might not lose, but Xiaotian planned to use other methods.

Power tricks, using super powers to exchange the power of your own attacks and defenses.Although this skill is a super energy-based skill, it is a skill that comes with the sword monster.

In the field, upon hearing Xiaotian's command, the sword monster with a strong shield immediately switched to the sword state, and then instantly used the skill of the power system.


"Do you want to fight recklessly?" Seeing that the sword monster with a strong shield changed its shape, the eyes of the opposite player A Zhe lit up.

Although the Shield Sword Monster in the sword state has a very high attack and is not afraid to fight against Da Wang Yan, Da Wang Yan's speed is fast. As long as he avoids a few attacks from the Shield Sword Monster, Da Wang Yan can occupy a very large amount. The advantages

"The Shield Sword Monster uses the Holy Sword"

After the Shield Sword Monster switched states, Xiaotian continued to issue commands quickly. The opponent's Great King Yanshen bird was very fast, and Xiaotian naturally had to fight back quickly, so he couldn't be beaten in vain, right?

In the field, King Yan flew quickly, accumulating the power of the divine bird, while the sword monster with a strong shield quickly used the exclusive skill of the sword state after switching to the sword state, the holy sword.

"Peng" sound

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