The speed of the divine bird is very fast. As a flying-type ultimate move, the divine bird is not only powerful, but most importantly, it is fast. Before the sword monster with a strong shield can cut down the sacred sword, it was hit by the divine bird of Wang Yan, and was hit by the divine bird. fly away

"I hit it." Seeing Wangyan hitting the backbone shield sword monster, A Zhe was overjoyed and his face was full of excitement

With the weak defense of the opponent's sword in the state of the slag, the damage caused by a big move like the Divine Bird will definitely be huge, and the holy sword of the big move will definitely be interrupted.

However, what shocked contestant A Zhe was that after the sword monster with a strong shield was attacked by the divine bird, even if it was knocked out very far, the big move it had prepared before, the holy sword, was not interrupted.

"It's impossible." Looking at the sword monster with a strong shield holding up the energy sword, A Zhe player suddenly looked confused. This rhythm is not right, no, it is more accurate to say that this is completely impossible.

577. Caiyou Conference Final 5


The Sword Monster's sacred sword did not hesitate at all, and directly slashed it to Wang Yan. At the same time, he also explained to the other party why he had suffered the great move of the divine bird, but did not interrupt the great move of the sacred sword.

"What's the matter?" A Zhe looked at his king Yan in a daze

Seeing that his Dawangyan was hit by the sacred sword before, player A Zhe was shocked and hurriedly checked his Pokémon, but found that Dawangyan's damage was not as severe as he thought.

The damage is there, and it's huge, but it definitely doesn't match the terrifying attack power of the opponent's holy sword. You must know that the previous Lizard King was terrified by the opponent's holy sword having cut off almost one-third of his physical strength. degree

"This is... a power trick?" The other party said that he was also a powerful trainer at the monster level. After seeing that the Sword Shield Sword Monster also did not suffer too much damage, Player A Zhe quickly realized what was going on. thing

"It's broken." Player A Zhe, who wanted to understand, was taken aback, and then his heart sank, and the cold sweat on his forehead was 16 and it flowed down all at once.

Player A Zhe thinks he has a perfect idea to defeat the opponent's Shield Sword Monster, but now it seems that A Zhe suddenly realizes that he is very wrong

According to Azhe's plan, he did not hesitate to let Da Wangyan use continuous flashes of electric light to continuously attack a point to break the surface, and then use that point as a breakthrough. If Xiaotian doesn't respond, it is better to use that point directly. As a breakthrough, directly defeat the strong shield sword monster

Of course, based on Azhe's understanding of Xiaotian, Xiaotian is also a strong trainer. It is impossible for him to be unable to deal with it, and the best choice is to give up defense, rely on this super attack, and follow suit. King Yan's head-to-head battle

Player A Zhe thought very well. In this kind of battle, the sword monster with strong shield in the sword state has high attack and weak defense. Basically, the two sides only need a few attacks to decide the winner.

Even if Dawangyan avoided the opponent's several attacks by relying on the extremely fast speed, it would definitely be a perfect solution. The most important thing is that when the defense of the Shield Sword Monster is extremely fragile, use Dawangyan's super fast attack. speed, the other party has no chance to use the holy sword at all

But now, under the transformation of Xiaotian's magical power system, he has exchanged his attack and defense power, and it has become a high defense and a low attack. This time, A Zhe player knows that he is completely wrong. And it's terribly wrong

At this time, the strong shield sword monster with high defense and low attack will definitely not be defeated by a few attacks. If you want to decide the winner, you don't know that you have to fight until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

The most important thing is that even if Wang Yan can evade the attack of the Shield Sword Monster with the help of super fast speed, it is useless, the sacred sword cannot be avoided, and the speed is useless.

Ah Zhe could vaguely see that his great Wang Yan was under the continuous divine sword of the opponent, but he was helplessly ended by ko's miserable end.

In fact, A Zhe player really did not think wrong. In the next battle, Xiaotian's strong shield sword monster did not take the initiative to attack, except when facing Dawangyan's attack, he used his knife skills to counterattack, and the rest of the time was waiting. Holy sword, attacking

Try the knife, seize the momentary gap and cut the opponent. ** updates fast** easy to hit the nail on the head.

Da Wangyan uses special skills, the sword monster with strong shield can dodge, and can even use skills to resist. If the opponent relies on fast speed and uses physical attacks, the sword monster with strong shield will use a test knife to counterattack.

The rest of the time, the Sword Monster with the Shield Shield uses the sacred sword continuously. Anyway, the sacred sword is not like the shield of the shield, which is the exclusive skill of the king. It is easy to fail if used too many times. The sacred sword can be used infinitely, and one sword is not enough. Come five swords, five swords are not enough to come ten swords, anyway, the sword hits

The final result is naturally that the sword monster with a strong shield successfully defeated Da Wangyan and became the winner.

However, I have to say that Dawangyan is indeed a very strong Pokémon. Xiaotian originally thought that in such a situation, the Sword Monster with a strong shield could easily defeat Dawangyan and win. Victory in the end, but also miserable

If the Shield Sword Monster is a defense as hard as a steel plate, then Da Wangyan is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beat. That's a tough one, and the one that kills two Pokémon is a lingering one, and no one wants to lie down

Especially Wang Yan, relying on his fast speed, avoided many attacks of the sword monster with a strong shield. If it is not for the bug skills that cannot be avoided, the holy sword and the sword monster with a strong shield may not be able to win.

But no matter what, even if it was a narrow victory, Xiaotian's strong shield sword monster also won the victory.

In the next time, the two sides rested for ten minutes, because the other party has lost three Pokémon, and the next battle belongs to the second half.

The ten-minute break will soon pass, and the battle will continue

Xiaotian still sent the sword monster with strong shield, anyway, what kind of Pokémon the other party sent, Xiaotian has all the tricks to deal with.

If the other party sends the Lizard King, then I'm sorry, the strong shield sword monster will directly send you a big sword and send you home

If the other party sends a new Pokémon to fight, that's even better. The Swordsman's Traveling Skill can come in handy. Anyway, the Swordsman is about to fall, so he can still pull his back.

The opponent came on the field and after thinking for a while, A Zhe gritted his teeth and sent the fourth Pokémon level 91 Bangira to fight. The 670 sword monster was too disgusting. A Zhe gritted his teeth. Only the strong shield sword monster is solved first

It's a pity that A Zhe player doesn't know Xiaotian's lewd plan at all, so in the next battle, his life is destined to be miserable

"It's all at the championship level, and it's still all Bangira, it's not a loss." Seeing Bangira of Azhe, Xiaotian suddenly laughed

The other party replaced his Bangira with a whole Pokémon, while his own Shield Sword Monster was pulling his back even when he fell down. No matter how you look at it, he earned it

At the beginning of the "Bangira, use the Hidden Rock" contest, A-Zhe took the lead in launching the attack

The secret rock, suspends countless rocks around the opponent, gouges the opponent, and deals damage.

"Shield Sword Monster, use God... uh, switch stance, use Iron Wall"

The opponent's secret rock is not enough to knock down the Shield Sword Monster with a single blow. Xiaotian originally planned to use the holy sword to give the opponent a ruthless blow, but when he thought that he would use the same travel for a while, no matter how much damage he caused now, it would be meaningless, and What if you accidentally let the other party knock you down?You'll be completely blinded by then.

So Xiaotian temporarily changed his mind, and let the shield sword monster defend, be safe.

578. Caiyou Conference Final 6

In the air, countless huge rocks smashed against the sword and shield in the air, while the sword monster with a strong shield switched to a defensive stance and used the iron wall skills.

After "Bangira uses the wave of evil" after using the secret rock, the player Azer cautiously gave the command again

"Continue to defend" In the face of the opponent's attack, Xiaotian continued to choose defense

On the opposite side, seeing the sword monster with a strong shield continue to choose defense, A Zhe player was overjoyed, and his face was holding back the excitement in his heart, pretending to be nothing.

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