".ˇ Then, I'll act as the referee. The rules of the game are three-on-three. If all three Pokémon on both sides lose their fighting ability, the other side wins." Xiaogang on the side ran to act as the referee.

"That's great, Xiaomao can finally fight with you. You should be optimistic. I have made great progress in this period of time. Let's go, my partner." Seeing Xiaogang running to act as the referee, Xiaozhi immediately Ready to fight, Ash releases his Pokémon, a level 79 fire-breathing dragon

"Don't think that you are the only one who can improve, and look down on others. Have you sent a fire-breathing dragon? Then go, old man, this is your old opponent." Seeing that Xiaozhi sent a Pokémon, Xiaomao also sent his own water arrow turtle

"What a strong aura, I didn't expect that Xiaomao and Xiaozhi's strength could not reach this level?" Looking at the huge aura of the two Pokémon, the Sundae on the side was a little surprised. It seems that it is not only himself who will improve. Even Xiaozhi and Xiaomao are also amazingly talented.

"Yeah, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao have made great progress. The 79-level fire-breathing dragon and the 79-level water arrow turtle, these two Pokémon have the qualifications of kings, and their combat power is not a quasi-champion intermediate. It is very big. I remember that at the Caiyou Conference, the fire-breathing dragon and the water arrow turtle were only level 75. At most, they were equivalent to the quasi-champion junior, and their strength was much weaker than the quasi-champion intermediate, but now, I am afraid that the quasi-champion intermediate's strength Fire-breathing dragons and water arrow turtles can no longer be suppressed. Even if the trainer's commanding ability is excellent, they may defeat the advanced existence of the quasi-champion." Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian couldn't help nodding and sighing.

Xiaotian really didn't expect that Xiaozhi, whose head lacks roots, would grow to such a level, Xiaomao is nothing, but what Xiaozhi thinks of this kid, his IQ is very anxious.

In fact, Xiaozhi's huge progress is also related to Xiaotian's influence. With Xiaotian, a mighty mountain, pressing in front, Xiaozhi is working very hard to improve his strength, otherwise, according to the direction of the original book, Xiaozhi's spray The fire dragon can now reach the primary level of the king of heaven, which is considered to be the top of the sky.

"Fire-breathing dragon vs. Water Arrow Turtle, the game begins" With Xiaogang's announcement, the game officially started.

597. Xiao Zhi to Xiao Mao 2

A duel between water and fire was officially launched under the command of the old enemy, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flame"

"Water arrow turtle uses water cannon to attack"

The battle between the fire-breathing dragon and the water arrow turtle is evenly matched, and it is also extremely fierce.

In fact, the attack level of the light wheel is almost the same, but Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon can fly and has a great advantage, and Xiaomao's water arrow turtle also has a turtle shell and has a stronger defense.

Although in terms of attributes, the water arrow turtle has to restrain the fire-type fire-breathing dragon, but Xiaozhi has his own cleverness, and has been holding on to his big move. All of the advantages were hit back

"Fire-breathing dragon, fly to the front of the water arrow turtle, and fight with the water arrow turtle_melee"

"I still want to fight me in close combat. My water arrow turtle suffered such a big loss once, how could it be fooled, the water arrow turtle used high-speed rotation to leave the fire-breathing dragon"

"It's too simple for you to think, while now, the fire-breathing dragon uses jet flames against the water arrow turtles" Ash directed the fire-breathing dragons to use jet flames to attack the water arrow turtles that were spinning at high speed in the air

Although the battle between the water arrow turtle and the fire-breathing dragon was evenly matched, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon once practiced in the fire-breathing dragon valley, and his physical strength should be more abundant. In the end, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon won a game with a slight advantage. victory in battle

Taking back the fainted water arrow turtle, Xiao Mao's face was calm, and he didn't feel depressed because he was the first to lose a game. As Xiao Zhi's strongest ace, the fire-breathing dragon was indeed very powerful and could defeat the water arrow turtle. Xiao Mao was not surprised

After that, Xiaomao sent a second Pokémon to fight, the moon elf that he captured a long time ago.

At that time, before the Kanto Conference was held, everyone gathered in Zhenxin Town, and Xiaotian told Xiaomao that Ibrahimovic was a precious Pokémon with God-given qualifications, but Xiaomao was very happy, and since then he was young. Mao focused on the cultivation of the Ibrahimovic, and later evolved into a moon elf, which is Xiao Mao's main Pokémon

In the next battle, Xiaomao's moon elf battles the fire-breathing dragon

Although Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon is powerful, after defeating the water arrow turtle, the fire-breathing dragon is already at the end of the fight, so after a short battle, after suffering the very hard-to-defense awakening power used by the moon elves, the fire-breathing dragon successfully slammed into the street , the game is one-to-one

Next, Ash sends his second Pokémon Forest Lizard

As a grass-type and extremely fast forest lizard, it should have been a very difficult opponent to deal with, but the strength of Xiao Mao's moon elf is not weak, and the most important thing is that the time for Xiaozhi's forest lizard to conquer is not long. It was a long time later than when Xiao Mao captured the Moon Elf.

Therefore, in terms of strength, Xiaozhi's forest lizards are much weaker than the moon elves, but in the same way, the moon elves' battle with the fire-breathing dragons also consumed a considerable amount of physical strength of the moon elves, which eventually led to the moon elves and the forest lizards. These two Pokémon are incapacitated at the same time

Finally, for the final duel, Xiao Zhi confidently dispatched his old friend, Pikachu for the final battle

And Xiao Mao sent a Pokémon that puzzled Xiao Zhi.

"What kind of Pokémon are you? Why haven't I seen it before?" Seeing the Pokémon sent by Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi stared at the Pokémon sent by Xiao Mao with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Hey, arrogant, there are too many Pokémon you haven't seen before." Xiao Mao was still as cold as usual. After hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Xiao Mao raised his face arrogantly and directly mocked Xiao Zhi.

"Damn Xiaomao, do you think you can defeat me if you send a Pokémon that I haven't seen before? You think so beautifully." Xiaozhi was directly furious at Xiaomao's mockery, and commanded angrily. Attacked by Pikachu

"Pikachu, use [-] volts"

"Uh... Haven't you seen that Pokémon Ash?" Outside the venue, Sundae looked at the Pokémon released by Xiao Mao, and was a little puzzled, because this Pokémon Sundae had seen it before.

"Probably, maybe, I don't seem to have seen it before," said Xiaotian on the side with some uncertainty. The Pokémon sent by Xiaomao was an electric monster. This kind of Pokémon was an evolution that only appeared in the Shenao region. It's very likely that Chi has never seen Electric Shock Monster.


"how is this possible?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"How did this happen?" Just when Xiaotian was stunned, a few exclamations filled with disbelief interrupted Xiaotian's doubts.

He looked up in a hurry, and saw that Pikachu's powerful [-] volts hit Xiao Mao's electric shock beast, and there was no harm.

"It's impossible, even if the Pokémon of the same electricity type is attacked by the opponent's electricity type skills, although the damage will be reduced, it is impossible to have no damage at all." Looking at the electric shock monster who was unharmed after receiving Pikachu's attack, one side Xiaogang exclaimed in disbelief

"Huh?" Seeing such a situation, Xiaotian checked the Electric Shock Warcraft.

"It turns out that the characteristic is the electric engine characteristic, which is immune to Pikachu's special power of the electric system, and if it is placed on a Pokémon such as the Electric Shock Monster, it will not only restore physical strength but also enhance the special power when it is attacked by Pikachu's electric system. Dengeki Warcraft is only level 60, isn't it a bit too risky?" Looking at the information on Dengeki Warcraft, Xiaotian thought to himself.

........ ......

Xiaozhi's Pikachu can not only only know the special skills of electricity, but also the moves of other types.

In the field, Xiao Zhi was also stunned. He didn't expect that after suffering Pikachu's electric attack, the Pokémon was not harmed. Xiao Zhi, who did not believe in evil, once again directed Pikachu to attack.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts again"

The same attack, the same result, Pikachu's electric attack still has no effect. Seeing this situation, Xiaozhi is completely stunned. You must know that Pikachu's strongest power is the special power of the electric system.

"Electric Warcraft, use thunder" Xiaozhi was stunned, but Xiaomao didn't, but took advantage of the opportunity when Pikachu just launched his attack, and counterattacked

"Split", a huge thunder and lightning, fell straight from the sky, and directly hit Pikachu who had just used [-] volts. The powerful electric attack caused huge damage to Pikachu.

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