"What a powerful power, Pikachu, are you okay?" Seeing that Pikachu was hit by the opponent's skill, Ash hurriedly asked

"Pika Pika" heard Xiao Zhi's cry, Pikachu shook the injured body, still full of fighting spirit, with Pikachu's current strength, it is not something that can be defeated by a thunderbolt.

598. Xiaozhi vs. Xiaomao

However, although Pikachu didn't have a big problem, Ash's cold sweat couldn't help but burst into a frenzy. The opponent's electricity skills can hurt Pikachu, but Pikachu's skills can't cause damage to the opponent. How can we fight?

"Xiaozhi, do you know why I let your Pikachu attack first? That's because Pikachu's electric skills can't do damage to the electric monster at all, and it even improves the electric special ability of the electric monster. Next, what are you going to do? What to do?" Seeing Xiao Zhi's embarrassed look, Xiao Mao continued to mock Xiao Zhi with confidence on his face.

"This Pokémon is called the Electric Shock Monster. It's so powerful that it is immune to the special powers of the electric system." After hearing Xiao Mao's call, Xiao Zhi's thoughts went astray, and he looked at the Electric Shock Monster with great envy.

On one side, Xiaotian's face darkened when he heard Xiaozhi's words, and this IQ is no longer "Nine Fours Seven". After that, Xiaotian explained Xiaozhi speechlessly.

"This electric monster has the power engine feature. This feature not only does not take damage when it receives the special power of the electric system, but also restores its own physical strength."

"It turns out to be the relationship between the characteristics, such a powerful characteristic, but Xiao Mao, don't think that you can defeat me just like this, Pikachu is very strong." After hearing Xiao Tian's explanation, Xiao Zhi suddenly realized, and then directed Pikachu to continue the fight.

"Pikachu, use the Volt to attack"

The Volt attack is somewhat similar to Pikachu's lightning flash, but Pikachu's Ford attack is an upgraded version of the lightning flash. While running fast, the body is covered by lightning, and finally hits the enemy to cause double damage of physical and special power , a powerful skill

Xiao Zhi originally wanted to use this newly learned skill to turn defeat into victory, but unfortunately, it was useless

"Electric Shock Monster, use Hold"

Hold, form a shield on the outside of the body to resist the opponent's attack

In the field, Pikachu slammed towards the opponent at a high speed, but when it hit the opponent, the electric monster was surrounded by a protective cover, and Pikachu's ambush attack hit the protective cover, even more Pikachu. bounced back

"Pika" Pikachu let out a pained cry

"Tsk tsk, amazing, Xiaomao's electric monster seems to be designed to restrain Xiaomao's Pikachu. Facing Pikachu's long-range special skills, electric monsters are immune. As for this defense, it is a perfect counterattack. Pikachu's Ford attack speed is very fast. Quick power is also very strong, but unfortunately, this skill has a counter-injury, which means that when Pikachu hits the opponent, he will also be hurt himself. However, in the face of this defense, Pikachu's Volt attack seems to hit the wall. It's the same, almost all of the back injuries suffered, this electric monster can completely restrain Pikachu, and Pikachu has no hope of winning." Xiaotian sighed and explained to Sundae and Xiaoxi beside him.

"No, since Pikachu's electric shock is immune to the opponent, and Volt's attack is not good, then Pikachu can use other skills. Isn't Pikachu able to use the steel tail, the opponent has no way to deal with this skill?" Hear Xiao God's sigh, Sundae retorted

"It's useless, even if Pikachu uses the steel tail, he has no tricks with the electric monsters. The melee skills of the electric monsters can also be used, such as the thunder palm, the lightning full, the steel tail, and the arm hammer. Melee physical attacks can also shock the monsters, not to mention the electric shock. Monsters have long arms, one arm is longer than Pikachu's height, and Pikachu only has a small tail, while the electric monster has two arms. You say who has the advantage in melee competition, the most important thing is that even Pikachu's steel tail can occupy Advantage, do you think Pikachu can defeat the Electric Shock Monster with the steel tail?"

Hearing Xiaotian's words, all the people who refuted them all lost their voices. Yes, even if Pikachu can use the steel tail to gain some advantages, he will defeat the electric monster?Just because Pikachu threw his little tail?You must know that there are several physical skills in melee combat alone, and how can Pikachu be defeated by a small tail?

Just when everyone outside the field fell silent, the battle on the field had come to an end.

Ash's Pikachu's long-range special skills are immune to the opponent, Volt attacks, and the opponent uses the defense. In the end, Ash, who is really useless, can only command Pikachu to use the steel tail to counterattack.

But unfortunately, Pikachu's steel tail is not very useful. In terms of melee combat, Pikachu, who only relies on steel tails to fight, is too weak to the electric monster. As Xiaotian said, one electric monster The arms are taller than Pikachu's entire body, not to mention the two arms of the electric monster.

In the end, Pikachu had no choice but to lose.

"How is it possible?" At the end of the game, Xiao Zhi lost his soul and looked in disbelief

Just opened up the open area, at this time Xiaozhi was full of self-confidence, but Xiaomao hit him in the head, and he was directly stunned.

"Xiao Zhi, you are too arrogant when you just dominated the open area. There are too many mysteries in this world, and there are many Pokémon that you have never seen before. Just opening an open area, are you already self-righteous?" With the lost soul of Xiao Zhi, Xiao Mao taught Xiao Zhi a lesson

"I, I'm not arrogant, what's more, if your Electric Shock Beast has the characteristics of restraining Pikachu, I will not lose." For Xiao Mao's lesson, Xiao Zhi was embarrassed at first, but soon, Xiao Zhi Retorted with dissatisfaction

"You said you're not arrogant, do you think you know all Pokémon? Do you know what the general characteristics of Pokémon like Dengeki Warcraft are?" Hearing Xiao Zhi's rebuttal, Xiao Mao looked calm.

"What is it?" Hearing Xiao Mao's words, Xiao Zhi's face was blank.

"Well, the special 5.1 feature common to Dengeki Monsters is the electric engine." Xiaotian on the side raised his hand awkwardly to answer Xiaozhi's words.

Hearing Xiaomao's words, Xiaotian remembered that the Pokémon like Dengeki Warcraft basically have the feature of electric engine, because if Dazzling Warcraft wants to evolve, it needs to carry a power enhancer to evolve, and the role of the power enhancer is to store electricity

Xiaotian is embarrassed because of this. Xiaotian knew it before, but because of the time, Xiaotian didn't remember it at all. If it wasn't for Xiaomao's reminder, Xiaotian would have always thought that this feature of electric engines was a rare feature.

Therefore, Xiaotian feels the same way about Xiaomao's arrogance and arrogance in teaching Xiaozhi. Xiaotian feels that this seems to be talking about himself...  

599. A new beginning

"Don't get carried away just because you dominate the open area, don't forget, on other continents, there are many powerful Pokémon that you don't know about, the world is very big" Xiao Mao's rare useless black Xiaozhi, but his face say formally

"Xiao Mao, where have you been during this time?" Hearing Xiao Mao's words, Xiao Zhi asked loudly

Xiao Mao's words gave Xiao Zhi a big blow, making Xiao Zhi, who had just returned, vanish without a trace. At the same time, Xiao Zhi's originally quiet heart became hot again.

"Shenao Area" answered Xiaozhi's question, Xiaomao turned and left coolly

"Shenao area, Xiaomao, wait for me?" Looking at Xiaomao who was far away, Xiaozhi secretly made up his mind


"Xiaotian, I've decided, I'm going to challenge the Shenao area." Before Xiaotian could speak, Xiaozhi had already made his decision in a hurry

"Of course it's okay to travel to the Shenao area, but should you go home first to see your family and then go to Shenao?" Looking at the inexplicably excited Xiao Zhi, Xiaotian reminded 16

"Oh yes, I forgot if you didn't say it. Then, goodbye Xiaotian, I have to go home first, and then I will go to Shenao to continue my journey" rushing to say goodbye to Xiaotian, Xiaozhi Run away without a trace

Seeing Xiaozhi, who was rushing away, Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head. This guy has been traveling for so long, and he just came back. He didn't even enter the house, so he set the next goal. This impatient personality As expected of Xiaozhi

"Xiaotian, Shenao, is my hometown?" Sundae on the side looked at Xiaotian and sighed

"Yes, so, let's go together" He silently held the little hand of the beautiful girl beside him, and Xiaotian smiled.


"Master, are you going to Shenao too?" Xiaoxi on the side asked curiously when she heard Xiaotian's words

"Yeah, it's really not suitable for me to always practice in the new continent, and I also really want to try a journey like Xiaozhi, starting from scratch." Hearing Xiaoxi's question, Xiaotian replied with a sigh

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