In fact, Xiaotian thinks too much. In Banmu's eyes, Xiaotian is still just a genius trainer. In the past, it is not impossible to train a trainer who has trained a quasi-celestial king within a year of departure, but it is very rare. The Pokémon, but Banmu seems to be a monster-level trainer, but he is not strong. Although Banmu has the idea of ​​recruiting Xiaotian to join the Rockets, he decided not to force it. There are so many people in the world. If there is a genius trainer or a monster trainer Banmu, just pay attention, then the Rockets don't have to do anything else, just follow the genius and the monster and run behind the back, being a genius and a monster can't be so easy to deal with, in case the idea doesn't hit It is definitely a formidable opponent for the trainer to grow up, Banmu will not have nothing to do.

Continue to set off with the sundae, find a gym and challenge to get the medal. The mission of this trip is completed.

The Gym in the Kanto area is not only the Dao Gym, but that Gym is the most famous one.

After getting a medal, Xiaotian and Sundae plan to return to Zhenxin Town. There are still a few Pokémon at home that have not been cleaned up.

The first is the fossilized pterosaurs of Xiaotian and Sundae. When they were conquered, they were attacked and besieged. The fossilized pterosaurs expressed their dissatisfaction.

This time, I have to go through a heads-up and defeat the fossil pterosaur to make it convinced

There is also a Suijun. At first, Suijun was controlled by someone with a dark ball, but was defeated by Xiaotian and captured and sent back to the Dr. Damu Research Institute.

At that time, Sui Jun, who was controlled by the dark ball, had no self-awareness, and the sober Sui Jun was not necessarily convinced. It was necessary for Xiao Tian to defeat Sui Jun with a clear consciousness in order to truly conquer Sui Jun.

There is no need to go back step by step on the way home. Xiaotian and Sundae directly buy two plane tickets and fly directly to the city closest to Zhenxin Town. There is no way for Zhenxin Town to have no airport, and then go to Zhenxin Town is so much faster

Divide~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ line

"There's a real new town in front," Xiaotian said to Sundae, looking at the quiet town in front of him

"This is where you live, it feels so peaceful," Sundae said, looking at the town in front of him

"Hehe, go home with me first, and then go to Dr. Damu's Research Institute to capture the Pokémon," Xiaotian said lightly.

As soon as he heard that he was going home with Xiaotian, Sundae's face turned red inexplicably, and said a little shyly, "Yeah"

Looking at the blushing Sundae Xiaotian, it was a little inexplicable, he shook his head and led the way in front

"Mom, I'm back" shouted Xiaotian, who walked into the house and looked at the beautiful woman who was cooking.

"My dear son, you're back, you want to die, and you don't want to go home for more than half a year after you leave. Let me see if you've lost any weight." Seeing Xiaotian, the beautiful lady ran over and gave her a hug Zhu Xiaotian then looked left and right and said excitedly

Mom's enthusiasm makes Xiao Tian, ​​who has always been indifferent, a little embarrassed

"Mom, let me introduce you this is a companion sundae that I travel with" Xiaotian quickly diverted his mother's attention

"The sundae is my mother" and then Xiaotian introduced the sundae

"Hello, Auntie," Sundae said shyly.

"Is your name Sundae? Thanks to you taking care of Xiaotian along the way, come and let me see, what a handsome girl, it is Xiaotian's conviction to have a companion like you. If he bullies you, tell auntie, auntie will help You clean him up, come over and let Auntie take a look." As soon as she saw the sundae, Xiaotian's mother suddenly became more enthusiastic, and the sundae was extremely shy. Hearing what Xiaotian's mother said, the sundae was a little embarrassed after all. It's Tian Tian taking care of the sundae

Looking at the shy Sundae Xiaotian who was made by his mother, he was planning to help out.

"Mom, the vegetables are going to be mushy"

"What else do you care about, the little sundae is important, your kid is ignorant, go out and bring back such a beautiful little girlfriend."

"It's not a girlfriend!" Sundae shyly retorted in a low voice

Looking at the active-minded mother looking at the shy sundae, Xiaotian covered his face with one hand, his face full of helplessness

"Mom, I'll go to Dr. Damu's Research Institute with Sundae to see my Pokémon" Xiaotian finished and took the sundae and ran out the door

"Come back quickly and take care of the sundae" Xiaotian's mother shouted from behind

"Huh!" The two of them ran out the door and exhaled loudly

"Sorry, sundae, my mother is a little too enthusiastic," Xiaotian said to the sundae

"It doesn't matter, and the auntie is very good," Sundae said with a red face

"Let's go to Dr. Damu's research institute to see Pokémon, and by the way, we will capture the fossilized pterosaur," Xiaotian said.

"Okay, I want to recover the Fossil Pterosaur" I was excited when I heard that I had taken down the Fossil Pterosaur Sundae

When I came to Dr. Damu's research institute, I saw the door was closed, Xiaotian went to ring the doorbell

"Ding Dong"

"Who is it?" came the voice of Dr. Damu

"I'm Xiaotian, Dr. Damu, I'm here to see my Pokémon," Xiaotian said lightly when he heard Dr. Damu's voice

"Oh my god, then come in." Then the closed door opened automatically

Walking into the Dr. Damu Research Institute, what caught my eye was the kind-hearted Dr. Damu who was wearing a white coat and full of face.

"Xiaotian is back, you are very fast, Xiaomao and Xiaozhi haven't come back yet, they are leaving two months earlier than you, you want to see your Pokémon and come with me." Seeing Xiaotian Dr. Damu said with a smile and then led the way to Xiaotian

"Your Pokémon have high aptitude, and you are training very hard, and your strength is very strong. By the way, the Suicune and Fossil Pterosaur you sent back have filled me a lot of trouble," Dr. Ogi said as he walked.

"Although I've caused you trouble, my Pokémon are all Pokémon worth studying, aren't they?" Xiaotian said lightly

"Haha, too" Dr. Damu smiled awkwardly.

Lead Xiaotian to a lake, surrounded by forests

Xiaotian's Pokémon is living here, and Kuailong, who was lying lazily on the ground, saw Xiaotian roar happily and then came around Xiaotian

The rest of the Pokémon ran over happily when they heard Kuailong's cry.

It is also a pleasure to see the long-lost Pokémon around, Xiaotian, this is the Pokémon that I have worked hard to conquer and train, and it is a reliable companion

"Long time no see everyone, I heard from Dr. Damu that you are training hard" Xiaotian said happily

"Codo" Bosco Dora

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