"Ow~" Kuailong

"Mi!" Minas

"Om~Om~" Big Needle Bee

These Pokémon are very happy to see Xiaotian around Xiaotian

Release the Pokémon you bring with you, and look at your own Pokémon, Xiaotian, so proud

The strong and tall fire-breathing dragon, the lively and mischievous Pikachu, the naive-looking fast dragon, the fat Kabi beast, the well-behaved Shanaido, the heavy but powerful Boss Cordola, and the sharp double-needle. The giant needle bee, the beautiful Minas, the mighty Bangira, a little silent but definitely against the mighty bite land shark, plus the graceful Suicune and the violent fossil pterosaur who are not here, this little day. the Pokémon

The levels of these Pokémon are Bandera level, Fire-breathing dragon level, Pikachu level, Fast dragon level, Kabimon level 4, and Shanaido level

Boss Cordola level, Big Needle Bee level, Minas level 4, Bite Land Shark level, it was the same level when Suicune was conquered, it should be the same now

The most powerful one when the fossilized pterosaur was captured, the other three are level 4 and level 4, you can see the strength just by looking at the head.

When Bangira and Suicune were recaptured, it didn't count as such a high level. The fire-breathing dragon leveled up so quickly because they ate the source of life worth points.

It causes the aptitude to go against the sky and contains a lot of energy and is continuously absorbed by the fire-breathing dragon, so the level is so high

Pikachu is a Pokémon that was obtained before Xiaotian travel. The training time is longer, and at the beginning, Pikachu ate a whole qualification package of qualification pills to make his qualifications very strong. In addition, he never entered the treasure ball. More, so now it is reasonable to barely upgrade to the level of the king of the first level

The remaining Pokémon are all Pokémon with rare qualifications. After nearly a year of constant training and constant battles, the level has reached the level of the quasi-celestial king.


Thinking about the fact that all the Pokémon have reached the quasi-celestial king within a year of their departure, and some Pokémon have even reached the heavenly king, Xiaotian is full of emotion.

If there is no systematic store to achieve powerful fire-breathing dragons, it is possible to conquer powerful Pokémon like Suicune and Bangira.

If you can't check the qualifications, Xiaotian can't get so many Pokémon with rare qualifications, let alone other Pokémon training methods, energy blocks, and purchased items.

Xiaotian is also an ordinary person, but there is no way, who let us have golden fingers. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net) Xiaotian’s narcissistic thoughts

Cultivate a relationship with his Pokémon for a while, and then Xiaotian plans to really subdue the Fossil Pterosaur and Suicune. The sundae is probably in a hurry.

38. Sundae's Conquest vs Fossil Pterosaur Boss

"The sundae will be subdued first, but be careful that the biggest one is the Quasi-Tianwang senior." Xiaotian decided to let the sundae try to conquer the strongest fossil pterosaur. These fossil pterosaurs should be It is a litter, and the aptitudes are not much different. Although the level is different, Xiaotian can be cultivated slowly.

"Can I recover the boss of the fossilized pterosaur?" Sundae's little face turned red with excitement

"Well, you can try it," Xiaotian said lightly.

The strength of the fossil pterosaur boss is a bit reluctant to conquer, but if you really want to conquer it successfully, the strength of the sundae will increase obviously. Xiaotian's strength does not require much of this fossil pterosaur boss. It's a big deal. small

"Then let me try it" Sundae was a little nervous in his heart

"Come on, I believe you can do it with your strength" Xiaotian encouraged

Under the leadership of Dr. Damu, Xiaotian and Sunda went to the valley where the fossilized pterosaur lived.

As the most authoritative doctor, Dr. Damu's yard is very large.A group of people came to a valley full of rocks with an artificial lake in the middle of the valley

There are a large number of Pokémon in this life, including Xiaotian's fossilized pterosaur and ammonite beast fossil helmet.

"It took me a lot of effort to prevent your fossilized pterosaur from attacking other Pokémon," Dr. Ogi complained.

As an ancient hunter, it is normal for the Fossil Pterosaur to attack other Pokémon, but I don’t know how Dr. Damu managed to keep the Fossil Pterosaur from attacking the Pokémon. Xiaotian thought to himself

"I'm really bothering you, Dr. Damu," Xiaotian said apologetically. This is indeed a bit unfortunate for Dr. Damu. When he just captured the fossilized pterosaur, he was still very wild, so he sent it back directly. It's very exciting to study the extinct Pokémon, but the wildness of the fossil pterosaurs is also enough to give Dr. Big a headache.

"Sundae, look at you" Xiaotian said encouragingly when he saw the fossilized pterosaur

"Hu" took a deep breath, and the sundae came to the front of the fossil pterosaur with a serious face

"Fossil pterosaur, I want to subdue you, let's fight, I think as an ancient hunter you will not refuse the challenge," Sunda solemnly said to the fossil pterosaur in front of him

"Roar~~~" It's obvious that the sundae's aggressive general effect is remarkable, and the fossil pterosaurs are in a good combat state without saying a word.

'Go, my buddy' sees fossil pterosaurs ready to fight Sundaes also send desert dragonflies

"Desert Dragonfly is only level 4. This is the highest-level Pokémon in the Sundae. As a Dragon-type Pokémon, Desert Dragonfly is stronger than ordinary Pokémon, and its strength is similar to that of Fossil Pterosaur. It can play better, but when it comes to the wild fossil pterosaurs, you won’t necessarily win or lose, the sundae is up to you.” Xiaotian thought to himself, he couldn’t see winning or losing, he could only watch the sundae play.

"Desert Dragonfly, Use Insect Song" Sundae takes the lead in attacking

"Om~Om~Om~Om~" Desert dragonfly came up and used insect call directly

The insect-song fossil pterosaur facing the desert dragonfly was very uncomfortable, but it rushed over and used its wings to beat the desert dragonfly.

"Quickly avoid" Sundae's nervous face, seeing the desert dragonfly almost dodging the Fossil Pterosaur's attack

"Desert Dragonfly, use crackling sound" is a very powerful skill with crackling sound, second only to the ultimate move

"Roar~~~" ShYi of the injured fossil pterosaur was in pain, but resisted the pain and quickly flew to the desert dragonfly and used the wings of Gang. When attacked by the wings of Gang, the desert dragonfly was injured and hit. Flying out, and the fossilized pterosaur followed, looking at the coldness in this, it seems to use the teeth of ice

"This fossilized pterosaur is more savage than lifeless. It would rather be hurt to attack the opponent, but his attack is still strong, and his intelligence is also very high. He knows that dragon-type Pokémon use ice-type. Skill, Fossil Pterosaur has three skills: Ice Fang, Fire Fang and Thunder Fang, but he chose Ice Fang. This fossil pterosaur has a very strong self-fighting ability. Sundae is hard to beat." Xiaotian secretly anxious on the side

"Dragon's Wrath" sundae looks serious

The powerful dragon's rage not only caused a lot of damage, but also directly pushed the fossilized pterosaur far away, and was not attacked by the fossilized pterosaur.

The fossilized pterosaur that was knocked into the air by the attack of the dragon's fury looked very annoyed, and angrily used the air cutting, and used the wings to fan out the air blade to attack the opponent

"Dragon Wave" Sundae commanded with a serious face. Now the serious sundae looks a bit like Shirona. It's not like when I just set off for a trip, when I was in a battle, I was surprised by a little thing and forgot to attack. The indifferent appearance of Tian has affected him. Now, the serious Sundae feels that nothing can affect him. His mission is to defeat the other party.

The huge power dragon's wave resists the air cutting and still has the power to attack the fossil pterosaur

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