The trainer did not directly talk to Sundae and Xiaoxi, because it was said in the collection of girls, it is best not to directly fight with the goddess, because this will cause the goddess to be disgusted, the best way is to use a roundabout way, inadvertently talk to the goddess. Goddess catch up

When talking to Xiaotian, you can inadvertently talk to the goddess, and you can step on this weak scum, and let these two beautiful and lovely girls know that your companion is just a weak scum

"Uh..々¨." Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian was stunned. He didn't understand what the other party meant, and he didn't provoke him.

It wasn't until Xiaotian saw that the other party looked at Sundae and Xiaoxi's eyes full of admiration from time to time, and Xiaotian's face turned dark and he reacted.

"This is my newly captured Pokémon, so the level is relatively low," Xiaotian replied

In the past, Xiaotian has also encountered many trainers who were paying attention to Sundae and Xiaoxi. They didn't need Xiaotian to shoot. Sundae himself could scare them away. This trainer came to mock him, just wanting to pass Stepping on yourself to attract the attention of the sundae, this is the first time Xiaotian has encountered such a situation

So Xiaotian not only was not angry, but looked at the other party with interest, trying to see how the other party wanted to step on him.

Hearing Xiaotian's conversation, the other party was obviously stunned, and then said, "New capture? It doesn't matter, even a newly captured Pokémon needs to fight, right?"

"That's right, so are you going to use your forest turtle to fight my little fire monkey?" Xiaotian looked at the other party with interest and asked

"Uh.. Of course, although my forest tortoise has a higher level than yours, the properties of the little fire monkey also restrain the forest tortoise." When the other party said this, he blushed a little.

Although the mutual restraint of attributes can occupy some advantages, the gap in strength cannot be made up by the mutual restraint of the attributes.

"No problem, just right, I also want to find a good opponent for the little fire monkey." What the other party did not expect was that Xiaotian agreed neatly, making the other party's thoughts all hold back.

"Then, I'll be the referee" Sundae on the side heard that Xiaotian agreed with the team, and ran to be the referee with a smile.

Of course Sundae understands what the other party thinks, but while he is secretly annoyed that the other party is underestimating Xiaotian, Sundae is even more curious, if the other party can't even beat the new Pokémon that Xiaotian has conquered, what will his expression look like?

"The little fire monkeys on both sides fight against the forest tortoises, and the game begins." Sundae waved his small hand, announcing the start of the battle

"Forest tortoise, use the flying blade knife" As the sundae announced the start of the game, the opponent took the lead in launching the attack

"Avoid, then use the spark." Watching the opponent's attack, Xiaotian commanded indifferently

In the field, facing the flying blade knife used by the forest turtle, the little fire monkey obeyed Xiaotian's order to avoid it, and then made a spark attack.

The little fire monkey has just been conquered, so now the little fire monkey has not learned the skill of spraying flames

"Avoid each other's sparks, wood turtle, use ram"

Hearing the trainer's command, the forest turtle flexibly avoided the attack of the little fire monkey, and then quickly rushed to the little fire monkey, using the impact

"It's very fast. This wood turtle is faster than the little fire monkey. It seems that this wood turtle is very strong." On the edge of the field, Sundae, who acted as the referee, saw the speed of the wood tortoise and let out a surprise. call

The level of the Pokémon does not represent everything, nor does the aptitude agreement represent everything. Only the strength of the Pokémon itself is the real combat effectiveness, and this forest turtle has been trained quite well by its trainer.

".々The speed value of the wood turtle is far inferior to that of the little fire monkey, and the speed of this wood turtle is even faster than that of the little fire monkey. It seems that this wood turtle has been trained well." The sky is also admiring the strength of this forest tortoise

"Little Fire Monkey, use the burrowing hole" Seeing that the opponent was about to hit the Little Fire Monkey, Xiaotian hurriedly issued a command

In the field, the little fire monkey successfully used the digging hole before the wood turtle hit him, and opened the opponent's hit more often, but the wood turtle panicked when he saw the little fire monkey digging a big hole in the ground and disappeared in front of his eyes, and hurriedly swayed left and right. Look

"Wood Turtle, don't worry, be careful with your feet." On the opposite side, seeing the panic on the forest turtle's face, he hurriedly shouted

"Little Fire Monkey, right now, use the flame wheel." After seeing the forest turtle hearing the trainer's words, he looked down at his feet, and Xiaotian hurriedly directed the Little Fire Monkey to launch an attack

As Xiaotian's voice came out, the little fire monkey suddenly jumped out from behind the forest tortoise, and then used the flame wheel to attack the forest tortoise that was close at hand.

"The tortoise in the woods, be careful behind you." On the opposite side, seeing the little fire monkey jumping out from behind the tortoise in the woods, the other party (Zhao Zhao's) hurriedly shouted to the tortoise in the woods

But it is a pity that the distance between the little fire monkey and the forest turtle is too close. The forest tortoise, who heard the shout, hurriedly turned around and was directly hit by the flame wheel of the little fire monkey before taking any action.

"Forest tortoise, use photosynthesis" The opponent's trainer felt the huge damage caused by this blow to the forest tortoise, and directly used photosynthesis

Photosynthesis, by absorbing sunlight, restores self-injury and stamina

"Photosynthesis?" Xiao Tian, ​​who was quite happy to see the little fire monkey's attack work, suddenly turned black when he saw the skill used by the other party. This skill is a grass-type recovery skill, which is quite disgusting.

Accurately, any reply skills are disgusting.

"Little Fire Monkey uses the ground again" Xiaotian confidently continues to give commands

Although the opponent's recovery skills are annoying, Xiaotian is still confident, because although the photosynthesis skills can recover physical strength and injuries, it is not completely recovered, and Xiaotian is still confident that he can defeat the opponent.

608. The end of the battle

"Little fire monkey, use burrowing"

"Little Fire Monkey, use the flame wheel"

In the next battle, Xiaotian only used two moves, that is, dig a hole in the ground, and then the flame wheel, the opponent was completely clueless

As fire damage, the flame wheel can cause huge damage to the forest turtle under double damage, and the forest turtle cannot effectively defend against the sneak attack of the little fire monkey due to the large tortoise shell, and then use the flame wheel

The trainer opposite "Damn Monkey" roared in exasperation

Otherwise, the wood tortoise has the photosynthesis skill, and the level of the little fire monkey is much lower than that of the wood tortoise, and the other party has been beaten by the little fire monkey long ago.

"Little Fire Monkey continues to burrow into the ground" Xiaotian continues to let Little Fire Monkey burrow into the ground

Now the whole site is drilled by the little fire monkeys everywhere, and the forest turtle can't judge where the little fire monkeys came out to attack, and can only be beaten passively.

"Forest tortoise, face the burrow, use impact" Seeing that the little fire monkey drilled 900 places again, the trainer on the opposite side had no choice but to let the wood turtle burrow into the burrow

"Darkness" heard the other party's command, Xiaotian secretly sighed in his heart, and then gave a command to the little fire monkey

"Little fire monkey, use the flame wheel in the cave"

Following Xiaotian's command, the trainer of the other party was shocked when he heard it.

"Come out soon!" The other party hurriedly shouted to the forest turtle to let the other party come out quickly

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