But it’s a pity that it’s too late. A big turtle ran into the hole and couldn’t move effectively at all, and even if the tortoise could move nimbly in the hole, the tortoise couldn’t use the flame wheel more than the little fire monkey if it wanted to get out. faster

Following Xiaotian's command, the little fire monkey used a flame wheel in the underground cave, and a strong flame suddenly erupted from the entrance of the cave, and the forest turtle chasing the little fire monkey into the underground cave was even more directly affected by this powerful flame. squirted out

This shot of the flame wheel is extremely powerful, causing incomparable damage to the forest turtle. The tree turtle was directly stunned by the two eyes hit by the flame wheel

"The forest turtle lost its ability to fight, and the little fire monkey won." Seeing the forest turtle fainted, Sundae chose the battle result]

"Beautiful work, little fire monkey" After the battle, Xiaotian praised the panting little fire monkey

In this battle, Little Fire Monkey just used the flame wheel to hit the opponent's forest tortoise. I don't know how many times. That guy is just like an undead Xiaoqiang, constantly using photosynthesis to recover. Although Little Fire Monkey defeated After the other party, there is not much physical strength left.

"You, you're cheating, you always burrow into the ground, how do I fight, I'm not convinced" After the battle, the trainer on the opposite side was beaten to pieces.

"..." Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian was speechless for a while, won't I dig a hole in the Pokémon battle?

"This, this forest tortoise is not my strongest Pokémon, I want to use my trump card to fight." The other party did not give Xiaotian a chance to refute, and directly invited him to fight again

"Yes, but I won't be able to use Little Fire Monkey." Hearing the other party's conversation, Xiaotian replied calmly

Since it is the opponent's trump card, then the opponent's (bdbi) a Pokémon is definitely stronger than the forest tortoise. With the current strength of the little fire monkey, it may not be an opponent. The most important thing is that the little fire monkey has gone through a battle. I don't have much stamina anymore

"I know, your little fire monkey has no physical strength, so which Pokémon do you want to send to fight with me, let me see first?" The trainer opposite looked at Xiaotian provocatively, and then sent his own Pokémon, a level 42 mosquito coil frog

Seeing the Pokémon sent from the opposite side, the corner of Xiaotian's mouth couldn't help twitching. Is this your so-called trump card?Well, there is nothing wrong, it is three levels higher than the previous forest tortoise

"I only have two Pokémon now." Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian spread his hands and looked helpless

"Huh? You only have two Pokémon? Then your other Pokémon is your Pikachu. Let me see what level your Pikachu is." Seeing Xiaotian's helpless look, the trainer opposite laughed at that time. , the other party thinks that Xiaotian's Pikachu is not strong, and then confidently puts on high-tech glasses to check Pikachu's level

"Huh? Level 92? Oh, I'm going!" Staring at it for a long time, the trainer opposite was frightened, and sat down on the ground, the cold sweat dripping down from his head.

After being stunned for a long time, the trainer opposite put on his glasses again, "Did I read it wrong, or did I open the rhythm wrong? Come again"

After watching it carefully for a long time again, the trainer found desperately that he was not mistaken, it was this rhythm

"That..." After the boss for a while, the trainer came back to his senses and looked at Xiaotian with an embarrassed expression.

"No need to fight." Seeing the other party's rapidly changing expression, Xiaotian looked at the other party with a smile on his face.

"No, no, I admit defeat, can I go?" the other party asked Xiaotian embarrassingly

"Let's go." Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian waved his hand, indicating that you can leave

Originally, Xiaotian wanted to warn the other party. Sundae and Xiaoxi are not what you can think about, but looking at the pitiful appearance of the other party with cold sweat and fear on his face, Xiaotian gave up the idea of ​​warning the other party after thinking about it.

Seeing that the other party was frightened into this virtue, it is estimated that he did not dare to pay attention to Sundae and Xiaoxi without warning.

609. Absolu

"That person's expression is so funny." Looking at the trainer who had gone away, Sundae couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, so embarrassed that he was about to cry." Xiaotian had a black line on his face, but he was so frightened that he almost cried when he saw Pikachu's level. Is he that scary?I never bully people, okay?

This arrogant trainer is just an episode. After he left, the three of Xiaotian also left here and continued to hang out.

Originally, Xiaotian wanted to occupy the place and let the little fire monkey accept the challenge of everyone, but when Xiaotian saw the little fire monkey panting, Xiaotian remembered that with the little fire monkey's current strength and physical strength. not much

So in the end, Xiaotian had no choice but to take back the Pokémon and go shopping with Sundae and Xiaoxi.

"Have you heard that a demonized Pokémon appeared around our town, destroying the magic forest not far from here?"

"Is that so? I heard that two super-powerful mythical beasts were fighting in the magic forest, and that was the reason why it was destroyed."

"You are all wrong. I heard that a powerful trainer had the illusion of a horned deer in the psychedelic forest. He thought he had encountered an opponent, so he ordered the Pokémon to destroy it, psychedelic forest."

"Fuck off, how could such a powerful trainer be caught in the fantasy of the horned deer, not to mention, how can a strong trainer walk without looking at the map, knowing that there is a horned deer there and not being careful, it is definitely a superheroic beast fighting. Ruined the magical forest"

"It's not, it's because there's a demonized Pokémon around."

Walking on the street, Xiaotian and others heard the news about the psychedelic forest. The residents of the town were talking about it, all kinds of brain holes were opened, and they also demonized Pokémon and battled super mythical beasts. Hearing this, Xiaotian I'm too lazy to rant

But what makes Xiaotian embarrassed is that it is obviously the most correct statement, but no one agrees. Xiaotian is quite unconvinced about this. Xiaotian doesn't believe it anymore. There is no strong person in this world who can't walk without looking at the map?

"Master, you destroyed the forest, everyone here knows it." Hearing the residents' comments, Xiaoxi on the side couldn't help but marvel.



Hearing Xiaoxi's words, Xiaotian and Sundae were startled and hurriedly stopped Xiaoxi's words. If people heard this, it would be a big trouble.

The town here is not too far from the psychedelic forest. The psychedelic forest is considered to be the suburbs outside the city here. They destroyed their homes by themselves. Can the residents of the town go around the sky?

"Let me tell you, the real reason is that the plague beast Absol appeared here. After the plague beast destroyed the psychedelic forest, it went to other places to damage it, but some people saw Absol with their own eyes. appeared." Just when Xiaotian and the others were going to leave silently, the words of one of them made Xiaotian's heart move.

"Absolu, this is a very rare Pokémon." Xiaotian's eyes sparkled, and his old problems were repeated. When he saw something good or a Pokémon, he always wanted to go to his own continent.

"Excuse me, where did you say Absol was found?" Xiaotian asked politely when he walked to the man's side.

"What are you doing? That's a calamity beast, an unknown existence." Hearing Xiaotian's question, the other party kindly persuaded Xiaotian

"..." Xiaotian is too lazy to complain, the previous one was demonized, and now there is another unknown, do you think you are in a fantasy world?But the reason is still to be found, otherwise the other party will not tell him where he found Absol

"I'm a strong trainer. Since Absol is a calamity beast, I want to slay demons and demons," Xiaotian said with a stern face

"It turned out to be a powerful trainer, that's great, Absol found it in a small town not far from here, go in that direction, and you can see it not far from here," Hearing Xiaotian's words , the other party immediately admired the five bodies, and hurriedly informed Xiaotian of the address, hoping that Xiaotian could "kill demons and eliminate demons"

"Thank you" to get the answer, Xiaotian didn't say a word, turned around and left, Xiaotian was afraid that if he didn't go, his worldview would collapse. It was obviously the world of Pokémon, but he actually said some fantastic words. right?

"Slow down, wait for us"

Seeing Xiaotian turn around and leave, Sundae and Xiaoxi hurriedly followed. The two women had traveled with Xiaotian for so long, and they still knew Xiaotian very well. Looking at Xiaotian, needless to say, both women knew that Xiaotian God, this is heartwarming

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