"Suo ya~ Suo ya~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Absolu didn't care, but kept urging Xiaotian to fight

"Ha, he's really a belligerent guy, but I like it." Seeing Absol's fighting spirit, Xiaotian liked it more and more.

Excellent aptitude, strong strength, cold and handsome appearance, belligerent personality, Xiaotian likes it more and more

"Then, let's start, little fire monkey, use the spark attack"

Hearing Xiaotian's command in the field, Little Fire Monkey took the lead in using sparks to greet the other party, but Absol flexibly avoided it, and Absolu fought back with Scythe Wind.

"So fast, so sensitive, so strong skills, haha, it's really an excellent Pokémon" Looking at the opponent's counterattack, Xiaotian's fighting spirit is high, the better Absol, the more Xiaotian likes it

"Little fire monkey, use the skill of burrowing to avoid the opponent"

In the field, after hearing Xiaotian's command, Little Fire Monkey used burrowing to avoid the opponent's attack, while Absolu panicked as soon as he saw Little Fire Monkey burrowing into the ground and disappeared, and hurriedly looked around. Looking for the little fire monkey

"Sure enough, the fighting consciousness of wild Pokémon is poor." Seeing Absol's reaction, Xiaotian was overjoyed.

It doesn't matter if you have poor combat awareness. You can cultivate it with a lot of battles in the future. I'm afraid that you are not excellent, and the Absol in front of you is an existence that is excellent in itself and has poor combat awareness.

Of course, the most important thing is that Absol's own strength is much higher than that of Little Fire Monkey. If its own fighting consciousness is stronger, then Xiaotian will be in trouble. Xiaotian hopes to miss such an excellent Pokémon.

"Little fire monkey, use the flame wheel" Xiaotian directs the little 1.2 fire monkey to give a command


With a cry of pain, Absol was successfully hit by the flame wheel of the little fire monkey

Although Absol is very fast, the place where the little fire monkey appeared is too close to Absol, and Absol has no time to react.

"Very good" attack hit, Xiaotian Yixi

Xiaotian knew that at the speed of Absol, it would be difficult for the little fire monkey to completely defeat Absol if it only relied on burrowing into the ground, but it doesn't matter, Xiaotian naturally has a way to deal with it.

Now, the more damage done to Absol by the skill of burrowing, the better Xiaotian will fight in the following battles.

"Little Fire Monkey continues to burrow" Xiaotian continues to instruct Little Fire Monkey to use burrowing. Xiaotian wants to cause more damage while Absolu hasn't figured out how to deal with burrowing. …

611. Subdue Absol

What Xiaotian didn't expect was that this Absolu didn't think of a way to deal with the little fire monkey burrowing into the ground in the end, so he was defeated and subdued in such a humiliating way.

"This IQ needs to be strengthened." Holding Absol's Poké Ball, Xiaotian sighed in his heart that this Absol is no longer a problem of weak fighting consciousness, but rather anxious in terms of IQ.

At Absol's speed, it's actually very simple to deal with the little fire monkey's burrowing. As long as you keep jumping at high speed, you can prevent the little fire monkey's sneak attack, but unfortunately, Absolulian is the easiest way. I didn't expect it, just passively beaten

"I've conquered Absol." Without putting on a second-hand posture, Xiaotian simply held the Poké Ball to announce his harvest, but it gave people a strong momentum

Then Xiaotian released Absolu to treat Absolu's injuries and cultivate feelings by the way.

Looking at Absol with a cool expression in front of him, Xiaotian likes it more and more

I don't know if it's because of Absolu's own relationship, or because this is the first Pokémon that Xiaotian has started from a new beginning and has captured, Xiaotian feels the excitement that he hasn't seen for a long time.

"Absol, we will be partners in the future, please take care" 13 stretched out his palm and placed it in front of Absol, Xiaotian said to Absol with a serious face

"Solo~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Absolu stared at Xiaotian carefully for a while, and then made a sound of approval with a serious face

"Then, we are partners." Seeing that Absolu agreed with himself, Xiaotian showed a satisfied smile

"Xiao Tian, ​​congratulations on your capture of Absol"

"Master, congratulations on capturing the first Pokémon in the Shenao area" Xiaoxi and Sundae congratulated Xiaotian

After successfully conquering Absolu, Xiaotian set off again with satisfaction, ready to set off towards the city of the gym, Xiaotian already has two Pokémon, and can already challenge the first gym

Half a day later, in a city, the three of Xiaotian were looking at the advertisement on the big screen in surprise.

"It's amazing, you can actually check the intimacy between the Pokémon and the trainer." Looking at the Pokémon watch displayed in the advertisement, Sundae was amazed

"Yeah, there is a high-tech glasses that can check the level of Pokémon, and now there is a Pokémon watch that can check the intimacy between Pokémon and trainers. Now the technology is getting more and more powerful," Xiaotian on the side also sighed.

"Master, what's the use of the intimacy between Pokémon and trainers?" Xiaoxi asked with some doubts. In Xiaoxi's opinion, all trainers and their Pokémon are very close, so this so-called How is the intimacy divided?

"You little idiot, don't you think that the intimacy between the trainer and the Pokémon is only the intimacy between the Pokémon and the trainer? This can only be regarded as one aspect. The most important thing is the tacit understanding, the tacit understanding between the trainer and the Pokémon. , is the most important point of intimacy." Hearing Xiaoxi's question, Xiaotian said with some doting

Hearing Xiaotian's words, the sundae on one side was a little embarrassed. Xiaoxi didn't know what the sundae thought, but the sundae did think so.

"Master, what does tacit understanding mean?" Xiaoxi turned into a curious baby again and continued to ask

"Talent understanding, um, how do you say it, for example, when the Pokémon is fighting, the opponent attacks from the sky, and your command is to jump up, if it is a Pokémon who has a tacit understanding with you, it will understand, you Do you understand when you say jumping up is jumping up to avoid, not jumping towards the opponent to withstand the opponent's attack?"

"Master, are you sure you mean tacit understanding? Not that the Pokémon has a problem with its IQ?" Hearing Xiaotian's explanation, Xiaoxi looked at Xiaotian in disbelief

"Uh... I'm just making an analogy, why are you being so serious, oh, let's put it this way, if it's a Pokémon that has a tacit understanding with you, it can respond quickly after hearing your command, and Do the behavior that best suits your heart." Looking at Xiaoxi helplessly, Xiaotian explained carefully.

"It's like, in the face of the opponent's attack, you command your Pokémon to use the rattan whip to dodge, and the Pokémon who understands you will understand what you mean, jump up and dodge with the power of the rattan whip, instead of thinking in doubt. , how can the vine whip dodge?"

"Or as in the case of Absol before, if there is a trainer who has a tacit understanding of Absol and gives instructions to let Absol jump up, then Absol will know to jump high, not in the original Bounce around, do you understand?"

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi nodded in understanding, but after thinking about it for a while, Xiaoxi still insisted on her own ideas and said weakly, "But I still feel that this is related to the IQ of Pokémon. There are relationships"

"Absol itself doesn't know that jumping high can prevent the little fire monkey from sneaking into the ground, but after the trainer gives instructions to let Absol jump up, the Pokémon who have a tacit understanding with the trainer at this time will know It's a Pokémon that jumps high, but a Pokémon that doesn't have a tacit understanding will jump around, I understand this time."

"So that's how it is." Xiaoxi suddenly realized after hearing such an explanation.

Seeing that Xiaoxi finally understood, Xiaotian secretly wiped his cold sweat, and at the same time in his heart, Xiaotian really admires himself, such a stupid girl, she has been taught by herself, it's amazing

"Come and take a look, take a look, the freshly-baked Pokémon table will let you know the intimacy of your Pokémon, don't miss it when you pass by, you won't have this store if you pass this village. ..."

Just when Xiaotian and the others were about to leave, there was a familiar hawking sound not far away, and Xiaotian was stunned when he heard it.

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