"It's a Pokémon watch, I want to buy it too." Xiaoxi and Sundae's eyes lit up when they heard the hawker not far away, and they were instantly overjoyed. They raised their legs and rushed to buy a Pokémon watch.

However, before the two girls ran a few steps away, they were grabbed by Xiaotian

"What's the matter, Xiaotian?" Seeing Xiaotian holding him and others, Sundae and Xiaoxi looked at Xiaotian with some doubts

"You two little idiots, don't you look at who those two Pokémon watch sellers are?" Seeing the two girls looking puzzled, Xiaotian's face was full of helplessness

"Who is it?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae and Xiaoxi couldn't help but look carefully at the Pokémon watch seller, extremely serious

"It looks familiar, are you an acquaintance?" After a while, Xiaoxi blinked her cute big eyes and said with a cute face

"Little idiot, didn't you see it? That's Musashi and Kojiro from Team Rocket."

"Musashi, Kojiro?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi and Sundae were shocked.

At the beginning, Musashi and Kojiro stole the energy meteorite at the Saiyou Conference, and left a tape recorder to speak their classic lines. As a result, the Rockets got into huge trouble. I didn't expect these three people to come out and hang out again?

"Huh? No" seems to have thought of something, Sundae and Xiaoxi began to sway left and right, looking around, according to past experience, the Rockets appeared here, then it means that Xiaozhi is not far from here

However, after looking around and not seeing Xiaozhi, Sundae and Xiaoxi gave up the idea of ​​looking for Xiaozhi, and were still going to buy a Pokémon watch.

"Don't buy it, the things Musashi and Kojiro sell are not genuine." Looking at the two girls who were planning to buy Pokémon watches, Xiaotian hurriedly stopped the two girls from doing so.

"Why is this?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi and Sundae were suddenly disappointed.

612. Pokémon Watch

The lost sundae and Xiaoxi followed Xiaotian back to the Pokémon Center when their faces were covered with lost sundaes, and they happened to meet the three of them who had just returned.

"Xiao Tian, ​​have you captured any new Pokémon? I have already captured two Pokémon, Grass Turtle and Muke'er." After greeting each other, Xiao Zhi showed his harvest to Xiao Tian with great interest

"I captured an Absol"

"Absol, that's a very rare Pokémon." Hearing Xiaotian's answer, Xiaozhi's face was full of envy

"Let me out, let me out, let me see." Afterwards, Xiao Zhi looked anxiously to see Xiaotian's Absolu

"Xiaozhi, you haven't introduced Xiaoguang yet." Just when Xiaozhi was anxious to see Absol, Xiaogang behind Xiaozhi came out to plan for Xiaozhi

"Ah, I forgot, Xiaotian, this is Xiaoguang, my travel companion." After hearing Xiaogang's words, Xiaozhicai reacted and hurriedly introduced Xiaoguang

"This is Xiaotian, Xiaoxi, Sundae, they are all powerful trainers."

After Xiaozhi pointed to Xiaotian and the three of them to briefly introduce Xiaoguang, he was impatient to see Xiaotian's Absol again.

"Okay, okay, this is the Pokémon Center, it's not suitable for releasing Pokémon, let's go out." Seeing Xiaozhi's anxious appearance, Xiaotian was a little helpless, and he didn't know why, Xiaozhi's magic to himself baby is always interested

On the way out of the Pokémon Center, Xiaoxi secretly tugged at Xiaotian's sleeve and said in a low voice, "Master, Xiaozhi and the other three have a Pokémon watch, is that true or false? Did they buy a fake one? Goods~〃?"

"Shh, don't say it, that stuff is expensive and expensive. If Xiaozhi and the others knew that they bought fake goods, they would still feel bad." Hearing Xiaoxi's words, Xiaotian hurriedly stopped Xiaoxi from making a statement, at least with Xiaozhi This Pokémon watch is quite expensive

It's just that things backfired. After walking outside the Pokémon Center, before Xiaotian released Absol, a passing Pokemon kept yelling at the three of Xiaotian.

"This is a kitten monster? But why is he yelling at us?" Seeing the Pokémon keep yelling at the three of him, Xiao Zhi took out the Pokémon illustration to check the other party's information, with a puzzled look on his face

Just when the three of Xiaozhi were full of doubts, a little boy came over, and said to the three of Xiaozhi with a serious face, "The cat is calling you because it wants to remind you of the magic you bring. Baby watches are fake"

"Fake? This Pokémon watch?" Xiaoguang was taken aback when he heard the little boy's words

"Yes, the coloring of the shell cut corners, the color matching is not aesthetic at all, and the finished product looks very bad," the boy said solemnly

"Ah? Is that so?" Xiaozhi stared at his Pokémon watch with a cute expression on his face.

"Listen to what you said..." Hearing the boy's words, Xiaogang agreed with him.

"Don't hear him talk nonsense, and don't criticize my Pokémon watch." Before Xiaogang finished speaking, Xiaoguang quit the job. How could this Pokémon watch, which was purchased with all of his savings, be a fake watch? ?

"Really, in that case..." Seeing Xiaoguang's reaction, the boy suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Xiaoguang's hand, and put the Pokémon watch in the pool on the side

"Why are you like this, what are you doing?" Seeing the boy's actions, the three of them were instantly angry, how could they put other people's Pokémon in the water?

However, before the three of them got angry, they were stunned when they saw the Pokémon watch that the boy took out of the water.

"So, do you still think this is true?" The boy asked Ash and the three holding the water-soaked Pokémon watch.

".々..." Looking at the seriously faded Pokémon, the three of Ash burst into tears, our savings

"But, how do you know this is fake?" Xiaoguang asked with some doubts after being sad.

"That's needless to say, how could my father make such a defective product?" Hearing Xiaoguang's question, the boy answered angrily.

"Your father? So your father made this Pokémon watch?" After hearing the boy's words, Xiao Zhi and the others were all stunned.

"Of course," the boy answered proudly

Hearing the boy's affirmative answer, Sundae and Xiaoxi's eyes suddenly lit up. Now the regular store has stopped selling Pokémon watches. I'm worried that there is nowhere to buy them. It's good.

(Li Wang's) "What's your name? I want to buy a Pokémon watch. Since the Pokémon watch is made by your father, can you sell us a pair?" Sundae and Xiaoxi got together and asked to buy a watch

"Okay, because there are too many fake watches on the market, so my dad recycled all the Pokémon watches, but it's still okay to sell them individually to you."

Hearing the boy's answer, Sundae and Xiaoxi were instantly overjoyed, while Xiaozhi and the three were surprised at first, and then both of them burst into tears. Although they can buy the real watch now, but the savings are gone, what should I do?

In the end, Xiaotian made a generous move, bought three Pokémon watches, and gave them to Xiaozhi and the three of them. Naturally, he also received thousands of thanks from the three.

613. The Rockets Did Bad Things Again

At night, after training the Pokémon, the three of Xiaotian were planning to return to the dormitory of the Pokémon Center to rest, but they saw an unexpected scene.

"Xiao Tian, ​​look, what happened to that Pokémon?" On the way back, Sundae suddenly saw a Pokémon walking with eyes and eyes not far away.

"It seems to be hypnotized," Xiaotian said uncertainly, looking at the Pokémon whose eyes were blank.

"Hypnosis? What kind of Pokémon was this Pokémon hypnotized?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae and Xiaoxi looked curious

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