"Follow up and see if you don't know." Xiaotian also made a proposal out of curiosity.

Following this dumbfounded Pokémon, they saw a surprising scene before Xiaotian and the three discovered the culprit who manipulated this Pokémon.

In addition to the Pokémon that Xiaotian saw before, there are also a large number of Pokémon who walked with blank eyes and blank faces, and finally gathered together to form a huge group of Pokémon.

"Lots of Pokémon" Sundae exclaimed after seeing such a large number of Pokémon being manipulated together

"What's going on? These Pokémon all came out of town, which means that these Pokémon have trainers. How can so many Pokémon be hypnotized?" Xiaoxi also had a face full of faces. surprise

Can't help being curious, Xiaotian and the three have been following this group of hypnotized Pokémon, wanting to see what's going on

Soon, the three of Xiaotian followed the Pokémon to the outskirts of the town and discovered the culprit who hypnotized these Pokémon.

"Look there" far away, the three of Xiaotian saw a super huge box, and around the box, two people were looking at the Pokémon who kept walking into the box with excitement , excited do not do not want

"What's going on?" Watching the hypnotized Pokémon automatically walk into the box, Sundae was a little puzzled

"It's that Duck, it should be Duck that hypnotized those Pokémon." Looking at Duck who was singing into the microphone in the distance, Xiaotian guessed, but how did Duck's hypnosis give Those Pokémon, Xiaotian doesn't know

"Isn't that Musashi and Kojiro from Team Rocket?" Just when Xiaotian and Sundae were wondering how this Pokémon could hypnotize, Xiaoxi suddenly pointed to the two people in the distance and exclaimed.

"It's really" because it was too dark, and Xiaotian and Sundae's attention was on the group of Pokémon, until Xiaoxi made a sound, Xiaotian and Sundae didn't react.

"Yeah, then don't think about it, the hypnosis of these Pokémon must be a bad thing done by the Rockets." Seeing the Rockets, Sundae on the side said with great certainty. Musashi Kojiro fully understands that every time he sees them, there must be something wrong

After staring blankly for a long time, Sundae looked at Xiaotian, who was completely inactive, "Xiaotian, won't you rescue those Pokémon?"

"Why do you want to shoot?" Xiaotian asked suspiciously when he heard Sundae's words.

"They, they are doing bad things. Those Pokémon are not theirs at first sight. They are all hypnotized. They want to catch other people's Pokémon." Sundae said in surprise after hearing Xiaotian's words

"Even if the three second-hands of the Rockets do bad things, they are self-reliant, and the trainers of those Pokémon have lost their Pokémon (bddi) and haven't found it. I really don't want to care." Xiaotian replied casually generation

In fact, Xiaotian didn't take action. One is because Xiaotian is not a bitch who cares about everything. The most important thing is that Xiaotian is afraid that it will be embarrassing to see the Rockets trio.

At the beginning, Team Rocket stole the meteorite at the Caiyou Conference. Although it brought a lot of trouble to Team Rocket, Xiaotian was the one who caused the most trouble.

At that time, the duck cooked in the meteorite, which should have been easily obtained, flew away, and the angry Xiaotian often complained that when he saw Musashi and Kojiro, he wanted to beat them eight times a day.

Of course, at that time, Xiaotian also complained angrily. After all, the Rockets trio and Xiaotian are completely two levels of people, and with the Rockets' IQ, it is estimated that they can't imagine the consequences of stealing the meteorite. , so after returning to the New World, Xiaotian did not embarrass Musashi Kojiro and Miaomiao

But Xiaotian didn't embarrass them, but it didn't mean that Sakagi would let them go easily. Not to mention that Team Rocket's stealing the meteorite brought a lot of trouble to Team Rocket, the most important thing was that Xiaotian was besieged by such a terrifying lineup. While feeling a little guilty, of course, I have to give Xiaotian an explanation.

Because the identities of Musashi and Kojiro are somewhat special, Sakagi's punishment will not be too severe, so Sakagi punished Musashi Kojiro by beating eight times a day according to what Koten often said.

This caused Musashi and Kojiro to think that it was Xiaotian who punished them. When they were in the New World, every time they saw Xiaotian's frightened calf, they shivered. Don't guess, in Musashi and Kojiro's heart, Xiaotian definitely became a demon king horror characters

"I mean, every time the Rockets do something bad, Xiaozhi will solve it, so you don't have to worry about it," Xiaotian said nonchalantly.

Although Xiaotian does not know in this world, every time the Rockets do something bad, Xiaozhi will appear every time, but Xiaotian is very sure that every time the Rockets appear around Xiaozhi, and The bad thing to do is also related to Xiaozhi, then Xiaozhi will definitely appear.

And through the memory of the original book, Xiaotian vaguely remembers that this hypnosis incident was solved by Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang

Since someone is here to solve the trouble, Xiaotian is naturally too lazy to do it

But Xiaotian has forgotten that the world is not the same as the original, and the biggest difference is that there is one more self

Because of Xiaotian's relationship, Xiaotian bought the Pokémon watch for the three of Xiaozhi, so the three of Xiaozhi have already fallen asleep with satisfaction, and they are not as disturbed as the original book, unable to sleep at night, and Finally, it was discovered that the Pokémon were hypnotized, so naturally they would not follow the hypnotized Pokémon to meet Team Rocket.

Wait, wait, wait until the Rockets trio have harvested a lot, and they all plan to leave, but Ash does not appear, and Sundae is in a hurry.

"Xiao Tian, ​​didn't you say that Xiao Zhi will appear, the Rockets are going to leave, why hasn't Xiao Zhi appeared yet?" Sundae asked anxiously.

Unlike Xiaotian, Sundae is full of unbearable hearts when she thinks that so many trainers are sad because they lost Pokémon, so Sundae will never allow such a thing to happen.

"Strange, it stands to reason that Xiaozhi should appear now?" Hearing Sundae's question, Xiaotian was puzzled.

"No, I have to stop Team Rocket. If all the Pokémon are stolen by Team Rocket, how many people will be sad?"

"Team Rocket, let go of those Pokémon, or I'll shoot." With a glance at Xiaotian, the sundae also carries the strongest trump card as a Pokémon to protect safety, so the sundae has sufficient Confidence can stop Rockets from fleeing

"That's Miss Sundae, what should I do? That little girl seems to have a very good relationship with the powerful little devil. What should we do?"

"Miss Sundae?" Unlike Kojiro, Musashi and Miaomiao's mouths floated when they saw the sundae that suddenly appeared, and then hurriedly looked around with fear on their faces

"Musashi, Miaomiao, what are you doing?" Seeing the reaction of the two, Kojiro asked blankly

"You idiot, you said that Miss Sundae has a very good relationship with the powerful little ghost, and the sundae is here, where is the powerful little ghost?" Seeing Kojiro's cute appearance, Musashi roared angrily.

"Powerful brat? Beat us eight times a day?" Hearing Musashi mentioning Koten, Kojiro's terrified voice was out of tune. Then, without saying a word, he rushed into the hot air balloon at an unbelievable speed, even those Pokémon. No, I just want to get out of here

"No, wait for us." Seeing Kojiro whizzing, he ran into the hot air balloon, and then took off directly into the sky. Musashi and Miaomiao were shocked and rushed over. Dangerously catch up and run into the hot air balloon before it takes off

He raised his head and looked at the hot air balloon that was flying N times faster than the hot air balloon without a shadow. Then Sundae looked at Xiaotian who was walking behind him with a weird expression. He was scared like this without even seeing Xiaotian's shadow. , Xiaotian, how much psychological shadow did you bring to the Rockets?

"It's not my fault, the Rockets misunderstood." Seeing Sundae's strange eyes, Xiaotian hurriedly waved his hand to explain

But in his heart, Xiaotian is still quite curious, and he doesn't know how the boss Sakagi cleans up Musashi and Kojiro. He is actually afraid that he will become this virtue.

After Team Rocket left, Sundae released the Pokémon that were locked in the box, and instructed their own Pokémon to use roar to wake the hypnotized Pokémon, and then let them return to their homes on their own.

"Wow, it's a cat monster, so cute"

After being awakened by the sundae, all the hypnotized Pokémon returned to the town consciously, but there was one Pokémon that did not leave, but looked away from the left and right with a cute face.

Noticing this Pokémon that stayed, Sundae and Xiaoxi's eyes instantly turned into heart shapes

"Uh, the boy I met today has a kitten monster. Could this kitten monster belong to him?" Looking at Sundae and Xiaoxi's loving expressions, Xiaotian said hesitantly.

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