This Pokémon did not return to the town. The biggest possibility is that this kitten has no trainer, so the kitten doesn't know where to go, but Xiaotian remembers that the boy he met today in the original book, his kitten The monster was hypnotized

Of course, Xiaotian wasn't sure whether this little cat monster belonged to that boy, because there were too many Pokémon that returned, and Xiaotian wasn't sure if there were any cat monsters among those Pokémon who returned to town.

614. Conquer the cat monster

Early next morning

"My little cat came back last night, this cat is not mine." The three of them went to the Pokémon watch company to find the boy they met yesterday, and asked if the cat was lost by him. , only to be told that the cat monster is not his

Hearing the boy's answer, Xiaotian was overjoyed, because this kitten monster is a precious Pokémon whose aptitude has reached the god-sent level. Since it's not a boy, then this kitten monster is likely to be an unowned Pokémon.

However, in order to make sure nothing goes wrong, the three of Xiaotian went to the Pokémon Center to find Miss Joey to find out if anyone had lost the kitten monster.

It is said to be research because in addition to Xiaotian, Sundae and Xiaoxi also took a fancy to the kitten monster, there is no way, the appearance of the kitten monster, it looks so cute and cute

It doesn't matter to Xiaotian. It's enough to have Pikachu, a Pokémon of the main power type. It's better to be able to conquer it. It doesn't matter if you give it to Sundae or Xiaoxi.

But looking at the two girls who were fighting for the kitten monster, Xiaotian sighed to himself that it would be better for this kitten monster to be handed over to the sundae. If Xiaoxi was to subdue it, then this little monster would not evolve in this life.

After the cat monster evolves into a Chinke cat, the appearance will become no longer cute, but majestic. From Xiaoxi's aesthetic point of view, he will never want the cat monster to evolve.

If it was before, Xiaoxi might allow Pokémon to evolve for the sake of Pokémon, but since Xiaotian got a fruit that can make Pokémon not evolve but also improve their strength, Xiaoxi is simply overjoyed

If among Xiaoxi's Pokémon, there is an initial Pokémon that has not evolved to defeat the quasi-king-level Pokémon in its ultimate form, don't be surprised, this is too normal

"Xiao Xi, you don't like fighting, such a precious god-sent-level Pokémon should be cultivated into a powerful Pokémon, but it will definitely require many battles, so you still don't want to snatch this kitten from me. weird"

"You can conquer Pokémon even if you don't like fighting, and if you conquer the kitten monster, then it will definitely evolve, and it will not be cute if it evolves into a Chinke cat, let me subdue it, I will let it It's been getting stronger in the form of a cat monster"

"Since the Pokémon have been captured, they must evolve, and this is the responsibility for the Pokémon"

"But with the fruits discovered by the master, even if you don't evolve, you can improve your strength. Why do you need to evolve?"

"Evolution is better than no evolution"

The two girls, who are usually close friends, are arguing endlessly at this time, and they are not giving in to each other, but the topic is slowly deviated, from the topic of fighting for the cat monster to the debate about whether Pokémon should evolve or not.

On the other side, Xiaotian listened to the black line on his face, fighting for Pokémon, how could it become a debate about the evolution of Pokémon?

In fact, Pokémon does not mean that evolution will definitely be stronger, just like Pikachu, at the same level, Pikachu and Raichu, the special attacks of the two Pokémon should be similar, the difference is that Pikachu is good at speed, while Raichu The power is stronger. Whether to choose the fast Pikachu or the powerful Raichu is all determined by the trainer's preference.

Of course, not all Pokémon are like Pikachu, and their strength is not obvious after evolution, and some Pokémon will definitely become stronger as long as they evolve.

Just like the small fire dragon and the fire-breathing dragon, at the same level, the small fire-breathing dragon is definitely unable to beat the fire-breathing dragon. The huge difference in body size will cause the physical strength of the two sides to be very different, and the fire-breathing dragon can fly, or a small card There is a big gap between the beast and the beast.

However, although Xiaotian has his own ideas, but watching the debate between the two little girlfriends, Xiaotian is very sensible and does not open his mouth.

In the end, Sundae and Xiaoxi made the final choice, which is to draw lots to decide the ownership of the cat monster

Of course, the final draw is not only for Xiaoxi and Sundae, but also for Xiaotian.

Although Sundae and Xiaoxi want to subdue the cat monster, they will not ignore Xiaotian, not to mention that Xiaotian also expressed the idea of ​​wanting to conquer the kitten monster at the beginning, so the final ownership of the kitten monster, Sundae and Of course, Xiaoxi will not exclude Xiaotian's dispatch.

The method of drawing lots is very simple. There are three branches, and one of the two segments is long. The person who draws the long branch can conquer the cat monster, and in order to prevent someone from cheating, the branches are all prepared by Pokémon.


"I want this on the left"

"Then I want the right one." As Pikachu announced the start of the lottery, Sundae and Xiaoxi took the lead in taking away the branches of their choice.

"How could this be, it's short, my kitten is weird." After praying for a while in his heart, Sundae looked expectantly at the branch in his hand, and then let out a scream of disappointment

"Why, this is the case, mine is also short?" Before the sundae recovered from the disappointment, Xiaoxi also exclaimed

Hearing the essence of Xiaoxi, Xiaotian was instantly happy, and hurriedly checked the remaining branches, "Oh, my long ones, it seems that the kitten belongs to me."

Seeing such a result, Sundae and Xiaoxi looked at each other, and then they both lost their faces and fought for a long time, but they were taken away by Xiaotian who had been silent all the time. This is life.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

"Kitty Monster, I want to subdue you, become my partner." With the result of the lottery, Xiaotian plans to start subduing Kitten Monster

For the loss of the two women, Xiaotian did not give up the cat monster, otherwise, it would make the other one feel uncomfortable, and Xiaotian wouldn't be so stupid.

Hearing Xiaotian's words, the cat monster, who had always been very cute, suddenly assumed a fighting stance, with a face full of fighting intent.

"It's full of fighting spirit, very good." Seeing the sudden change in the cat monster, Xiaotian nodded secretly in his heart, his appearance is innocent and cute, and he is not afraid of your IQ, then it's over, it's okay, this kitten It's just that the appearance is cute, but the IQ is not stupid

"Senior brother, come on." Xiaotian commanded the little fire monkey to fight, this little cat is not as high as the little fire monkey, so naturally Xiaotian will not send the stronger Absolu


The big brother is the name Xiaotian gave to the little fire monkey. Even the Nuan Nuanzhu of the sundae was named by Xiaotian, so he was called the second senior brother.

This cat monster seems to be very warlike. Before Xiaotian can attack, the cat monster takes the lead in using his skills and attacking.

"It's a discharge skill. Little Fire Monkey uses sparks to block the opponent's discharge." Looking at the other party's discharge skills with some nostalgia, Xiaotian instructs Little Fire Monkey to resist.

At the beginning, Xiaotian's Pikachu grew up little by little from Pichu. The skills of [-] volts and millions of volts also evolved from the enhancement of electric discharge, and the electric discharge skill is the most powerful Pokémon Beginner Ranged Special Attack

In the field, the sparks made by the little fire monkey successfully resisted the discharge skill of the cat monster, and the cat monster jumped up and attacked again.

"This is the tooth of thunder, the little fire monkey uses the flame fist." Seeing the skills of the kitten monster, Xiaotian directs the little fire monkey to fight recklessly. The flame fist is a skill that the little fire monkey has recently learned.

And Xiaotian asked Little Fire Monkey to fight with each other recklessly, and also wanted to see how powerful the kitten monster's skills were.

In the eyes of Xiaotian's expectation, the flame group of the little fire monkey collided with the thunder tooth of the cat monster, and then the two Pokémon quickly bounced away. In this blow, both sides received good damage.

"It's very good to fight evenly against each other." Seeing the result of the fight between the two sides, Xiaotian nodded with satisfaction. Although the flame group of Little Fire Monkey just learned and can't exert all its power, but the opposite kitten The Thunder Fang used by the monster can be on par with the flame punch of the little fire monkey, which is enough to explain the extraordinaryness of the kitten monster. After all, the kitten monster does not have a trainer to train it.

615. Cunning Tengu

"The cat blames here and here"

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