"Kitten monster, this is for you to eat"

On the endless grassland, the breeze is refreshing, Xiaotian is resting on the grass with a bored face, while Sundae and Xiaoxi are playing with the kitten monster.

"I really don't understand what these girls are thinking, why do they occupy my Pokémon when they already have cute Pokémon?" Xiaotian thought with some doubts in his heart

Since it was decided by lottery that Xiaotian conquered the kitten monster, Xiaoxi and Sundae completely occupied the kitten monster

Of course, it can't be said to be occupation. If Xiaotian insists on going back to the kitten monster training, Sundae and Xiaoxi will not refuse, but looking at the two women's pitiful eyes, Xiaotian really can't bear it.

"Hey, it's a pity that I didn't bring Kabibeast, otherwise there would be a super big mattress, which would be much more comfortable than the ground." Boredom turned over, Xiaotian missed the Kabibeast in his heart.

"With the characteristics of the cat monster "[-]", it seems that the speed should be improved, but in this case, it is a bit repetitive with Pikachu." Looking at the kitten who was playing happily Strange, Xiaotian is secretly thinking about the future route of the kitten monster

In the previous battle to subdue the kitten monster, the kitten monster has a strong talent for speed. The most important thing is that a kitten monster with a very low level will have a flash of lightning on its own, no matter how fast the lightning is. Whether Shan inherited the skills of the elders or learned it later, it all shows that this kitten has a strong talent for speed.

If this is the case, the powerful special skills, super fast speed, and the development route of the cat monster will be repeated with Pikachu, so for a while, Xiaotian is a little worried

After thoughtful thinking, Xiaotian decided to pay attention and cultivate the cat monster according to the development route of Pikachu.

If you cultivate the kitten monster in other ways, it is a waste of the kitten monster's talent. The most important thing is that the fast Pokémon is the most difficult kind of Pokémon for each other, even if the training routes of the two Pokémon are repeated, also worth it

After making up his mind, Xiaotian began to plan the future training plan of the cat monster. Looking at Pikachu and the cat monster who were playing happily not far away, Xiaotian fell into contemplation. Who said mice and cats couldn't play happily together?Look, isn't that right in front of you?

Kitten is an electric cat Pokémon, while Pikachu is an electric mouse, and Pikachu, who is a mouse, is also the predecessor of this cat Pokémon, what a warm picture

"Huhuhuhu~" At this moment, a powerful hurricane suddenly appeared above the forest in the distance, attracting the attention of the three of Xiaotian

"Xiaotian, you saw that, what is that?" Seeing the strong wind above the forest, Sundae asked with some doubts. A strong hurricane suddenly appeared above the forest. This is not a normal phenomenon.

"I don't know either. Let's go and see if we don't know." Based on the principle of killing the cat with curiosity, the three of Xiaotian simply packed their luggage and headed towards the forest in the distance.

On the way there, several powerful hurricanes appeared one after another over the forest, and the three of them were even more curious.

Soon, the three of Xiaotian reached their destination, that is, below the hurricane.

"What a big tree." At a glance, a huge tree was erected in the forest, and the sundae on one side exclaimed in amazement.

Hearing the sigh of the sundae, Xiaotian and Xiaoxi looked at the sundae a little weirdly. To speak of huge trees, have we seen too few?Compared with the hundreds of meters tall trees in the super ancient times, the big tree in front of you is simply a small sapling.

Even if we don't talk about the super-ancient period, there are many ancient and huge trees on the new continent of Xiaotian, so there is no need to be surprised by the sundae.

Feeling the difference in the eyes of Xiaotian and Xiaoxi, Sundae immediately knew what Xiaotian and Xiaoxi were thinking, and hurriedly explained, "It doesn't matter, this forest is all ordinary trees, but this forest is so huge. , indicating that this huge tree must be a very old ancient tree, and such trees are generally inhabited by grass-type Pokémon, but..."

"Be careful!" Before the sundae was finished, Xiaotian suddenly let out an exclamation, grabbed the sundae and Xiaoxi, grabbed his side and protected him, and saw that on top of this huge ancient tree, suddenly there was a Countless seed bombs are coming


Feeling the opponent's attack, Pikachu on Xiaotian's shoulder suddenly let out a cute roar, and then a powerful and huge electric skill was shot from Pikachu, blocking all the seed bombs that came.






Countless seed bombs were hit by Pikachu's electric shock and exploded, and the smoke was dense.

"Damn, what's going on?" Xiaotian roared in exasperation, being attacked for no reason, anyone would be upset

Because the smoke was too large, Xiaotian hurriedly pulled Sundae and Xiaoxi to hide behind the tree in order for the opponent to attack again.

When the smoke dissipated, I saw that on the giant tree where there was no Pokemon, there were suddenly countless Pokemon.

"That's exactly what I want to say. There are grass-type Pokémon on one side of such a giant tree. This is their home. Similarly, they are also responsible for protecting the safety of the giant tree. However, if there are no Pokémon on the giant tree. , then the problem is not right.” Sundae hiding behind the tree saw a large number of Pokémon suddenly on the giant tree, and hurriedly said

"I can see that they are hostile to us, so they were hidden from the beginning." Hearing the explanation of the sundae, Xiaotian said with some doubts. He couldn't understand why those Pokémon were hostile to themselves and others

"So na~" (Pokémon's cry)

Just when the three of Xiaotian were full of doubts, a Pokémon on the giant tree suddenly roared angrily at the three of them.

"I don't understand what it said, Xiaoxi released Lalu Lassi and asked him to translate it." Hearing the roar of the other party, Xiaotian said that his foreign language was not good enough, and asked Xiaoxi to release Lalu Lassi translation.

"Well~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi hurriedly released Lalu Lassi and asked Lalu Lasi to continue translating

"It said that when they were resting last night, they lost a partner and asked if we kidnapped their partner and let us release his partner, otherwise they will be welcome." Lalulas uses mental perception , said to the three of Xiaotian

"Sure enough, curiosity killed the cat." Hearing Lalulas's translation, Xiaotian's face darkened, and he secretly complained. It seems that the previous hurricanes should be those Pokémon who got angry because they lost their 4.7 partners. Well, it turned out that I and others just hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Cunning Tengu, evil Pokémon, the huge fan can cause strong winds with a wind speed of 30 meters, and everything will be blown away." Xiaoxi on the side was a little curious and took out the Pokémon illustration to check the information of the Pokémon on the giant tree

"Acorns, proboscis leaves, and cunning Tengu, it seems that the Pokémon living on this giant tree are the only group of Pokémon who attacked us for no reason. A misunderstanding, but Xiaotian still looks cold when he looks at the Pokémon on the giant tree

In the sneak attack just now, if Pikachu blocked the opponent's attack, Sundae and Xiaoxi would probably be injured. Facing such a situation, it's no wonder that Xiaotian is in a good mood. Even if this is a misunderstanding, at least Xiaotian can't calm down. Forgive the other party's sneak attack...

616. Reason

The cunning Tengu on the giant tree seemed to feel that Xiaotian and the others did not intend to return their partners, so he was furious and planned to continue the attack, but before Xiaotian could act, Sundae and Xiaoxi took Xiaotian and ran away.

"This is just a misunderstanding, Xiaotian, bear with it." On the way to escape, Sundae persuaded Xiaotian with a pleading expression on his face.

Although those Pokémon's sneak attacks almost hurt themselves and others, Sundae and Xiaoxi didn't want Xiaotian to hurt those wild Pokémon

Being pulled by Sundae and Xiaoxi to escape, Xiaotian did not object, but looked back suspiciously.

"Stop, they didn't chase, or we wouldn't be able to escape at the speed of the cunning Tengu." Stopping Sundae and Xiaoxi from escaping, Xiaotian expressed his doubts

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