"Changnoye, we are not in the same group as those who destroyed your homeland, you have to believe us." Feeling the hesitation in Changnose's heart, Xiaoxi hurriedly explained

"Proboscis, although we are all human, human beings are also good and bad," Sundae explained.

On one side, Xiaotian listened to Xiaoxi and Sundae's constant explanation to Proboscis, and reluctantly shook his hand to stop the two women's explanation, "What's the use of explaining these now, and trying to find a way to save those sly Tengu and Proboscis back. better than any explanation"

Looking at the destroyed giant tree, Xiaotian's face was icy cold, not to mention the group friendship of these Pokémon is touching, just ordinary poachers, catching Pokémon will not destroy their homes, do this man, it's so cruel

What's more, after a day of getting along, the three of Xiaotian and Proboscis get along very happily. Proboscis is like a child of a few years old, full of joy, but looking at the sad face in front of him, his eyes are full of sadness. Tears' proboscis leaves, the anger in Xiaotian's heart can be imagined

"Proboscis leaves, and acorns, I don't care whether you believe us in your hearts or not, but now, you can only trust us, because you can't get back the proboscis leaves that were captured by your strength, so Please tell me, where did those humans go?" Xiaotian asked with a solemn look at the Pokémon on the opposite side

Hearing Xiaotian's words, the Acorns and Proboscis were stunned and looked at each other, and then the Acorns got together to discuss.

Soon, the acorns (bdab) made their decision, because Xiaotian was right, without the help of Xiaotian and the three of them, these acorns and a proboscis leaf simply couldn't get them back. Buddy, so the Acorns choose to take risks and believe in Tiny

"Na Na ~ Na Na ~ Na Na" Afterwards, the acorns pointed out the direction for those humans to leave to Xiaotian

"Go, catch up" Following the direction of the acorn fruit, the three of Xiaotian hurriedly chased up

"Xiaotian, let's take a fire-breathing dragon to pursue it." It wasn't long before the departure, Sundae proposed to release his own fire-breathing dragon, because it is faster to ride a fire-breathing dragon

Different from Xiaoxi, this time, Xiaoxi took all the Pokémon with her, while Xiaotian and Sundae planned to start the journey all over again.

Xiaotian brought Pikachu because Pikachu would not leave Xiaotian, and Xiaotian couldn't do anything about it, while Sundae brought a fire-breathing dragon because this fire-breathing dragon was given to Sundae by Xiaotian, and Sundae didn't want to let the fire-breathing dragon and I separated myself, so I brought the fire-breathing dragon with me

"No, we still need to go to the nearest city to send Pokémon." Hearing Sundae's proposal, Xiaotian rejected Sundae's proposal and said thoughtfully.

"Why send Pokémon?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae was stunned for a moment, and then asked in confusion.

"The big monsters that acorns are talking about should be machines, that's nothing, Pokémon hunters have them, but when acorns talk about humans, they say there are many humans, do you think it will be poachers? ?" Faced with the doubts of the sundae, Xiaotian asked rhetorically.

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae was stunned, and then reacted and exclaimed, "It's not a poacher, even a group of poachers won't be many, at least it won't let so many cunning tengu join one another. Just can't escape"

"That's right" Xiaotian nodded

"So, this time it's probably a force or a dark organization who did this?"

"So, this time the opponent may be very strong, let's go to the nearest city to send Pokémon over," Xiaotian suggested.

"No, if the dark organization captures those Pokémon, what if we are late because of sending Pokémon, and those cunning Tengu and Proboscis are used for dark experiments?" Sundae thought about Xiaotian's proposal. I didn't even think about rejecting it directly, with a look of anxiety on my face

"But..." Xiaotian looked a little embarrassed

"Xiaotian, I know that your fire-breathing dragon is the top combat power in the world. All forces are watching your fire-breathing dragon. You can't use it at will, but those Pokémon are Proboscis's companions. We Can't ignore it, what if they are experimented by the dark, even if they are not experimented by the dark, even if they are sold, it will be difficult to find them again, Xiaotian, I beg you to help Proboscis Leaf." Looking at the embarrassed little day, the sundae begged

"Kana~Kana~" The proboscis who came with him heard Sundae's words and looked at Xiaotian with a pleading expression, his voice full of prayer

"Master, please help Long Nose Leaf" Xiaoxi also begged to look at Xiaotian

"Okay~" Hearing the begging of the two women and the proboscis, Xiaotian thought for a while, nodded and agreed, and he focused on improving his strength, in order to be free, not for the sake of thinking, timid and acting, let alone for the sake of freedom. Let others limit themselves. If those big forces find Xiaotian's fault because of this matter, then come on, who is afraid of who? It's a big deal to fight.

619. Xiaotian's bad idea

"What's more, Pikachu's strength is still very strong. Even if Pikachu can't do it, there are super ancient psychic puppets in the sundae." Xiaotian comforted in his heart. Of course, if Pikachu and psychic puppets are not good, then you can't blame yourself for using the spray. The dragon has done a great job

In the following tracking, Xiaotian agreed to Sundae's proposal and took the fire-breathing dragon of Sundae to pursue the pursuit. Although the speed of progress was not too fast because of the need to observe the whereabouts of the robbers, it was still faster than Xiaotian and others on foot. much faster

After half a day of tracking, the three of Xiaotian finally caught up with those who captured the cunning Tengu and Proboscis. However, looking at the scene in front of him, Xiaotian's face was heavy, "It seems that we are all wrong."

"How can this be, how can they treat the Pokémon in their own region like this" with an unbelievable look on Sundae's face

Sundae couldn't believe that the alliance in his own area would actually do such an overly vicious thing as "Nine Thirty Zero"

"Master, this is a member of the Shenao Alliance, are we still fighting?" Xiaoxi on the side blinked her cute big eyes and asked weakly

Shenao Alliance, that is equivalent to the existence of the government. The current situation is that the three of Xiaotian went to other people's territory and fought with their local government. This situation seems unreliable no matter how you look at it.

"You said, is there a dark organization disguised as conquest to do bad things?" The sundae, who has never believed that the alliance in his area would do such a vicious thing, is looking for other reasons in a whimsical way.

The people that Xiaotian and the three tracked were the ones who captured the sly tengu and the proboscis, and the culprit who destroyed the giant tree. However, their costumes and signs showed that they were members of the Shenao Alliance. There will be such speculation in the sundae, because the logos and equipment of those people are from the Shenao Alliance, but they did not return to the branch of the alliance, but were busy in a Pokémon Nature Reserve.

"Do you think people who are not from the Alliance will release the captured Pokémon in the nature reserve?" Hearing Sundae's guess, Xiaotian asked rhetorically.

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae was speechless.

And Xiaotian is still seriously considering the question of Xiaoxi before and whether to fight or not.

"Kana~Kana~" Looking at the distance, his own clan was packed in a box and kept being carried away by humans, and the proboscis on one side looked anxious.In a hurry, I want to step forward to take back my own clan

"Proboscis, wait first, they won't hurt your partner." Seeing the action of Proboscis, Xiaotian hurriedly acted impulsive, or else just rely on Proboscis to pass by himself, [-]% One more catch

"The current situation is very obvious. I don't know if the people from the alliance took a fancy to the cunning Tengu clan, or if they accidentally discovered the genius treasure on the giant tree. Destroyed the giant tree, captured the sly tengu and proboscis, and released them to the Pokémon Nature Reserve," said Xiaotian solemnly.

The giant tree where the Pokémon were located before belonged to the wild. Although it belonged to Shenao, it did not belong to the alliance, because anyone in the wild could catch Pokemon, but the Pokemon Sanctuary was different. All the Pokemon here belonged to Shenao. alliance

However, it is because of this that Xiaotian's heart is heavy. What the people of the alliance did this time, although it was very vicious for the Pokémon, but for the Shenao Alliance, it belongs to their own family affairs. Sometimes there are excuses to explain, but once Xiaotian starts, no matter what his starting point is, he will definitely belong to the unreasonable party in the end.

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae and Xiaoxi on one side looked at each other and were stunned. Yes, Xiaotian is right, no matter what the Shenao Alliance does to its Pokémon, as the other continent's Trainer, Xiaotian can condemn it, but there is absolutely no reason to vent your anger on those Pokémon.

As for grabbing those captured Pokémon?It doesn't matter now, the homes of those Pokémon have been destroyed, no matter how resentful and sad these Pokémon are, their homes are gone, and naturally they need to live in another place, whether they live in a nature reserve or other Place, at least for now these Pokémon won't hurt

"Then what should I do?" Sundae asked unwillingly.

Obviously doing such an outrageous thing to the Pokémon, but there is nothing I can do about myself and others, Sundae feels very angry.

Not to mention the sundae, even Xiaotian also feels aggrieved. What the Shenao region has done this time is too much, but he himself has no reason to make a move. This feeling of being powerful and useless is too aggrieved. span

However, after Xiaotian rolled his eyes around twice, he suddenly had an idea.

"It's not for nothing that I want a reason to take action. Although I may feel sorry for Xiaozhi, it doesn't matter. I believe that with Xiaozhi's IQ, he will be happy to help." Xiaotian said with a wicked smile.

"Xiaotian, what does your shot have to do with Xiaozhi?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae asked suspiciously

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