"You'll find out later, hehe" Xiaotian smiled wickedly

...............Dividing line

At this time, Xiaozhi is heading towards the first gym, and the place where Xiaozhi is now happens to be the home of Long Nose Leaf, not far from the giant tree.

Just as the three of Xiaozhi were waiting for Xiaogang's lunch, a long nose leaf with a sad face not far away attracted the attention of the three of Xiaozhi.

"What's wrong with this proboscis leaf? What happened? It looks so sad." Xiaoguang said sympathetically on the side, not to mention the sympathetic classmate Xiaozhi.

Under the sympathy of Xiaozhi and others, and the intentional attraction of the proboscis leaves, the three of Xiaozhi came to the destroyed giant tree.

"What happened here, why are there so many acorns here, and this proboscis leaf, they are all so sad?" Looking at these Pokémon who were so sad because their homes were lost, Xiaozhi was full of heart. pity

"This giant tree may be their home. The home has been lost, so these Pokémon are so sad." Xiaogang on the side guessed while looking at the destroyed giant tree.

"Looking at the appearance of this 0.8 giant tree, it seems to be destroyed"

Hearing Xiaogang's guess, Xiaozhi was angry that someone would destroy the Pokémon's homes, but because he couldn't communicate with these Pokémon, Xiaozhi couldn't find those who destroyed the giant tree, so he could only give the Pokémon here. feed them some food and comfort them

Just when the three of Xiaozhi comforted these acorns and proboscis leaves with sympathy on their faces, the candy that Xiaozhi could never get rid of, the Rockets trio appeared again.

This time, Team Rocket's eyes are not only on Ash's Pikachu, but also on Proboscis. As a rare Pokémon, Team Rocket will naturally not let it go.

However, what the Rockets, Xiao Zhi and others didn't expect was that the captured proboscis did not resist at all, so the Rockets were so sad and let the Rockets grab it...

620. Xiaozhi and the Rockets get into the set

 "Hey, what's wrong with you, Long Nose Ye, you look very sad, but we are going to arrest you, why don't you even resist?" Seeing the appearance of Long Nose Ye, Miaomiao asked curiously

"Kana~Kana~" Facing Miaomiao's question, Proboscis answered sadly

"What? You mean, someone destroyed your homeland and arrested your partner, but you have no ability to get back the captured partner, and you can't report the hatred of your homeland being destroyed, instead of living so sadly, Why don't you be taken away by us?" Hearing Long Nose Ye's answer, Miaomiao's own translator exclaimed.

Hearing Miaomiao's translation, Xiaozhi and the others were stunned. Xiaozhi thought that the long nose leaf was just destroyed by his home, but he didn't expect his companions to be arrested.

The Rockets on the other side were even more crying, "It's so miserable, it's even more miserable than us. Those people not only destroy your home, but also take away your companions. They are worse than us, so vicious."

"It makes no sense. Although we capture other people's Pokémon and do bad things, even bad people like us wouldn't do such vicious things. Who the hell is this vicious?" Musashi was even more angry.


"You mean, your partner has a lot of proboscis leaves and a lot of cunning tengu, and they were all caught by those people to the Pokémon Nature Reserve not far away? Those people not only destroyed your home, but also The treasures you depend on for survival have been stolen? Meow~" Meow Meow 13 automatically translates the words of the proboscis leaves

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words of Proboscis. Although Xiaozhi's IQ is not high, as Xiaotian's friend, Xiaozhi, who often lives in the New World, naturally knows that the Pokémon Alliance Reserve is owned by the regional alliance. You said that those who captured Proboscis Leaf's partners were all from the Shenao Alliance?

On the other side, the Rockets trio were even more shocked when they heard Miaomiao's words, and their eyes were shining like a big light bulb.

"The Proboscis Leaf is already a very rare Pokémon. The Cunning Tengu is a Pokémon that is even more precious and rare than Proboscis Leaf. What's more, there are their treasures, which are treasures that even the regional alliances have to snatch. It must be very precious~" The eyes of the Rockets trio were already filled with golden money, and they began to imagine some messy and impossible scenes in their minds.

"But, but...that can be a regional alliance." Although the interests were moving, when he thought of drinking a regional alliance to grab treasure, Kojiro asked weakly.

"The regional alliance? What happened to the regional alliance? Who are we the Rockets afraid of?" Musashi said arrogantly, a proper female man

However, it is a regional alliance after all. It is impossible to say that there is no fear in his heart, so after Musashi thought about it again and again, he rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.

"Little Guitou, you have heard what Proboscis has said. Its companions have been captured by those, and they have also destroyed Proboscis's home. As a righteous trainer, you will not help Proboscis. Ye, right?" Musashi suddenly said to Xiaozhi, Musashi's idea is very simple, what if the three of them can't fight?At least find a helper

"Little devil, let's truce for now, we won't catch your Pikachu, let's help Proboscis first"

"Even bad people like us want to help Proboscis, you wouldn't be so cruel not to help it, would you?"

In the end, under the sarcasm and persuasion of Musashi, the three of them gritted their teeth and nodded, agreeing to help Proboscis and regain their mates, with the sad eyes of the surrounding acorns and Proboscis. and snatch back the relics they depend on

Then, the "Justice" alliance formed by the trio of Ash and the Rockets set off in such an aggressive manner with Proboscis towards the Pokémon Sanctuary not far away.

"Xiao Tian, ​​let Xiao Zhi and Team Rocket go like this, is it alright?" Not far from Xiao Zhi and others, the sundae hidden in the woods asked worriedly

Xiaozhi's strength may be very strong, but the opponent can be the regional alliance. Even if he can beat those who snatch the Pokémon, the reinforcements of the alliance are not something that Xiaozhi and others can deal with. As for the Rockets, they are defeated. Sundaes are completely ignored, these guys haven't done anything serious except make trouble

"You underestimate Ash and the Rockets too much, watch it, let them make trouble as much as they want. The bigger the trouble, the better. As for the problem that Ash can't beat the Shenao Alliance? Don't worry, there is me, although I can't interfere. Family affairs in the Shenao area, but if they take action against my friends, it won't work, no matter what the reason is, it won't work!" Xiaotian looked indifferent, but his words were extremely overbearing.

"Xiao Tian, ​​try not to be too ruthless when you do it. I have already informed my sister. With my sister's character, if she knew that the alliance had done such a thing, she would not stand by and watch," Sundae said with some concern

With the strength of the fire-breathing dragon, once it starts, it will be absolutely catastrophic, and the esoteric area is also the hometown of Sundae. Sundae does not want Xiaotian and the alliance in his area to be too stiff, so Sundae only hopes Sister Shirona can come back early to deal with this matter

"If Xiaozhi's strength is the strongest, it's okay, but the Rockets' strength is too weak, no, I have to help." Xiaotian rubbed his chin and pondered.

Team Rocket's strength is entirely based on Miaomiao's hands-on ability. If you have money, you can create powerful machines. Team Rocket's strength is very strong. If you don't have money?Then I'm sorry, I don't need Ash's Pikachu to do it, and the Pokémon that Ash's newly captured can solve Team Rocket.

Think about it, Xiaotian walked aside and made a phone call

"Transfer 10 billion alliance coins to the Rockets Musashi Kojiro and the others, and let the Rockets boss motivate them by the way." Xiaotian didn't say Sakagi when he called, because Xiaoxi was by his side

Xiaotian is not at all worried that Musashi and Kojiro will steal work and play tricks. With a word of encouragement from boss Sakagi, the Rockets trio are absolutely as excited as they have been hit with hormones, not to mention that there will be a surplus of this billion alliance coins, they are borrowing one. Ass debt, it is estimated that the Rockets trio will be generous

As for the billions of alliance coins, or even the genius treasures that may be stolen, Xiaotian doesn't care at all. What Xiaotian wants is only one thing, and that is to make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better. These poor Pokémon just breathe

"Notify the media, and prepare some facilities that can be translated with Pokémon. I want the whole world to know about this." Then, Xiaotian issued another instruction

The sundae on the side heard the bitterness of Xiaotian's life, and his face darkened. This is the rhythm of the Shenao Alliance to death. Once this vicious thing is exposed, let alone other things, at least Shenao Don't try to erase the stain of the alliance

Of course, if it is really exposed to the world, then the trio of Ash and the Rockets will become famous. They dare to do such a thing for a group of wild Pokémon and a regional alliance hard steel. , I really don't know whether to say they are just, or should I say they are huh?

"Which is the grass family? You said that if you tell them about this, will they take action?" After thinking about it, Xiaotian was still very puzzled, and turned to Sundae and asked.

Each of the eighteen major families in this world has an attribute that is unique to them. They are dedicated, powerful, and also love the Pokémon with their own family attributes, so Xiaotian thought, if the grass family knew about this Grass-type Pokémon know about this, but I wonder if they will take action?

"Don't, Xiaotian, are you trying to cause a world war? Don't inform the grass family." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae hurriedly stopped Xiaotian's thoughts

I don't know if the grass family will take the sundae. Although there is a high possibility of strongly condemning the Shenao Regional Alliance, what if the grass family are impulsive guys?You must know that the strength of each of the eighteen major families is very powerful.

The alliance is different from the family. Although some big families let family members serve in the alliance, it is only to have a certain right to speak. In order to prevent the family from being too powerful, the regional alliances are composed of some non-big forces.

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