Then Xiaoguang suddenly realized that Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon is quite big, more than two meters high, it is indeed a big guy

"No problem, you can release the fire-breathing dragon outside the house. It is rare for everyone to get together. There are so many Pokémon here, and the fire-breathing dragon can play with them."

As soon as Xiaoguang said this, let alone Xiaotian and the three of them, even Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were stunned. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang had seen Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon, and it was just that big, let alone playing with these little guys. Yes, even Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon looks like a chicken in front of Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon

"Is it because the Pokémon is too big to be released? It can be released outside the house. The environment here is so beautiful that the fire-breathing dragon can also enjoy it." The female trainer on the side also persuaded Xiaotian.

"Well, that's right, the environment here is really beautiful. Fire-breathing dragons should like to sleep in here. In this case, I will let the fire-breathing dragons come out." Hearing the female trainer's words, Xiaotian nodded in agreement.

Although the fire-breathing dragon is powerful, it is not invisible. It doesn't matter if you let others see it casually, not to mention that Xiaozhi is his own. If it is said that the fire-breathing dragon fights, it is a big event.

631. Self-inflicted little light

Afterwards, a large group of people came outside the house, waiting for Xiaotian to release the fire-breathing dragon

The female trainer and Xiaoguang are curious about Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon and want to see Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon, and Xiaozhi, who has seen fire-breathing dragons, will naturally not give up the opportunity to watch Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon

As Xiaotian threw the pokeball, a huge figure appeared in the courtyard, Xiaoguang seemed to feel that a mountain suddenly appeared in front of him, and even the sun was blocked.

"What is this?" Because of the sudden block of sunlight, Xiaoguang's vision was a little blurry for a while, but when Xiaoguang saw this hill-like figure carefully, the whole person was stunned, and the female trainer was also stunned. Family

"This... what is this? Fire-breathing dragon?" Xiaoguang exclaimed in disbelief

"Of course it's a fire-breathing dragon. This is what the fire-breathing dragon mege looks like after evolution, but Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon is a bit big." Hearing Xiaoguang's exclamation, Xiaozhi said a little excitedly, every time he saw Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon Fire Dragon, Xiao Zhi feels that the whole person is boiling

"Too handsome" blue flame, strong body, domineering appearance, plus a huge manifestation, every time I see Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon, there will be a kind of visual impact, which is simply a visual enjoyment

" dragon?" Looking at the five- or six-meter-high fire-breathing dragon in front of him, Xiaoguang and the female trainer were stunned

"Your fire-breathing dragon is also a super ancient Pokémon?" Suddenly, Xiaoguang seemed to remember something, and said suddenly.

Xiaoguang and the female trainer were also frightened when they saw the super ancient mind power puppet from Sundae before.

However, under Ash's explanation, it took a long time for Xiao Guang and the female trainer to accept the fact that the size of the super ancient Pokémon is so huge.

However, at this time, after seeing the huge fellow of the fire-breathing dragon, Xiaoguang directly summed the fire-breathing dragon into the super ancient Pokémon.

"My fire-breathing dragon is not a super ancient Pokémon, it's just a bit huge." Hearing Xiaoguang's words, Xiaotian replied

"It's really big." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoguang said with a dull expression on his face. Before, he didn't understand what Xiaotian meant by big, but now Xiaoguang fully understands it, and Xiaoguang simply doesn't understand. I can't believe that there are Pokémon that grow so huge

Xiaoguang wanted to ask Xiaotian, is this big?It's super huge, okay?

After staring blankly at the fire-breathing dragon for a long time, Xiaoguang slowly recovered, and then Xiaoguang looked at Xiaotian with some doubts and asked

"This fire-breathing dragon is so huge, it should be very powerful, but why can't you feel it? Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon is very powerful when fighting, but your fire-breathing dragon can't feel it at all, it won't be the only one The body is huge, but the strength is weak, right?"

Hearing Xiaoguang's words, Xiaotian's face turned dark, this little girl Liang is really straightforward, and is not afraid of offending people?

"The majesty she said should be the momentum that Xiao Zhi's fire-breathing dragon erupted during the battle, right? Hey! This girl, now we are so close to the fire-breathing dragon, if the fire-breathing dragon bursts out, you are not afraid that you will not be able to bear it? "Hearing Xiaoguang's words, Xiaotian secretly said in his heart.

However, before Xiaotian can answer Xiaoguang, the fire-breathing dragon has already responded.

"Hoo~" A loud roar sounded

Hearing Xiaoguang's words, the fire-breathing dragon seemed to feel that he was being underestimated. The fire-breathing dragon with a domineering personality immediately opened his mouth and let out a huge roar.

At the moment when the fire-breathing dragon erupted, a strong hurricane spread around the fire-breathing dragon in an instant, and Xiaotian and the others stepped back several steps.

And Xiaoguang, the culprit who made the fire-breathing dragon burst into imposing manner, rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Stunned? This girl..." Seeing Xiaoguang's reaction, Xiaotian covered his forehead helplessly

Xiaotian didn't blame the fire-breathing dragon for the explosiveness of the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon is an arrogant Pokémon, not to mention that Xiaotian's Pokémon is so powerful, it has its own pride

".々Let you talk nonsense, I've learned a lesson this time, but it's pitiful, someone has been implicated by you" Looking at Xiaoguang and the female trainer who fainted on the ground with rolled eyes, Xiaotian sighed to himself. Dao, the female trainer didn't do anything, but she was stunned along with Xiaoguang.

"Strong, really strong, I feel like my heart is about to explode." Unlike Xiao Guang, who was stunned, Xiao Zhi on the side was dancing with excitement, and the whole person exuded the atmosphere of this middle school.

Infected by the powerful aura of the fire-breathing dragon, Xiaozhi felt that his whole body's blood was boiling


 On the opposite side of (Qian Li's), the fire-breathing dragon blinked its huge eyes and looked at the two women who were lying on the ground, rolled their eyes and fainted. He felt as if he had done something wrong, and lowered his head in grievance.

It was you who said that my strength was not strong, but I proved it to you. I burst out with momentum, but you were stunned. Who is to blame?

"Okay, fire-breathing dragon, it's not your fault. The weather is good today, and the environment here is beautiful. Go and rest." Looking at the aggrieved fire-breathing dragon, Xiaotian comforted.

Then Xiaotian looked at Sundae and Xiaoxi and said, "Help to wake these two fainted ones."

Xiaoguang and the female trainer were only stunned by the powerful momentum, and there was no big problem. Of course, how much shadow the fire-breathing dragon would bring to the two girls, it is uncertain.

632. The showdown in the Shenno area, Xiaotian vs. Xiaozhi

After being rescued by Sundae and Xiaoxi, Xiaoguang and the female trainer hurriedly looked around in a little panic. After not finding the fire-breathing dragon, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's your fire-breathing dragon? It's so scary." Then Xiaoguang looked at Xiaotian weakly, and said in shock.

"Well, my fire-breathing dragon is very powerful." Hearing Xiaoguang's words, Xiaotian nodded lightly and said.

Not to mention Xiaoguang, a rookie who just started, is a powerful champion trainer, and he has to be frightened in front of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Your fire-breathing dragon is even more powerful than Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon when he fought, it's so powerful." After the shock, Xiaoguang's eyes sparkled and looked at Xiaotian with a look of admiration.

Although Xiaoguang just fainted from fright, he has to say that Xiaoguang's heart is full of strong qualities. It didn't take long before Xiaoguang began to worship Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon.

"Of course Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon is stronger, Xiaotian, don't talk about your fire-breathing dragon, my blood is boiling, fight with me, just use your latest Pokémon." said

Feeling the terrifying momentum of the fire-breathing dragon, Xiao Zhi's fighting spirit was completely ignited. At this time, Xiao Zhi just wanted to have a fun and dripping battle to express his fighting spirit.

"Well... well, I agree with your invitation to fight." Seeing Xiaozhi's fighting spirit, Xiaotian nodded in response to the battle

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