With Xiaozhi's hot-blooded character, let's not say that if Xiaotian doesn't agree with this guy, he will definitely stalk him. Even if Xiaotian really doesn't fight with Xiaozhi, this guy will definitely be suffocated and can't sleep at night.

Moreover, the level of the Pokémon that Xiaotian has newly conquered is not too high, and Xiaotian also wants to see how powerful Xiaozhi and these Pokémon can explode.

"I'll be the referee" Hearing that Xiaotian responded to Xiaozhi's invitation to fight, Xiaoguang ran to serve as the referee with great interest

Although Xiaoguang knows that Xiaotian is very strong, he has never seen it before. It was not until today that Xiaoguang felt the horror of Xiaotian for the first time on the body of the fire-breathing dragon. All the current Xiaoguang can't wait to watch Xiaotian and Xiaoguang battle of wit

Because in Xiaoguang's eyes, Xiaozhi's strength is very powerful

"I don't know who will win Xiaozhi and Xiaotian?" Xiaoguang thought to himself, running to act as the referee

"Xiaozhi, Xiaotian, are you going to have a few-on-one battle?" Xiaoguang, who came to the side of the field, suddenly asked

"I only have three Pokémon, so let's fight three-on-three." Hearing Xiaoguang's question, Xiaotian replied

The Pokémon that Xiaotian is around now are Little Fire Monkey, Pachiritz, and Absol. These three Pokémon, plus a Pikachu, of course, Xiaotian's Pikachu can't participate in the battle, otherwise Xiaozhi doesn't need to fight at all.

Xiaotian and Xiaozhi's Pikachu are completely different. The strength of Xiaozhi's Pikachu depends on the strength of the opponent, while Xiaotian's Pikachu is a proper champion.

"Xiaotian vs. Xiaozhi. The rules of the game are three-on-three. All three Pokémon on the side are incapacitated. The battle is over. Now the game starts." Xiaoguang announced the start of the game

"Xiaotian, I'm finally going to fight you again. Although I have never won against you before, but this time, our Pokémon are not high-level. This time I must defeat you." Hearing Xiaoguang announce At the beginning of the game, Xiao Zhi's excitement for fighting broke out, and his face was extremely serious.

"Hey, come on," Xiaotian replied indifferently to Xiaozhi.I don't think so

This guy Xiaozhi has also used Pokémon with similar strengths to fight with Xiaotian before, but he never won. This time, although the strength of the two sides seems to be almost the same, in fact, these three Pokémon of Xiaotian are all is a supernatural being

Even if the level of the two sides is not much different, once the battle begins, Xiaotian's Pokémon will definitely have the advantage. If Xiaotian can lose to Xiaozhi in such a situation, then Xiaozhi, you are too powerful.

"Go, Little Fire Monkey" Ash releases his own Pokémon

"It's the little fire monkey, since that's the case, we also use the little fire monkey here." Seeing the Pokémon released by Xiaozhi, Xiaotian agreed to release his own little fire monkey

"Little Fire Monkey vs. Little Fire Monkey Competition Begins"

At the beginning of the "Little Fire Monkey, Use Sparks" competition, Xiao Zhi gave a command with great energy

"Little Fire Monkey, use jet flame" Seeing the opponent's attack, Xiaotian gave a command with a calm expression on his face. Although Xiaozhi's Little Fire Monkey is very good, it is still too immature for now.

In the field, the skills of the two Pokémon collided with each other, and they exploded with a sound of "Boom~".

"Huh? It didn't break through the opponent's attack? Xiaozhi's fire-monkey fire-type attack is very powerful." Seeing such a result, a difference flashed across Xiaotian's face.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

The levels of the two Pokémon are similar, but one of the little fire monkeys uses the spark, while the other uses the advanced skill of the spark to spray flame. It is reasonable to say that the spray flame should break the other's spark.

But the final result is an explosion, which shows that the fire attack of the opponent's little fire monkey is very powerful, and only in this way can the gap between the skills be bridged.

"Xiaozhi, this kid is really lucky." Looking at the imposing little fire monkey, Xiaotian sighed in his heart

Xiaozhi's little fire monkey, but Xiaozhibai picked up the Pokémon discarded by other trainers, but it is such a Pokémon, the aptitude is God-given, and the fire-type attack is also gifted, this luck, no who is


"As expected of Xiaotian, how long did it take to subdue, and actually learned to spray flames" The other side's Xiaozhi saw such a result, and secretly admired it in his heart

But at the same time, Xiao Zhi also had some doubts in his heart. Xiaotian's little fire monkey uses a jet of flame. It stands to reason that the power of the jet of flame should break the spark skill, right?

"Little Fire Monkey uses burrows" and then Xiao Zhi put aside the doubts in his heart and gave a command again. When fighting, Xiao Zhi usually doesn't think about other things at all, but only thinks about how to defeat his opponent.

"Dig a hole? You can make a mistake with this trick." Seeing the command issued by the other party, Xiaotian said to himself, and then Xiaotian gave a command to the little fire monkey, "We also use the little fire monkey to dig a hole. The opponent, use fighting skills to attack"

The scene fell silent for a while. The two little fire monkeys were all digging holes in the ground. Neither Xiaotian nor Xiaozhi knew what was going on below, but Xiaotian had a confident look on his face.

After a while, I felt that the time was almost up, Xiaotian suddenly revealed a wicked smile and said to Xiaozhi

"Xiao Zhi, my little fire monkey has a hidden feature, and the power of using fighting skills is enhanced, and I have tried my best to teach the little fire monkey fighting skills. Now the two little fire monkeys are digging underground and no one can see them. Who, but you said what would happen if two Pokémon collided?"

"No, Little Fire Monkey come out soon." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiao Zhi, who had a heavy face on the opposite side, was suddenly shocked and hurriedly called Little Fire Monkey.

633. The showdown in the Shenno region, Ash vs. Xiaotian 2

But before Xiao Zhi finished his words, two little fire monkeys suddenly jumped out of the hole in the ground, but the difference was that one was punched out, and the other jumped out on his own.

"Little Fire Monkey, are you alright?" Xiao Zhi hurriedly asked with concern when he saw his little Fire Monkey being beaten out.

In fact, seeing that his little fire monkey was panting and hurt all over, Xiao Zhi knew that his little fire monkey would never get better without asking, but even if he was seriously injured, Xiao Zhi's little fire monkey Still have the backbone to respond to Xiao Zhi's imposing cry

The "good little fire monkey" saw that the little fire monkey could fight again, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed and hurriedly prepared for the next battle.

"It's useless, even if your little fire monkey can still fight, how much stamina will you have left? Little fire monkey, use the flame wheel to give the opponent a blow." Seeing Xiaozhi's reaction, Xiaotian shook his head and said.

Pokémon's battle "eight-five-three", although the backbone is very important, the most important thing is the strength of the Pokémon itself and the commanding ability of the trainer

On the opposite side, upon hearing Xiaotian's command, Xiaozhi's face sank. With the current physical strength of Little Fire Monkey, it is very likely that the opponent will be directly knocked down by the flame wheel.

"What should I do?" Xiao Zhi was extremely anxious

Although using the spark skill can cause slight damage to Xiaotian's little fire monkey, the flame of the spark will be absorbed by the opponent's flame wheel, making it more powerful. In that case, even the last chance is useless. The little fire monkey must lose

As for escape?The opponent's flame wheel will keep chasing the little fire monkey to collide. The little fire monkey is so fast that the opponent who has not used the flame wheel is fast.

Just when Xiaozhi's face was full of anxiety, Xiaozhi's little fire monkey body suddenly burst into flames.

"Is this? The fire characteristic is triggered?" Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up when he felt the abnormality of the little fire monkey.

On the other hand, Xiaotian, who saw the mutation of Xiaozhi's little fire monkey, immediately frowned, and secretly said in his heart, "It's broken"

Sure enough, just when Xiaotian frowned, Xiaozhi on the opposite side gave out the command "Little Fire Monkey, use the most powerful flame wheel"

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