However, what surprised Xiaotian and others was that they had just arrived in this unfamiliar place, and the three of them saw countless three bees.

"There are a lot of three bees here, maybe there will really be a city of amber here?" Seeing the swarms of wild three bees here, Xiaoxi exclaimed in surprise

"There are so many strange flowers here, and there are so many three bees here. Maybe Xiaoxi's discovery is true?" The sundae on the side was also full of expectations.

Although the sundae belongs to an aristocratic family, the honey collected by the three bees is not unfamiliar. The sundae has been eaten for a long time, but it is the legendary city of amber. The golden honey is specially made by the queen bee. Naturally want to taste this legendary golden honey

Seeing so many three bees, Sundae and Xiaoxi were overjoyed, and then moved on full of energy

As Xiaotian and others continued to move forward, they encountered more and more three bees, whether in flower fields or forests, a large number of three bees were collecting honey

The three of Xiaotian are also full of expectations. The more three bees here, the greater the chance of a queen bee appearing here, and the greater the possibility of the legendary city of amber.

However, what puzzled Xiaoxi and Sundae was that, after passing through a huge flower field, Xiaotian suddenly stopped with a solemn expression on his face.

"What's wrong with Xiaotian?" Sundae asked suspiciously

"There is something wrong with the atmosphere in the forest in front of you, Pikachu, don't you?" While answering Sundae's question, Xiaotian turned his head solemnly and asked Pikachu on his shoulders

"Pika~Pika~" Pikachu aggressively put on a fighting stance

"Be careful" Seeing Pikachu's reaction, Xiaotian hurriedly reminded Xiaoxi and Sundae that if Xiaotian's perception may be wrong, then as a Pokémon, Pikachu's perception will never be wrong.

"It feels so annoying." Just as Xiaotian and the three of them were waiting, a familiar voice faintly came from the front.

Before the three of Xiaotian saw the shouting figure, a black patch suddenly appeared above the forest in front of them.

"What's the situation?" Xiaotian and the three stared at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

That pitch-black area is the army of Pokémon composed of countless Pokémon, and there are countless Pokémon running wild not only in the sky, but also on the ground, and the most important thing is that these Pokémon are all bug-type monsters. Pokémon, the three of them got goosebumps when they saw Xiaotian

"That's Team Rocket, those Pokémon seem to be chasing Team Rocket~" Soon, the three of Xiaotian saw Team Rocket running all the way in front of the ground.

"What the hell did these three idiots do? Why does it seem that the insect-type Pokémon in the entire forest are chasing them?" Looking at the distant scene, Sundae asked with some doubts

"Are you still in the mood to think about this? Why don't you flash?" Xiaotian on the side was not in the mood to think about why those bug-type Pokémon were chasing Team Rocket, but instead pulled Xiaoxi and Sundae to turn around and run away

The three idiots of Team Rocket ran in the direction of the three of them. Xiaotian didn't want to face the overwhelming number of bug-type Pokémon.

On the way, the three of Xiaotian hid in a secret place, and then silently watched Team Rocket and those crazy-looking bug-type Pokémon rushing by all the way, Xiaotian couldn't help wiping a cold sweat.

I don't know what big things these three second-hands of Team Rocket have done. They actually made the insect-type Pokémon in the entire forest go crazy, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and even arching on the ground. These three It's not like this is the idiot who has passed the worm nest.

"Pray that those three idiots don't get caught up, or else they'll be caught up by the overwhelming number of bug-type Pokémon. It's scary to think about it." Looking at the dark Pokémon in the distance, Xiaotian sighed.

If Xiaoxia, who is afraid of insect-type Pokémon, is here, it is estimated that just looking at this scene will make you faint. Can you imagine how many insects have just passed?

"Sniff~smell~, what's the smell? It smells so good." Suddenly, Xiaoxi's little nose snorted and asked with a face full of intoxication.

"Really, it smells so good~" The sundae on the side also smelled the fragrance

"Could it be the scent of Team Rocket? And those bug-type Pokémon chase after Team Rocket because of this scent?" Xiaotian on the side also smelled the scent and guessed.

Naturally, Pokémon can't have fragrance, and the only Pokémon that just passed are Team Rocket, and this just explains why those Pokémon chase Team Rocket and don't let go, but ..

"..." The three of Xiaotian looked at each other and then chose to move on.

Right now, Team Rocket is being chased all the way by the insects in the entire forest. Even if the scent is from Team Rocket, Xiaotian and the three of them don't plan to ask Team Rocket. Such a large group of Insect-type Pokémon is too terrifying.

"Sister Sundae, do you think the Rockets have already been to the City of Amber, and that scent is the scent of golden honey?" On the way, Xiaoxi guessed whimsically.

"It's very possible, if this is the case, then I must find the city of amber and taste the legendary golden honey." Hearing Xiaoxi's guess, Sundae couldn't help nodding his approval, and then his face was firm.

The scent just now was too fragrant. If the scent is really golden honey, then it would be a pity not to taste the golden honey.

They continued to set off with high expectations. However, the next scene made Xiaotian and the three puzzled, because as they continued to advance, there were fewer and fewer bees in front of them.

This situation makes Xiaotian and the three puzzled, because if there is a city of amber, then the city of amber is definitely the base camp of the queen bee, so it stands to reason that the closer to the base camp of the queen bee, the more wild three bees should be. .

[-].unexpected situation

With suspicion, the three of them continued to move forward, but after reaching the location on the map, the three of them walked for a whole day without finding the legendary Amber City.

"The location of the City of Amber is obviously this location? Why not? Is the legendary City of Lakes really just a legend?" Holding the map, Xiaotian was puzzled.

"No, the location on the map is so big, maybe we haven't found the City of Amber yet," Xiaoxi on the side said insistently

"But we have already visited the places on the title map, and haven't encountered the City of Amber?"

"Could it be that the City of Amber is relatively hidden? The three bees I met before, and the aroma of Team Rocket, all indicate that the City of Amber might really exist." Sundae on the side guessed.

"Hidden place? This area is so big. We have been walking for a day and haven't found the City of Amber. If it is a hidden place, it will be difficult to find." Hearing Sundae's guess, Xiaotian looked embarrassed

There are valleys here and there, and if the City of Amber is really in a secluded place, who knows where is a small cave?How do people find this?

Just when Xiaotian and the three looked embarrassed, a huge explosion suddenly sounded in the distance.

Hearing the sudden sound, the three of Xiaotian looked at each other in dismay. Then, without saying a word, they ran directly in the direction of the sound. In this rare place, there is a possibility that there is a sudden explosion.

Soon, the three of Xiaotian came to the place where the explosion sounded, but the situation in front of them surprised the three of them.

Countless three bees are fighting fiercely with a group of humans, but what surprised Xiaotian and the three of them was the ferocity of the battle in the distance.

The countless three bees did not dodge at all, but kept attacking. The dense fantasy light looked extremely terrifying.

As for the opponents of the three bees, the group of humans, except for some people who command the Pokémon to fight, the biggest threat to the three bees is the two huge machines.

And the previous explosion was probably the sound of a machine exploding, because in addition to the two fighting machines, there was a scrapped machine lying on the ground.

The most important thing is that on the ground, three bees have fallen in a dense layer, and you can imagine the brutality of the battle.

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