"What's going on? What's wrong with these three bees~"?" Looking at the scene in the distance, Sundae asked in surprise. The three bees he encountered before were all smiling faces.And the overwhelming number of three bees in the distance is the eyes exuding red light

"Those three bees have gone wild. As for the reason, you can see the big trucks with big iron cans." Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian replied thoughtfully.

"Big truck?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi's cute face didn't understand at all

"I guess the jars in those big trucks are likely to contain golden honey. Look there, there is a huge deep pit. It seems that the so-called Amber City should be underground, but it has now been Those people are ruined, so those three bees will run away with red eyes." Xiaotian guessed.

"It's too much? How can those people do that?" Hearing Xiaotian's guess, Xiaoxi and Sundae suddenly showed angry expressions.

Although the three of Xiaotian wanted to taste golden honey, they were only thinking of exchanging golden honey with the queen bee, and they had never thought about robbing honey.

And those people in front of them not only snatch the honey, but what is even more extreme is that they even took the city of amber here. Don't you have the slightest bit of conscience?

"What are you waiting for, Xiaotian, let's hurry up and help those three bees." Seeing that more and more three bees were injured and fell to the ground, Sundae anxiously wanted to help

"Those people are too hateful, I want to help too" Even Xiaoxi, who has never liked fighting, took out the Poke Ball angrily, intending to help those three bees

"These people... don't feel like a dark force." Xiaotian didn't act immediately, but looked at the humans in the distance with a puzzled look on his face.

"Whether he is a dark force? These people are too hateful, let's hurry up and help the three bees" Sundae on the side said anxiously

Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head, and then prepared to let Pikachu go out to help. Sundae was right, no matter whether those people were from the dark forces or not, he would help those three bees by himself.

But in his heart, Xiaotian was muttering, and he didn't know if he was in trouble with the Shenao area. How long did it take to reach Shenao?How can I always encounter Shenao forces doing bad things?

However, just when the three of Xiaotian were about to make a move, an abnormal situation occurred in the field.

I saw that a huge machine suddenly appeared in the distance, and then it fought with the human machine.

"Who are you?" The bad guys also seemed to be puzzled and shouted questions.

"I heard who you are?"

"Then I will tell you with great compassion..." The Rockets said their classic quotations

"Team Rocket?" The three of Xiaotian looked stunned when they saw the Rockets who suddenly appeared in the field.Unexpectedly, the Rockets are back, and they also choose to help the three bees

".々Team Rocket seems to be a dark organization, why do you want to help the three bees?" the bad guys asked in a panic

"Huh? You also know that the Rockets are a dark organization? As the bad guys, we only snatched a few barrels when we robbed honey. Although we were finally beaten by the kid, we came back after regrouping. It's you, not only the All the honey was taken away, and even the city of Amber, the old nest of the big bee, was destroyed by you. You are too much. The most important thing is that all the honey is ours. You actually robbed our Rockets? "Musashi shouted loudly.

In the distance, when they heard Musashi's shouting, the faces of the three of Xiaotian turned dark. After a long time, Team Rocket ran back to snatch honey, but no matter what we say, Team Rocket is helping those three bees this time.

When the bad guys on the opposite side heard, ah, so you are also here to snatch honey?That's not much to say, let's do it!The gang drove the machine without saying a word and fought with the Rockets machine again.

"Sure enough, it's impossible to deal with Xiao Zhi with the three poor people of the Rockets, not to mention (Li Ma Zhao) the regular staff of the big forces." Seeing a face-to-face with the Rockets, the Rockets were suppressed, and Xiaotian was a little helpless. Said, "The Rockets can't beat those people, let's go"

"Sundae, those two machines are handed over to your super ancient mind power puppets, I'll go and deal with those trainers, Xiaoxi, stop fighting, prepare healing medicine, there are too many injured three bees, need treatment, By the way, let Laluras out as a translator" Xiaotian said to Sundae and Xiaoxi, and then Xiaotian rushed up with Pikachu

Those human trainers don't have much effect. If it weren't for the two huge machines blocking them, those trainers would have been solved by the overwhelming three bees, but there is one trainer who is different, that guy is quite strong, God has to deal with him

As for the two machines that pose the greatest threat to the three bees, they are naturally handed over to Sundae's Psychic Puppets to solve. In terms of firepower, except for Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon, no one is as strong as the ancient Psychic Puppets, so the battle against Sundae, Xiaotian is not worried at all.

641. shot

Just when the two parties in the distance were fighting fiercely, as the sundae threw the pokeball, a super huge psychic puppet appeared in everyone's sight. Before those people could react from the surprise, the super huge psychic puppet Demonstrate super attack power

Destruction of Death Light, Freezing Light, Sunshine Flame, the three ultimate skills are just like not consuming physical strength. They are continuously used from the hands of the giant Psychic Puppet, and the target of the attack is the opponent's machine.

"Damn, there is an unexpected situation, quickly retreat." Seeing the sudden attack and the huge Pokémon, the powerful trainer on the other side was shocked, and then hurriedly called his partner to retreat.

Look at those attacks and attack those machines without saying a word. Needless to say, you know that the people who come here are definitely helping those three bees.

"You also stay, Pikachu, use Crazy Ford" Seeing that the other party wanted to escape, Xiaotian hurriedly directed Pikachu to attack

As Xiaotian's voice fell, a yellow light flashed past and slammed into the opponent's Pokémon. The powerful power directly knocked the opponent out far away.

"Pikachu, use fine bubbles to activate quick battles" After knocking the opponent's strongest Pokémon away, Xiaotian instructed Pikachu to clean up the trainer's Pokémon

Hearing Xiaotian's command, Pikachu's body 727 suddenly burst into a strong electric light, and then Pikachu attacked the opponent's Pokémon at a very fast speed.

Million volts, lightning balls, and thunderbolts, these electric skills are like no money, they are continuously used by Pikachu, the attack speed is fast, and there is no time to freeze at all.

Soon, all the Pokémon of the opponent's trainer were knocked out by Pikachu, and the Pokémon that the opponent had been knocked out before returned to the opponent's trainer out of breath, and looking at the Pokémon, it was very Apparently, Pikachu had done a lot of damage to the Crazy Ford before.

"Who are you, and why are you attacking us?" Seeing the miserable appearance of himself and others, the opponent's strong man asked the trainers on the opposite side with grief and anger, although they also knew that they were doing bad things. , but do you want to be so cruel?It's too bullying to come directly to such a fierce strong man to meddle in his own business, and the other party comes up to attack directly without saying a word.

Now that his own Pokémon have been knocked down, with the resentment of those three bees towards him and others, the trainer of the other side can fully imagine how miserable his final result will be.

On the other side of the battlefield, Sundae commanded the super-ancient psychic power soil puppet to dismantle the two machines (bdee), and if Xiaotian reminded Sundae, Sundae would probably directly give these two machines to the machine. blow up

"Thunder~" Hearing the other party's question, Xiaotian calmly instructed Pikachu to launch an attack. You also know that I'm nosy, so what else is there to say, just lie down

A powerful thundering attack stuns the opponent's strongest Pokémon. At this point, all the opponent's Pokémon are wiped out.

And Pikachu's last strike's thundering skill was too powerful, and even the trainer with the opponent was all stunned by the thundering attack.

Seeing that all the bad guys were defeated, the three bees who ran wild with red eyes slowly stopped their attacks, and then all looked at Xiaotian and the others with gratitude in their eyes.

"Strong... powerful brat?" In Team Rocket's machine that was almost scrapped, the three of Team Rocket hugged each other and shivered in horror. They didn't plan to get out of the machine at all. The psychological shadow was too great.

"Xiaotian, how do you deal with these bad guys?" Sundae asked Xiaotian after the battle was over.

I just thought about defeating these bad guys before, and I didn't think much about it at all, but now the problem has arisen. If these humans are left here, they are likely to be killed by these three red-eyed bees. This is not what the sundae wants. The punishment is too much

"Give these people to the Rockets and let them take them away" Xiaotian said casually when he heard Sundae's words

"Master, what are those three bees doing?" At this moment, Xiaoxi on the side suddenly pointed to the two machines that were hit by the sundae and asked curiously.

The two machines have been scrapped, but at this time, some three bees hurriedly got into the two machines, until the three bees lifted a comatose Pokémon from the machine, Xiaotian suddenly realized

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