"What should I do? What should I do? The whole museum is blocked. If we can't get out, we will be caught." Although his tone was full of worry, his voice was very low, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

"Why don't we disguise as ordinary spectators, as long as we avoid the police and infiltrate the spectators, there will be no problem."

"But what about the Jade Soul? Ordinary spectators can't hold the Jade Soul."

"It doesn't matter, look at me, as long as I hide the vajra soul in my clothes, so that I will be a gentleman with a big belly"

Just when the two stupid thieves below were studying how to escape, they didn't find that in the vent above the wall, a Pokémon flashing with electricity was full of malicious intent.

"Pikachu~Pikachu~" Just as Xiaotian was anxiously waiting in the toilet, Pikachu suddenly jumped out of the vent, holding a round thing in his hand

"You got the King Kong Jade Soul so soon? Pikachu is doing beautifully." Seeing the treasure in Pikachu's arms, Xiaotian was overjoyed and praised Pikachu with a look of love.

"Pika~Pikapi~" Hearing Xiaotian's praise, Pikachu suddenly showed a satisfied and happy smile

"By the way, Pikachu, did those two stupid thieves see you?" Xiaotian suddenly asked Pikachu

"Pika~Pika~" Hearing Xiaotian's question, Pikachu called with an expression of believing me, while patting his chest

It turned out that when Pikachu discovered the two thieves, Pikachu clearly remembered Xiaotian's order, and did not rush to snatch the Vajra Soul, but waited until the two thieves changed their clothes to disguise, and Pikachu suddenly came out of the air vent. He rushed out and used an electric shock as soon as he rushed out to stun the two thieves. The two stupid thieves were stunned without even reacting, let alone seeing Pikachu's figure.

Although Xiaotian didn't know the situation at the time, but with Pikachu's assurance, Xiaotian felt relieved.

"System, Recover King Kong Jade Soul"

Handing over the King Kong Jade Soul to the system for recycling, Xiaotian took Pikachu out of the toilet calmly.

Xiaotian has no guilt at all for taking back Dialga's exclusive items. The strength of the goods is already fierce enough. There is no big difference whether there are exclusive items. Anyway, they are the top super mythical beasts.

As for the Shenao Alliance?hehe~

In Xiaotian's cognition, he has always believed that apart from Arceus, Dialga and Palkia are the most powerful, and even Kyogre, Groudon and Crack 967 are inferior.

After all, the power of space and time is far greater than the power of the earth, sea, and sky

As for Feng Wang, although it is a fire-type divine beast, in Xiaotian's opinion, Feng Wang should be a divine beast that controls life, but Feng Wang is too mysterious, and Xiaotian can't judge the level of Feng Wang who controls life.

Returning to the hall with a calm face, Xiaotian did not arouse the slightest suspicion from others. Those policemen were still busy looking for the two stupid thieves.

"Xiaotian, only Dialga can use this Vajra Jade Soul. What's the use of those people stealing this Vajra Jade Soul?" Sundae asked suspiciously.

"Ha~" Xiaotian let out a sneer when he heard Sundae's question.

"What else is there to use? Of course, it is to attract Dialga, and then I want to capture Dialga~" Xiaotian's tone was full of sarcasm

"Capturing Dialga? How dare they?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae exclaimed in disbelief

"It's just some whimsical guys, they have nothing to be afraid of, if they really anger Dialga and cause big trouble, they pat their butts and leave, leaving Shenao Continent to suffer disaster, or say you gods The people of the Olympic League are all brain-damaged, and they dare to show the King Kong Jade Soul." Xiaotian laughed.

However, in his heart, Xiaotian is still very grateful to the Shenao Alliance. If it weren't for those idiots, he wouldn't have a chance to get this King Kong Jade Soul. This is a full 300w points.

653. EMI Gym Challenge

However, what makes Xiaotian depressed is that this King Kong Jade Soul was originally a treasure worth 500w points, but unfortunately, because of the special energy inside, the system needs to be converted to absorb it, and the 200w handling fee has been deducted.

Xiaotian's depressed teeth hurt, this fee is really expensive

In the next time, Xiaotian waited calmly in the crowd. After all, it is impossible for Miss Junsha to restrict the freedom of everyone here all the time.

It didn't take long for the two fainted thieves to be discovered by the police, but what made Xiaotian unable to complain is that the stupid police just took the two stupid thieves as museum staff who were knocked out by bad guys. Just like that, they were carried away as the wounded and went out for treatment.

No way, those two stupid thieves were changing their clothes when they were attacked by Pikachu. When they were discovered by the police, they were wearing big pants. The clothes they wore when they stole the Jade Soul and the clothes they were about to change were all powered by Pikachu's electric shock. burnt

In this regard, the police also focused on checking the staff in the museum. Seeing this situation, Xiaotian was also completely convinced, and no one has this IQ.

After waiting in the museum for a long time, the people watching finally quit. We can cooperate with your inspection, but you can't keep us imprisoned like this. If the Vajra Jade Soul has not been found, can't we still? left?

Faced with such a situation, Ms. Junsha could only reluctantly choose to let go and let the spectators in the museum leave. Of course, it must be checked to ensure that there is no Vajra Jade Soul before leaving.

Xiaotian said that there is no problem at all, anyway, the Vajra Jade Soul has been absorbed by the system, and it is impossible for Miss Junsha to find the Vajra Jade Soul on Xiaotian.

After leaving the museum, Xiaocai showed a satisfied smile, Bai got 300w points, and he was in a good mood

"Xiaotian, Sundae, I may have to leave first." It was Hirona, her face was a little heavy

"What's wrong, sister?" Sundae asked suspiciously after hearing Shirona's words.

"It's not because of that King Kong Jade Soul. Regardless of whether Miss Junsha can retrieve the King Kong Jade Soul, I will rush back to the Alliance," Xirona said angrily.

"If Miss Junsha does not retrieve the Vajra Jade Soul, I must rush back to the alliance to remind those high-level officials to prepare early. As Xiaotian said, it is very likely that some force has a whimsical idea of ​​capturing Dialga. Yaluka really appeared and angered Dialga, those people patted their butts and left, and the Shenao Alliance would suffer."

"And even if Miss Junsha finds the Vajra Jade Soul, I have to rush back to the Alliance to stop them from showing the Vajra Jade Soul. Otherwise, once Dialga senses the appearance of the Vajra Jade Soul, the EMI here will be in trouble."

Hearing Shirona's words, the three of Xiaotian looked at each other in dismay. Although everyone was reluctant to let Shirona leave so soon, they were unable to refute, because Shirona had her own reasons.

Once Dialga appears attracted by the Vajra Jade Soul, Shirona, the champion of Shenao, must go back early to take all the necessary measures.

After saying goodbye to Xiaotian and the three of them, Hirona took the fire-breathing dragon to leave the city of EMI in a resolute manner, and returned to the Shenao Alliance aggressively to ask questions. Hirona wanted to know what those idiots were thinking, and they dared to take the King Kong Jade. The soul is so swaggeringly taken out for exhibition?Are you really not afraid of Dialga's rage?Or is the Shenao Alliance also trying to catch Botega Luca?

"Let's go, it's not that we won't be able to see you in the future." Looking at the sundae with a gloomy expression, Xiaotian comforted.

"Well, I know, it's just that I feel sorry for my sister when she is so busy." Hearing Xiaotian's comfort, Sundae said with a sigh

After separating from Shirona, the three of Xiaotian casually found a hotel to rest and stayed in the museum for a day.

Early the next morning, I woke up Sundae and Xiaoxi, who were sleepy.

"Miss Vegetable Seed? Are you here to challenge Baidai Gym?" Looking at the beautiful trainer who had fought before, Xiaotian asked curiously

"Challenge the Pathway Gym? How is it possible, I'm the trainer of the Patho Gym?" Hearing Xiaotian's question, the vegetable seed trainer replied as a matter of course.

"What? Are you the trainer of the Baidai Gym?" Hearing Miss Caizhong's words, the three of Xiaotian couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

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