When I saw the vegetable seed trainer before, I was in the wild, and this vegetable seed trainer was still wandering around trying to conquer grass-type Pokémon. Could it be that the current gym trainer can also travel?

"As a gym trainer, can people also take vacations?" Not only did Xiaotian and the three of them disbelieve, but Miss Caizhong knew exactly what the three of them were thinking, and her face immediately flushed, and she said a little embarrassedly.

"Are you here to challenge the gym? I, the trainer of the Pathway Gym, Cai Zong, accepts your challenge." Soon, the Cai Zong trainer reacted and hurriedly changed the topic with a serious face.

"Uh.. yes, I'm here to challenge the gym." The vegetable trainer successfully changed the topic

"Then come with me," said the vegetable seed trainer, turning around and leading the way, walking towards the opposite battlefield.

"The rules of the challenge at the Pathway Gym are three-on-three. All three Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight. The game is over, and the challenger has two opportunities to change the Pokémon." On the podium, the referee announces the rules of the game

"Badai Gym Challenge, Xiaotian from Zhenxin Town plays against Miss Vegetable Seeds from EMI City, now the game starts" waving Xiaoqi, the referee announced the start of the game

".々Xiaotian, your Pachiritz is very strong, but I won't admit defeat easily, let's go, my partner" As the referee announced the start of the game, the young lady on the opposite side had a warlike expression on her face. Look at Xiaotian, and then release his Pokémon

"Go, little fire monkey" Xiaotian also released his own Pokémon

"Sakura Treasure vs. Little Fire Monkey, the game begins"

"Sakura Treasure?" Xiaotian frowned when he saw the other's Pokémon. A Pokémon like Sakura Treasure looked like an enlarged cherry, even if there was a much smaller cherry under the leaf above his head, That's two cherries, they don't seem to have any power at all.

"Little fire monkey, use jet flame" Xiaotian commanded the little fire monkey to launch an attack to test

Although the other party doesn't look like there is any threat at all, but the other party is the Pokémon of the gym trainer after all, so Xiaotian will not underestimate this cherry blossom treasure

"Sakura Treasure, avoid." Seeing the attack from the little fire monkey, the young lady on the opposite side turned confidently and gave a command.

In the field, facing the jet flame emitted by the little fire monkey, the opposite Sakura Treasure avoided the jet flame of the little fire monkey with a very flexible and fast speed.

(Money Zhao)

"Use continuous jet flames" Seeing that the opponent avoids, Xiaotian hurriedly instructs the little fire monkey to make continuous attacks

However, in the face of the continuous flame-spraying attack of the little fire monkey, the opponent's Sakura Treasure once again showed amazing speed, avoiding all the attacks of the little fire monkey.

"What an amazing speed." Seeing the speed of the other party's Sakura Treasure, Xiaotian couldn't help but be surprised. It's not a Pokémon from a gym trainer, even a Pokémon like Sakura Treasure can have such a speed.

"Sakura Treasure's agility will change with the change of sunlight. The stronger the sunlight, the higher Sakura Treasure's agility will be." Seeing Xiaotian's surprised face, Miss Vegetable Seed proudly revealed her old bottom.

"It turns out that the characteristic of this cherry blossom treasure is actually chlorophyll." Xiaotian's heart moved when he heard the vegetable seed. Of course, Xiaotian is very clear about the abnormal characteristics of this grass type.

"This time it's my turn to attack, Sakura Treasure uses Sunshine Flame." Before Xiaotian could attack again, the opposite vegetable trainer directed Sakura Treasure to launch an attack, and it was a big move.

654. EMI Gym Challenge 2

"Little Fire Monkey to avoid it"

A white beam of light traversed and quickly hit the little fire monkey. However, although the speed of Sunshine Flame was very fast when it was launched, and the speed of Sakura Treasure's energy condensing was astonishingly fast, it was already concentrated. Well-prepared and fast, the little fire monkey can easily avoid the opponent's sun and flames

"Good chance, Little Fire Monkey uses the flame wheel" Seeing Little Fire Monkey successfully avoiding the opponent's attack, Xiaotian's eyes lit up and he hurriedly issued the command to attack.

Sunshine Flame is a big move. For a Pokémon of this level, the freezing time after using Sunshine Flame is very long. This is the opportunity for Xiaohuo-Monkey to fight back.

"Hmph, Sakura Treasure, continue to use Sunshine Flame" Seeing Little Fire Monkey rushing towards Sakura Treasure all over his body, including the flames, the young lady on the opposite side showed a confident face and gave a command to Sakura Treasure.

"What?" Xiaotian was shocked when he heard the other party's command.

However, before Xiaotian could react, the opponent's Sakura Treasure had once again launched a flame of sunshine, and Bi Zhi directly hit the Little Fire Monkey who was rushing towards Sakura Treasure. The Little Fire Monkey didn't even have a chance to react, so he was directly attacked. The opponent's sunshine and flames flew out.

"How is it possible, there is no time to freeze at all, isn't the launch speed of this sunshine flame too fast?" Seeing such a situation, Xiaotian couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Hey, my Sakura Treasure is not as simple as just improving the agility. In the case of sufficient sunlight, it can also greatly reduce the gathering time of the Sunshine Flame, and reduce the stiffness time after using the Sunshine Flame." Seeing Xiaotian's shocked appearance, the vegetable seed on the opposite side couldn't bear it anymore, and then began to reveal his old bottom.

"Little Fire Monkey, are you alright?" Xiaotian was secretly shocked when he heard the other party's words, and then Xiaotian asked Little Fire Monkey a little worriedly, Sunshine Flame is a big move, at the level of Little Fire Monkey, sunshine The threat of flames is too great

"Roar~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Little Fire Monkey shook his head and said there was no problem

However, although the little fire monkey said there was no problem, but looking at the slow movement of the little fire monkey when it got up, Xiaotian knew very well that this fire caused a lot of damage to the little fire monkey.

"I didn't expect this Sakura Treasure to be a gifted Pokémon." Looking at Sakura Treasure in the distance, Xiaotian was a little solemn

At the same time, Xiaotian sighed inwardly for his own mistakes. If he had known that the opponent's Sakura Treasure had such a talent, Xiaotian would not let the little fire monkey use the flame wheel to attack. You must know that the general chlorophyll characteristics command to enhance agility. Enhances the effect of Sunshine Flames

"The little fire monkey uses the digging hole" to restore a good attitude, and Xiaotian regained his strength and issued an order to attack

Although the previous sunlight and flames caused a lot of damage to the little fire monkey, it does not mean that the little fire monkey of Xiaotian lost. As long as the Pokémon still have the ability to fight, the victory or loss of the battle is still unknown.

"Dig a hole? Sakura treasure, quickly move the position" Seeing the little fire monkey using the hole, the vegetable seed trainer on the opposite frowned, and hurriedly gave instructions to Sakura treasure

The little fire monkey uses a burrow to dig into the ground. It is very difficult for the Sakura treasure to hit the small fire monkey, and the cherry blossom can only passively defend, which is not a good phenomenon.

As for making Sakura Treasure move and change positions quickly, although Little Fire Monkey can't launch a sneak attack on Sakura Treasure, this is just a countermeasure for vegetable seed trainers to think about ways to buy time, otherwise let Sakura Treasure be like this Keep moving at high speed all the time, you don't need the little fire monkey to attack, Sakura treasure will get tired and lie down.

In the field, there was a stalemate for a while, Sakura Treasure kept changing positions at a very fast speed to prevent the sneak attack of the little fire monkey, and the lady on the opposite side looked anxious.

To be honest, Pokémon like Sakura Treasure are completely weak Pokémon, and Sakura Treasure of vegetable seeds has nothing to do with other places except to increase the speed and the effect of the flames of the sun in sunny conditions.

Therefore, even if she knew that it would be very unfavorable for Sakura Bao, Miss Vegetable Seed couldn't think of a good way to deal with the burrows of the little fire monkey.

"Sakura treasure uses patience" very quickly, the vegetable seed trainer opposite has a new command, and the vegetable seed trainer is also the command with the attitude of trying.

Although I don't know if I can deal with the sneak attack of the little fire monkey, but the vegetable seed trainer has no choice.

"Endurance?" On the opposite side, seeing Sakura Treasure using the endurance skill, a hint of hesitation flashed on Xiaotian's face. The endurance skill is a powerful skill that doubles the power of the attack he has received.

Of course, the premise is that you have to withstand the opponent's attack and not be stunned. Otherwise, the endurance skill will be interrupted due to fainting and cannot reflect the attack.

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This is what Xiaotian hesitates. Once Little Fire Monkey's attack fails to defeat Sakura Treasure who uses Patience, then the counterattack with double power will definitely be knocked unconscious in Little Fire Monkey's current state.

"Little Fire Monkey uses Flaming Fist" soon, Xiao Xia made up his mind and issued an offensive command to Little Fire Monkey

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