With the speed of the opponent's cherry blossom treasure, it is not easy for the little fire monkey to push the opponent to such a desperate situation, and once the opponent cracks the little fire monkey's digging hole, then in such a sunny weather, the little fire monkey will have no advantage. speakable

Moreover, Pokémon such as Sakura Treasure are not high in all attributes, Xiaotian doesn't believe that the other party's Sakura Treasure is talented in speed and sunshine and flames, as well as physical strength and defense.

Hearing Xiaotian's order, the little fire monkey who had been hiding in the ground suddenly sprang out from Sakura Treasure's side, then waved a fist with flames, and punched Sakura Treasure close at hand.


The powerful power of "Boom~" directly knocked the small Sakura Treasure far away, and hit the surrounding walls, causing secondary damage

Seeing Sakura Treasure slipping from the wall in circles, Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, it was Sakura Treasure, but his physical strength was weak.

"Sakura treasure lost the ability to fight, little fire monkey wins" the referee announced the result of the game

"Sure enough, still haven't resisted the attack of the little fire monkey?" On the opposite side, the vegetable seed trainer retracted the fainted Sakura Treasure a little disappointed.

As a trainer of Sakura Treasure, of course, Miss Vegetables knows where Sakura Treasure's weaknesses are. Although Sakura Treasure has special talents, her own racial value is too low.

"Sister Sundae, Little Fire Monkey is so powerful, she knocked down Sakura Treasure with one blow." In the auditorium, seeing Little Fire Monkey winning, Xiaoxi praised happily.

"Yeah, Little Fire Monkey's Flaming Fist is very powerful." Sundae on the side nodded in agreement

The little fire monkey with the iron fist characteristic will greatly increase the power when using the fighting skills such as the flame fist, which is why Xiaotian does not use the flame wheel, because the fire fist with the iron fist characteristic increase is far more powerful. of more than flame wheel

"It's not bad for the guy who has won the championship three times. Except for the Pachiritz, even this little fire monkey is just as strong." He sighed inwardly, and then Miss Vegetable Seed sent the second Pokémon to participate in the battle.

655. EMI Gym Challenge 3

"It's a grass seedling turtle, amazing speed"

"Ah grass seedling turtle, it's that amazingly fast grass seedling turtle"

"This grass seedling turtle is very strong. At the beginning, it was Xiaotian's Pachiliz who played evenly." Seeing the second Pokémon of Miss Vegetable Seed, the three of Xiaotian couldn't help exclaiming.

Not only Xiaotian envies this tortoise, even Sundae and Xiaoxi are very impressed by this powerful tortoise

"Hmph, my grass seedling turtle is not like Sakura Treasure, it has huge weaknesses, so the grass seedling turtle is quick to fight and use impact." At the beginning of the game, the opposite vegetable trainer was very confident to launch the attack first.

"You're too arrogant, and you underestimate my little fire monkey. The little fire monkey uses the flame fist." Seeing the other party so underestimated the little fire monkey, Xiaotian, who was hesitating whether to replace the Pokémon, made an instant decision. determination

At the current level of the little fire monkey, if you defeat a strong enemy, it is likely to stimulate the evolution of "seven eight seven" in the case of defeating two strong enemies in a row. Against the powerful grass seedling turtle, it is likely to be defeated, so Xiaotian was a little hesitant before whether he should replace the little fire monkey and let the little fire monkey rest for a while

Even if this short rest will greatly reduce the chance of the little fire monkey evolving, at least there is still a chance, and it is better than defeat.

But when he heard the words of the vegetable seeds, Xiaotian instantly gave up the idea of ​​changing the little fire monkey. It has nothing to do with whether the little fire monkey can win or not.

In the field, the grass seedling tortoise slammed into the little fire monkey at an alarming speed, and in the face of the opponent's shocking impact, the little fire monkey directly raised its fist with flames, and the opponent's impact was hard steel.

There is no so-called concentration, because there is no time at all, the other party's grass seedling turtle is too fast, and there is no preparation time for the little fire monkey at all.

However, although the speed of the little fire monkey is not as good as the opponent's, it is not that he can't even react. At least he raises his fist to fight back, and the little fire monkey can still do it.


Super fast impact, powerful punching, two Pokémon were bounced out by the powerful force in each other's moves

"How is that possible?" Seeing the grass seedling tortoise, who kept shaking his head in the field and was stunned by the value of the flame punch from the little fire monkey, Cai Zi couldn't help exclaiming, and then he was secretly shocked" This little fire monkey's melee ability is very strong"

The previous fight between the two Pokémon seemed to be the active attack of the grass seedling turtle, and the little fire monkey was passively resisting, but in fact, it was the grass seedling turtle that suffered more damage, because the little fire monkey's flame The punch is stronger

After being shocked by "the seedling turtle uses parasitic seeds", the vegetable seed trainer tried to use the remote skills to attack

After realizing the powerful melee ability of the little fire monkey, the vegetable seed trainer did not want the grass seedling tortoise to fight the little fire monkey in melee combat, it was purely uncomfortable.

"Knock it down" Seeing that the other party used the parasitic seeds, Xiaotian calmly issued a command

In the field, the grass seedling turtle of the vegetable seed squeezed a seed out of the forehead and hit the little fire monkey, but it was knocked out cleanly and neatly by the little fire monkey's blowing flame. After all, although the grass seedling turtle was surprisingly fast, It does not mean that the ranged skills it uses are also fast

Compared with the speed of perversion, the long-range attack of Miss Vegetable Seed's Turtle is no different from that of ordinary Turtles.

"That little fire monkey has a powerful melee ability, but it can't take the opponent from a distance. How can this happen?" confidence

It should be clear that the little fire monkey should be defeated neatly, how can it become impossible?What's going on?

In the field, I fell into a calm look at each other for a while, Miss Cai Seed didn't attack with a tangled face, and Xiao Tian didn't move. After all, with the speed of the opponent's grass seedlings and turtles, even if the little fire monkey launched an attack, he couldn't defeat the opponent. If you don't talk about it in vain, you may still be found by the opponent to attack.

So Xiaotian responds to all changes without changing, and waits so calmly for the attack of the grass seedling tortoise

"Grass seedling turtle uses magic leaves" for a while, Miss Vegetable Seed gritted her teeth and tried to attack again with a face of unwillingness

"Knock it off"

In the face of the magic leaf that cannot be avoided, the little fire monkey is still a jet of flame to destroy the opponent's magic leaf, making the opponent's attack return in vain.

"Damn monkey, the grass turtle uses the impact" Seeing that the magic leaves of the long-range attack are useless, the vegetable trainer frantically directs the grass turtle to launch a melee battle

"Little Fire Monkey uses Flaming Fist" Seeing that the opponent used the impact again, Xiaotian hurriedly instructed Little Fire Monkey to use Flaming Fist to resist


The two sides flew out again, the same move, the same result, the fight between the two Pokémon is still more damage to the grass seedling turtle, the difference is that this time the grass seedling turtle was hit and flew out, and it was Instead of landing neatly on the ground, it fell heavily on the ground.

"It's so powerful." Seeing the grass seedling tortoise slammed to the ground this time, Miss Vegetable Seed was full of unwillingness.

"Grass seedling turtle uses photosynthesis" Then, Miss Vegetable Seed hurriedly instructed the grass seedling turtle to use recovery skills

"It's over, that grass seedling turtle has restorative skills, but the little fire monkey doesn't have it. If you fight this way, the little fire monkey will lose." Seeing the grass seedling turtle using photosynthesis to recover from the injury and some physical strength, the audience was in the audience. Shang Xiaoxi exclaimed

"It's not like that. The power of Little Fire Monkey's Flaming Fist is greatly improved with the increase of Iron Fist characteristics, and the Fire Attribute attack mixed with the Flaming Fist will also cause double damage to grass-type Turtles, so Little Fire In the battle between the monkey and the grass seedling turtle, the flame fist of the little fire monkey occupies an absolute advantage. As for the photosynthesis of the grass seedling turtle, although it can restore its own injury and physical strength, it is not unlimited use, so the final result is still Unknown" Hearing Xiaoxi's words, the sundae on the side explained to Xiaoxi

In fact, if the grass seedling turtle had not had photosynthesis, it would not even have the qualifications to fight against the little fire monkey. The difference in damage suffered by the two sides is too great, especially when the little fire monkey is too physically exhausted. It will trigger the fire feature, and the gap will be even bigger.

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