"Peng~" With a mental headbutt, Yu Longdu rolled his eyes and fainted gorgeously.

895. war

Holding the fainted Yulongdu, Xiaotian looked helplessly at the few Pokémon in the distance

With Yulongdu's strength, it is completely impossible to block these Pokémon, and in the end, Xiaotian has to be forced to take action, so Xiaotian shot without hesitation and knocked Yulongdu directly.

Looking around, Xiaotian took a long deep breath and then took out the Poke Ball to prepare for battle

This is the continent of Pandora. You don’t need to think about it. Xiaotian can guess that there must be someone in that mysterious organization monitoring the movement here. It’s just that there is no way to hide the surrounding area above the sea, so even if the other party has surveillance personnel, it is impossible to keep a distance very close

See Xiaotian's battle from a distance?As long as you don't let the other party feel the power of the fire-breathing dragon's law at close range

As for seeing the strength of Xiaotian from a long distance?For those surveillance personnel, the strength of over 101 levels is unimaginable for them. It is estimated that in the eyes of those surveillance personnel, there may be no difference between level 109 and level [-], and they are both powerful and terrifying.

Then Xiaotian asked cautiously to the Pokémon in the distance, "I don't know what this guy did, but he is my friend, I must protect him, if he does something to anger you, I apologize to you on his behalf, do you know if I can get you to forgive him, and if I can, I am willing to pay for it."

These guys are all strong at the top. If possible, Xiaotian doesn't want to fight with each other.

And the guys on the opposite side didn't attack Xiaotian as soon as they saw Xiaotian. It was also because the other side was afraid of Xiaotian, because Xiaotian had had unfriendly contact with these Pokémon at the beginning, and the Pokémon on the opposite side knew very well. The power of Xiaotian

So Xiaotian wants to solve the problem of Yulongdu through negotiation

But Xiaotian didn't expect that, he asked such a sentence, and the few Pokémon opposite directly let out a furious roar, and attacked without hesitation.

"Damn, what's wrong, what about the negotiation?"

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the flame vortex to trap the steel bird" Although Xiaotian was a little dumbfounded by the opponent's attack, Xiaotian counterattacked without the slightest hesitation in the face of the opponent's angry attack

And the first target of Xiaotian's attack is the steel bird, which is the official armored bird, but Xiaotian sees that the armored bird is full of steel habit called steel bird

It is neither the two most powerful dragon-type Pokémon, nor the super-power-type Pokémon with unpredictable attacks, nor is it known as the fastest and fastest Dabidiao. Xiaotian chose to trap the steel bird because of this steel. Bird's melee attack is the most terrifying

This steel bird has a very strong melee attack power, and the defense is not known because of the steel system. In terms of melee, this steel bird is completely a battle bird among the steel birds, and it is fierce.

Of course, Xiaotian's choice to take the first shot against the Iron Bird is not all because the Iron Bird's melee combat is strong, but more because the Iron Bird is the fastest.

Although these Pokémon just now approached at an extremely fast speed, the fastest one was this Iron Bird, which was obviously faster than the other Pokémon.

Obviously, the law that this steel bird understands should be the law of speed. Under the circumstance of being surrounded, a steel bird that understands the law of speed and has extremely powerful melee physical attacks is undoubtedly a very big trouble.

Following Xiaotian's command, a huge flame suddenly shot up in the air, and the steel bird was enveloped in a moment without warning but extremely tyrannical.

The continuous rotation of the dark blue flame surrounds the steel bird, the flame vortex, the fire control skill, and can trap the Pokémon besieged by the flame

However, the flame vortex created by Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon not only trapped the steel bird's actions, but also caused huge damage to the steel bird due to the powerful flames.

The law destroys the dragon flame, which combines the fiery heat of the flame and the destructive power of dragon destruction, with powerful destructive power and lethality

At this time, the flame emitted by the fire-breathing dragon is the shattering dragon flame, so even if it is a control skill, it will cause huge damage to the enemy.

However, Xiaotian, who trapped the steel bird, paid no attention to the steel bird at all, because several other Pokémon attacked one after another.

"Be careful with the fire-breathing dragon, avoid it, use the jet of fire and the dragon's claws."

In the air, with the command of Xiaotian, the fire-breathing dragon quickly avoided the destructive light of the fierce bite of the land shark, and then a jet of flame resisted the dragon's breath of the fast dragon and the attack of the opponent's super-type Pokémon, followed by a dragon. The claws blocked the flash of electric light of Dapio

Between the electric and flint, a series of confrontations came down, and Xiaotian's face was a little unsightly, because the opponent was beating, the opponent had too many attack points, and the opponent was not stupid, so they spread out directly.

Even if the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame is more powerful and disperses the opponent's attack, as long as the opponent avoids the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame, the opponent has other Pokémon that can attack.

And the fire-breathing dragon is lacking in avatars, and this is not even faster, the steel bird with stronger melee attacks, otherwise the pressure on Xiaotian will be even greater

The only thing that makes Xiaotian happy is that the teleportation of the opponent's super-type Pokémon has been sealed, and he can only ride on the back of Liebiting Lu Shark to attack as a cannon. As long as Xiaotian is careful, there is no danger.

If the opponent's super-type Pokémon is not sealed, an unpredictable attack point, it will be troublesome for Xiaotian

"No, let's fight quickly, these Pokémon cooperate perfectly and that iron bird will break free."

After a quick thought in his mind, Xiao Tian, ​​who had made up his mind, took out the Poke Ball and threw it out without hesitation.

".¨Quick Dragon, use the Frozen Fist to solve the quick dragon for me, the fire-breathing dragon uses the Dragon's Charge instead of the Sculpture" Xiaotian threw two Pokeballs and gave a command

One of the two Poké Balls thrown by Xiaotian was Kuailong, who had already understood the law. After hearing Xiaotian's order, Kuailong went straight to the other party's Kuailong without any hesitation, while the other Poké Ball, Xiaolong. The direction that the sky threw is to bite the land shark fiercely

As a red line flashed by, a majestic leave king with a silver lustre all over his body suddenly appeared above the fierce bite land shark.

"Right now, the king of leave uses a punch"

"Peng~" With Xiaotian's cry, Liebite Lu Shark and the super-type Pokémon on its back were like a shooting star, and were punched into the sea by the leave king in the air with a swoosh sound.

The sea was like a wounded ground, a huge crater was smashed by a punch of a meteor, and then it was quickly filled with sea water.

On the other side, Xiaotian's Kuailong went straight to the opponent's Kuailong, but the other party didn't run away and chose to fight with Kuailong. The result was very sad. Kuailong was beaten into ice cubes by Xiaotian's Kuailong bang bang bang and fell into the sea

At the same time, the fire-breathing dragon is also like a savage beast, and a dragon's charge knocked the big eagle into the sea

The Dragon Charge released a terrifying aura, striking the opponent while intimidating.make it immobile

The strength of the fire-breathing dragon is stronger than that of the Dabidiao, so the dragon charge of the fire-breathing dragon can completely lock the opponent. Although he suffered several attacks during the charge, the result made Xiaotian extremely satisfied.

In a confrontation, all the other Pokémon were shot into the sea

Of course, Xiaotian knows that such an attack is impossible to defeat these powerful Pokémon.

but enough

So Xiaotian turned around without hesitation

896. escape

Let’s not talk about whether I can fight these Pokémon, the key is that Xiaotian is here to save Yulongdu and there is no need to fight, so after throwing a few Pokémon into the sea, Xiaotian’s first thought was run

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