However, just when Xiaotian was about to escape, two figures suddenly appeared that made the smile on Xiaotian's face stiff.

"So fast!" Looking at the armored bird in front of him, Xiaotian couldn't help but be surprised

According to Xiaotian's calculation, the fire-breathing dragon is stronger than the armored bird, but the fire element restrains the steel element, and the flame vortex of the fire element can trap the opponent for a while.

But Xiaotian never thought that the other party could break free from the flame vortex of the fire-breathing dragon so quickly.

Of course, Xiaotian was right in his calculations. The flame vortex created by the fire-breathing dragon could indeed trap the armored bird for a while, but looking at the Pokémon beside the armored bird, Xiaotian immediately understood that it was this Pokémon. The flame vortex that helped the armored bird break free

"Fire-breathing dragon comes again with a vortex of flames" As soon as he saw the armored bird, Xiaotian hurriedly directed the fire-breathing dragon to attack again

At this time, Xiaotian's face was a little anxious. He had knocked those Pokémon into the sea before, and 950 Xiaotian could take the opportunity to escape and leave here. It will come out again, and Xiaotian will face the situation of being besieged and beaten by then.

In the field, following Xiaotian's command, a huge flame vortex rose into the air again, but the result disappointed Xiaotian. The armored bird, which was the target of the fire-breathing dragon, instantly turned into a white light, giving no chance to the flame vortex at all. Avoid the flame vortex of the fire-breathing dragon

"I can't fight the armor bird, this guy is too fast, and the other party doesn't need to fight with me, just delay a little time and those Pokémon will come out" Seeing the other party avoiding the fire-breathing dragon's attack, Xiaotian a quick thought

After thinking about it, Xiaotian transfers to Kuailong, "Kailong, get out of here as quickly as possible" I won't beat you to the head office, will you?

Following Xiaotian's command, Kuailong issued an attack to force the armored bird to dodge, and then an acceleration seemed to turn into a shooting star, and it slid forward.

The speed of the armored bird is really fast (bgec), because the law understood by the other party is related to speed, but the speed of the fast dragon as one of the fastest flying Pokémon in the world is also self-evident.

With the fast dragon rushing out of the armored bird's block, Xiaotian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Pokémon that were thrown into the sea hadn't come out yet, otherwise Xiaotian would be in trouble.

The power of those Pokémon is terrifying, even if Xiaotian has two Pokémon that can already use the law, facing the beating of those Pokémon is also very stressful.

As for the king of leave, although he made a move before, there is only one chance to make a shot. The king of leave cannot fly. Xiaotian can only release the king of leave to the top of the opponent, make a sneak attack, and then recover the poke ball.

only shot once

However, it can be seen from the armor bird's keen avoidance of the flame vortex of the fire-breathing dragon, the opponent is very smart and will never suffer the same move after suffering a loss.

"Huh?" Just when Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, Xiaotian suddenly frowned and looked in the direction behind him.

"Have you caught up?" Feeling the tracking behind him, Xiaotian's face was full of surprise

"You're so courageous, you even caught up with yourself." After being surprised, Xiaotian suddenly showed a playful smile

The opponent is really strong, but the premise is that the six of you fight together, and now only one catches up, so it's really impossible to say who beats who.

One of the other's Pokémon was completely ignored by Xiaotian

Among the other Pokémon, Liebite Lu Shark and the super-powered Pokémon on its back were thrown into the sea together, and with the strength of Liebite Lu Shark, they were able to quickly re-fly out of the sea.

But he couldn't bear the burden of the other party, and rescuing the super-type Pokémon was enough to delay the fierce bite of Lu Shark for a lot of time.

There is no burden on the fast dragon, so Xiaotian asked the fast dragon to use the freezing fist to attack, and directly beat the wild fast dragon into ice cubes. It also takes a lot of time to break free from the ice cubes.

Although Dapio has neither burden nor ice, but this guy is a bird with feathers all over his body, and it is even worse when he is beaten into the sea.

The danger of the armored bird is even greater, and it was trapped by Xiaotian for the first time.

It can be said that Xiaotian was ready for the first attack. However, there are only five Pokémon in total, such as Liebite Lu Shark, Super-type Pokémon, Dabidiao, Kuailong, and Armor Bird, and one more. Pokémon ignored by Xiaotian

That's right, it was the one that rescued the armored bird before, and it was also a Pokémon that was completely ignored by Xiaotian, the giant-finned flying fish.

Xiaotian doesn't know whether the giant-finned flying fish was hidden in the sea before or was brought over by those Pokémon, but it is certain that the giant-finned flying fish must be extremely powerful.

In the face of such a water-type and flying-type giant-finned flying fish, Xiaotian really had a headache for this guy at first, because this guy can swim and fly, even if he is thrown into the sea, he will turn over and fly out again.

But soon, Xiaotian didn't take this guy seriously, because this guy is both sea and air, but his speed is slow, so Xiaotian initially planned to avoid the giant-finned flying fish and leave here.

But what Xiaotian didn't expect was that in the previous battle, the giant-finned flying fish did not participate in the battle, but went to rescue the trapped armored bird.

Although the armored birds were rescued, they were dumbfounded in the next scene. The rest of the companions were all thrown into the sea, and Xiaotian even ran away. Do you think you are chasing or not chasing?

Chase, the giant winged flying fish is too slow to catch up with the speed of the fast dragon

Let the armored bird carry the giant winged flying fish?It's not impossible, it's just that with such a big pile of things, no matter how fast the armored bird is, it is impossible to catch up with the fast dragon with such a burden on the stall.

Not chasing? Obviously, what Yulongdu has done this time is a bit too much, so that this armored bird who helps can't stand it

So in the end, the armor bird decided to catch up alone.

However, seeing this scene, Xiaotian suddenly smiled, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes

"I can only run with the six of you. Now you are the only one left, and you dare to chase? Armored bird, you are floating~".

897. Tangled Xiaotian

On an isolated island in the ocean, Xiaotian looked at the pokeball in his hand and his face was full of tangle.

In the previous battle, Xiaotian finally managed to escape, but the armored bird persevered and chased after him.

At first, Xiaotian ignored it. Xiaotian was afraid that the Pokémon would overtake him if he was too close, but the armored bird kept chasing him, chasing him all the way.

Feeling that I ran far enough, Xiaotian stopped, it's time to let the armored bird know why the flowers are so red

No nonsense, Xiaotian directly released two Pokémon, the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon. Of course, the fast dragon was not released to surround the armored bird, but to prevent the armored bird from escaping.

After all, the fire-breathing dragon is stronger and its attributes restrain the armored bird, and the armored bird is strong enough to become the fire-breathing dragon's opponent.

But what Xiaotian didn't expect was that just because Xiaotian said to Kuailong, "Kulong, pay attention to the armored bird, don't let it escape", but directly made the armored bird furious.

Then this guy is trying his best to fight the fire-breathing dragon to the death

Although the furious madness did bring a little trouble to the fire-breathing dragon at first, it was a pity that the fire-breathing dragon was stronger than the armored bird, and the fire-type of the fire-breathing dragon restrained the steel-type armored bird.

And this armored bird is also stubborn, and it does not run until the end of the battle, just

As a result, there is no doubt that the fire-breathing dragon successfully ko armored bird

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