"This Wu Song is disgusting. He is looking for his sister because he and his sister are the champion of Shenao and the king of heaven. Why don't other heavenly kings often look for her sister, and the gloomy face is definitely not a good person." Sundae saw Tianwang Wusong came to find his sister again, and said to Xiaotian angrily

Xiaotian also took a closer look at this Wu Song, with eyes and long dark blue hair, his eyes were a little feminine, and he felt a little gloomy.

Then Sundae walked over with Xiaotian, "Sister, are you so busy with work? Why does this King Wusong always come to you, but you said you would accompany me until I set off for a trip" Sundae told Shirona said coquettishly

Wu Song frowned when he heard Sundae's words, and then saw Xiaotian on the side, his face was even more gloomy, which made Xiaotian very strange.

Compared with Wu Song, although Xiaotian is small, he is really for the handsome guy, and what Xiaotian doesn't know is that as long as it is a handsome guy who appears beside Shirona, Wu Song has this virtue.

"Sundae is good, Shirona is responsible as a champion of Shenao, and I can't accompany you." Wu Song said softly to Sundae, and he didn't dare to offend Shirona's sister Wu Song

"I don't want it, the big deal is that my sister is not a champion. I want my sister to accompany me." Sundae shouted coquettishly with a disobedient expression of a child.

Then he shouted to Wu Song angrily, "What's the matter, my sister can't be a champion, can't it?"

Make Wu Song very embarrassed, don't know what to say

"The sundae is good, can the champion be inappropriate?" Xirona said to the sundae, and then said to Wu Song with a calm face

"My sister will continue to travel in a few days. I want to stay at home with my sister for a few days, and the league's work is not bad these days."

"Well then, okay?" Wu Song was helpless when he heard Shirona's words, and suddenly looked at Xiaotian Wusong with a gloomy face and asked Shirona

"Who is this? Don't you want to introduce me?" Shirona's face wrinkled as she asked Wu Song, just about to speak.

It was at this moment that the small sundae on one side turned and said with a bright smile.

"This is my travel companion Xiaotian, and she is very strong, but my sister is very optimistic about Xiaotian."

300 Xiaotian on the side also looked at Wu Song with a speechless face. You are so virtuous, you can't control your expression, but you still want to pick up girls. You are daydreaming. Besides, who am I? It's not bad to say that you are picking up girls

Even Xiaotian, who has a low EQ, can see it. This Wu Song changed his face when he saw a man next to Shirona. Although Shirona usually has a cute face, it does not mean that her IQ is low. She can become a champion with a IQ. low?

Hearing that the sundae said that Xirona was optimistic about Xiaotian, Wu Song's face became more gloomy. Not only was he handsome, but he was also strong, and the threat was even greater. Then Wu Song showed a fake smile on Xiaotian's face. God said

"Since Hirona is optimistic about you, let me see your strength, is it worth Hirona's favor?"

Yes, as far as your IQ is concerned, Xiaotian is also convinced. As soon as Xiaotian heard Sundae's words, he knew that Sundae wanted Wusong to trouble Xiaotian. Let's not talk about whether Wusong could defeat Xiaotian. If he did, he was just bullying. The little child, will make Hirona think that you have no power, how much power can you bully the child, maybe you will ridicule a few words and say that such strength is not worthy of Hirona's fancy, that will make Hirona I'm even more tired of Wu Song. If you lose, needless to say, uncle, do you still have the face to stay, and Xiaotian's strength, will you be afraid of Wu Song? Although he can't beat Xirona, it does not mean that Xiaotian, the king of a region can't beat

Moreover, Xiaotian only brought two strongest fire-breathing dragons and Bangira this time, and the remaining three newly conquered Pokémon were obviously unable to fight. , enough for you.

70. The Treachery of the Sundae

"No, Xiaotian only brought two Pokémon, the others are novice Pokémon that have just been captured at my house, and they can't fight."

Before Xiaotian could speak, Sundae hurriedly said, it seems that he has made up his mind to let Wu Song fight in Xiaotian 2v2, and Wu Song is the second guy.

"It doesn't matter, let's 2v2, you can see your strength as well," Wu Song said with a relaxed expression.

Hearing Wu Song's promise to Sundae was a sly smile, and Xirona looked at Wu Song with some surprise. Xirona knew how strong Xiaotian was. Although she couldn't beat herself, it didn't mean she was not strong. On the contrary, then Only the fire-breathing dragon is absolutely crushed by the general level of the king. How much of a heart do you have to challenge Xiaotian so easily?

Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon and Bangira are much stronger than Xiaotian's other Pokémon, and in general areas, Tianwang usually has at least 4 quasi-champion Pokemon, so now Xiaotian still can't beat Tianwang, but one-finger spray Fire dragon, its strength is absolutely strong enough

"If the fire-breathing dragon and Bangira, hehe" Sundae sneered

"Okay then, I hope King Wusong will be merciful," Xiaotian said. He also hates this gloomy Wusong. Since you are looking for death, you can't blame others.

"Don't worry, I will show mercy, just to see your strength," Wu Song pretended to be generous with a fake smile on his face

"Since we're going to fight, let's go to the battlefield," Sundae said impatiently, and ran away in a hurry. Whenever he met someone on the road, he would say to him, "King Wusong will challenge a newcomer who has set out for a year." Maybe it was Wu Song Heavenly King's curiosity may also be because of this unequal battle. Most of the clansmen went to the competition venue to watch the battle after knowing it. After all, people are very curious, not to mention that the battle is what all trainers like, regardless of their own. fight or watch

When Wu Song, Shirona Xiaotian and others came to the audience venue, a group of people were already waiting

"I said bald mouth" Sundae said embarrassedly

But obviously this is the sundae's intention, you can't find so many people in Baluzui, you must say when you see people

Wu Song didn't care either. He thought Sundae felt excited to watch his battle, so he told others. What Wu Song didn't know was that Sundae just wanted to see you lose to most of my family. A rookie trainer, you still have the face to come to my house in the future

Although Xirona is now a cute person, she also feels the careful thinking of the sundae, but she didn't say it. In fact, Xirona is also very tired of Wu Song, but as the champion and the champion of the Shenao region. Colleague Tianwang, Shirona doesn't want to show it

When the audience saw Wu Song, Shirona Xiaotian and others coming in, there was a lively discussion.

"That little handsome guy is a rookie trainer who has started a new year, right? Gosong Tianwang is just bullying to fight against him." "It's unfair"

"Why does Wu Song fight with a newcomer who has been out for a year?" This is curious

"Wusong Tianwang is such a big person, it's a shame to challenge a child" This is a normal person

"Is that handsome guy with red eyes and black hair a travel companion for the sundae, so handsome, the sundae is so happy" This is a nympho

As soon as he entered the room and heard what everyone was talking about, Wu Song's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker.

Although Hirona heard it, she didn't stop her and ran to act as the referee. Now that so many spectators have turned this match into an open match, a referee is needed. For example, the match between Hirona and Xiaotian is a private match, so there is no need for a referee.

"Rule 2v2, the two sides of the game Wu Song Tianwang vs. the rookie trainer Xiaotian, the Pokémon cannot be changed in the middle, and the battle begins" Xirona announced the start

"Go Pokémon" Xiaotian and Wu Song send their own Pokémon directly

Wu Song was taken aback when he saw Xiaotian's Pokémon, but Xiaotian laughed when he saw the Pokémon sent by Wu Song. Are you still pretending?

Originally, if Wu Song's strength was full, he would be able to defeat Xiao Tian's Bangira. After all, Tian Wang's strength is not weak, and there will be quasi-championship-level Pokémon. However, Wu Song sent a 79-level Tianwang Peak Pokémon, where are you? Looking for abuse, and Xiaotian's fire-breathing dragon next, Xiaotian is confident, no matter what Pokémon Wu Song sends, as long as it is not a champion, it will be destroyed, and Wu Song has a champion level, obviously not, so the ending has been As you can imagine, both Pokémon have been crushed, what about the king?What a shame

Looking at the shocked King Wusong, the sundae snickered with his mouth covered, making you annoying, and seeing that you will never come to see your sister in the future

The audience finally knows why Wu Song is going to challenge the newcomer trainer who has been out for a year. Looking at the powerful momentum of that class, it is obviously only a very powerful Pokémon.

The Pokémon sent by Wu Song are level 79 sucker puppets. Most of the Pokémon of Wu Song, the super-type king, are super-type.

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