Taking back the shock in his heart, Wu Song showed a serious face. I thought that Xiaotian, as a new trainer who started for a year, had a great Pokémon at the level of the king. He only sent 79 sucker puppets for insurance, but they fixed it. A quasi-champion-level Bangira, who are you trying to scare to death? Look at the momentum this Bangira exudes, it should be a quasi-champion junior. Fight, then let you know that even if your Pokémon is higher in level, the battle depends not only on the level, but also command experience. Let me teach you how to fight.

Let's not talk about how good Xiaotian's command is. It seems that Xiaotian is specially designed to fight Wu Song. Just when Wu Song was eager to try, Xiaotian directly commanded, "Bangira, the mega-evolution of the returned mind"

The colored rays of light dissipated, and what appeared was a mega Bangira. The spikes on the back were longer, and the same face pattern appeared on the chest. The appearance was even more ferocious. advanced

Wu Song, who was eager to try, was stunned by a hammer, and his face stiffened.

The difference in strength between Tianwang Peak and the quasi-champion-level Pokémon is not too big. It may be possible to use the command to leapfrog the battle, but if you raise it to the champion intermediate level, there is a lot of difference in the middle. Is this still playing like this?

But in order not to be embarrassed in front of Shirona, Wu Song had a dark face, and barely raised his spirit to command ".

"Bangira's Evil Fluctuation," Xiaotian said lightly, to deal with such an opponent, Xiaotian does not need to be serious

When the trainer is commanding the battle, the Pokémon will feel the trainer's mood, so when the trainer is full of seriousness, the Pokémon will emit a powerful strength that exceeds their own strength level, but this is not something that ordinary trainers can do. Yes, that requires a certain level of intimacy between the Pokémon and the trainer.

The evil type and the super power type restrain each other, but Bangira is obviously stronger, not only the grade work Jiera needs to do, but also the sucker puppet is peerless in terms of qualifications, and Bangira is a godsend, so Bangira's strength is much stronger. , after Bangira's wave of evil and mental strength collided, the wave of evil was not completely offset, and there was still some power left to attack the sucker, Zhao Ou.

"Sucker Magic Wall of Light" Wu Song commanded, you can't dodge now, let's not talk about whether you can dodge it first, even if you dodge this not-so-powerful wave of evil, you will definitely face a stormy attack from Bangira. , the desert tyrant is not joking, and now the sandstorm sucker golems in the sky will also suffer continuous attacks, it is just right to use the wall of light, and the wall of light uses the mysterious wall to weaken the damage of the opponent's special attack.

Bangira's characteristic is sand, and the appearance changes the weather. With the sand characteristic, the weather turns into a sandstorm.

"Bangira Earthquake" Xiaotian said lightly

A powerful earthquake was unleashed by Bangira, and the powerful force made the entire battlefield start shaking, not to mention the center of the strongest earthquake. The suction cup puppet on the top felt like standing on the sea, and it was difficult to stand, and finally the suction cup puppet was knocked to the ground by the fluctuation of the earthquake.

"Bangira Earth Power" saw the opponent in the end, Xiaotian's eyes lit up and took the opportunity to command.The power of the earth, releasing the power of the earth under the opponent's feet will reduce the opponent's special defense.

71. Fighting the King Wu Song.

The sucker golem that fell to the ground did not escape, and was hit by the powerful force of the earth and suffered a lot of damage.

"Sucker magic puppet heals fluctuations" Wu Song commanded, Wu Song was also very surprised by the powerful skills of this Bangira.

"Although the healing fluctuation of the sucker puppet can heal the injury, it is not as fast as self-recovery. As long as the sucker puppet is continuously damaged, it will soon lose its combat effectiveness, not to mention giving you time to heal." Xiaotian Said calmly with a little confidence, and then commanded Bangira.

"Bangira rushes over no matter what skills the sucker golem uses, use the wave of evil to block it." Of course, the skills against the super power type are easy to use.

The aggressive Bangira rushed towards the sucker golem. During the period, Bangira used the wave of evil to resist the skills of the sucker golem, and then continued to rush over.

"Sucker Magic Puppet Reflection Shield" Wu Song quickly commanded, the reflection shield, using the mysterious wall to weaken the damage of the opponent's physical attack. (Bookstore shu05.com)

Super power-type Pokémon and desert tyrant Bangira are definitely abused in melee combat. Wu Song, as a king, still knows it, so it is better to add a layer of protection to be on the safe side.

"The reflective shield only weakens physical attacks, not immunity. Melee combat is definitely being abused by Banjira." Seeing Wu Song letting the shuffleboard golem use the reflective shield, Xiaotian secretly said, now just think of a way to get Banjira closer body, this battle is easy to fight, just the suction cup magic puppet will not move such a displacement skill instantaneously,

Bandera, who finally came to the washing-pan golem, really showed the strength of the desert tyrant to the sucker golem Bandera in front of him, causing very serious damage to 163.However, Wu Song is worthy of being the king of heaven. Although under unfavorable circumstances, he also directed the sucker golem to cause a lot of damage to the class.

Those spectators and Sunda Xirona were also watching the game attentively. Needless to say, the strength of King Wusong is strong, and the strength of Xiaotian is even more powerful. Bangira can actually press the Pokémon of the King of Heaven to fight, which is simply amazing. The blood is boiling, and looking at the damage of Bangira's skill, it is simply overwhelming.

For those viewers, the strength of a quasi-champion is a powerful term, so they will feel that Bangira's skills are powerful, including sundaes, but in Xirona's view, it is just good, the power is very strong, this is powerful. The difference between the weak and the weak, the vision is also different

In the end, although the Sucker Golem was dealt a lot of damage to the class, it was knocked down by Bangira and lost its combat effectiveness.

The audience cheered and surprised when they saw such a powerful battle, especially the rookie trainer who was able to defeat the King of Heaven.

Wu Song's face had turned black into briquettes. Finally, he took a deep breath, cheered up, and released his most powerful Pokémon, level 86 Elledo, intending to make a comeback.

"I don't believe that your strength is really that strong and you're a quasi-championship," Wu Song secretly said.

However, it seems that Xiaotian is trying to combat the existence of Wu Song. This time Xiaotian sent a fire-breathing dragon and directly ordered the mega evolution.

The light spread out, and a black domineering appeared, with a blue flame on the corner of its mouth, more imposing than Bangira's Pokémon

"Nima" Wu Song's face is extremely ugly. At first glance, this fire-breathing dragon is stronger than Bandera before. Is this little innocent really a trainer who has been out for a year? Wu Song is extremely suspicious. Now Wu Song has no idea what to say. Now, I just want to win the game, even if I win this fire-breathing dragon to a tie, otherwise I will lose my face if I lose to a rookie trainer.

It's a pity, it seems that this Xiaotian is specifically Wu Song's nemesis, and it is at this time that Xiaotian is in command

"Fire-breathing dragon spewing flames"

A powerful jet of flame was spit out by the fire-breathing dragon, Wu Song was startled, and hurriedly said, "Elueduo, run away!"

Dangerously and dangerously dodging the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame, Wu Song was left in a cold sweat, leaving a scorch mark of more than 30 meters where the jet flame passed, showing its powerful power

"Fire-breathing Dragon's Claw" Xiaotian continued to command indifferently. In Xiaotian's opinion, the fire-breathing flame was just to say hello to the other side, but Wu Song didn't think so. Although the momentum of the fire-breathing dragon just now was a little stronger than that of Bangira But it's not that big, so Wu Song thought that the fire-breathing dragon's strength was only a little stronger than that of Bangira. Now, looking at the power of this skill, what's the point? It's about to catch up with the peak of the quasi-championship.

Wusong Tianwang wants to cry now, originally just seeing Xiaotian, such a handsome guy, was a little uncomfortable around Shirona, so he wanted to defeat Xiaotian and pretend to be in front of Shirona, and told Shirona, even if this Xiaotian was a little bit Talent, whether it can reach his own level in the future is not sure, I didn't expect it.Don't want to be abused, in Xiaotian's words, this is pretending to be irresistible

Thinking of being defeated in two battles for a while, Wu Song's heart is relieved when he thinks that he is still in front of Shirona.

"No, I have to fight my life to defeat the fire-breathing dragon, or what will Xirona think of me?" Wu Song thought to himself.

It is a pity that in the face of the powerful attack of the fire-breathing dragon, especially the super power system is not famous for its attack power, but is famous for its unpredictable, field control, reflection, and recovery. The attack is not to be

Seeing that King Wusong was still being beaten by Xiaotian in the second game, the audience was talking about it again. I lost the first game, maybe it was because I was a rookie trainer and underestimated the enemy, but after losing a game Under the circumstances, the second game was still pressed, which shows the strength

"Damn" Wu Song is extremely depressed now, the fire-breathing dragon's powerful attacks continue to send out as if effortlessly, Eludor only has constant teleportation,

Or reflect some skills, although the reflected skills will reflect the skills back, but you will also be hurt, and the constant teleportation is also very stamina, and there are always times when you can't escape.

"Why is this fire-breathing dragon's attack so powerful?" Wu Song was extremely annoyed. As a regional king, Wu Song of course knew about mega evolution. Although he envied Xiaotian's mega evolution, these are not important now. The important thing is that this fire-breathing dragon has passed through After the evolution of mega, the strength is very strong, and Wu Song feels a little breathless when playing

At this moment, Eluledo, who was constantly moving in an instant, couldn't dodge and was swept away by a jet flame of the fire-breathing dragon. He was instantly injured, and was knocked out by the powerful power of the jet flame and fell to the ground.

"Fire-breathing dragon bursting flames" saw Eluledo get hurt and flew out, Xiaotian's eyes lit up and commanded

Hearing Xiaotian's command, the fire-breathing dragon's mouth has been condensed with large fireballs.

"Use protection" Wu Song hurriedly commanded, if he is hit by the fire element's ultimate move, the burst flame, the battle will basically be over.

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